Change the name of this subreddit.

0  2014-09-10 by davdmoy

The constant hate for Opie is extremely tired. If you hate Opie, just stop listening. I think he does a fine job of controlling the conversation. Does he sometimes talk over people? Sure. But everyone talks over each other, even in regular conversations. I followed this subreddit for good discussions about the show, instead it had turned into a bitch fest about how terrible Opie is. Just move on.


This must be something like the 30th thread that has been made by somebody who's tired of people pointing out correct flaws about Opie.

If you don't like it, go to /r/opiewithjimshow, or make threads about something other than Opie.

Well then come back here and shut up!

You think Hughes does a fine job, and simultaneously and without irony expect your suggestions to be taken seriously? If you are so wildly wrong about the shadow on the lung x-ray of good radio that is Gregg Hughes, what makes you believe you are correct about anything else?

This subreddit is now dedicated to sustained abuse of the talentless, unpleasant, human shitstain Hughes. Don't care for it? Just move on.

Why not take your own advice and not click on them? Not an Opie hater here but I think people have some valid points

“See this here, it says first you cook, then you chill. And that’s what I do every night! First I cook, and then I chill! Aw yeah. Now excuse me while I kiss the sky."


Ironically, the Opie haters don't like it when you point out how boring and unfunny they are. They're everything they hate about Opie, except Opie takes the weekend off.

It's a waste of time trying to convince these fine individuals anything but. Just let this sub rot while we go visit another.

Excuse me while I step aside from the downvote avalanche.