Jerry Appreciation Thread.

78  2014-09-10 by halareous

You're doing God's work Jerr Jerr. Luv ya miss ya.


Opie proved his point better than he ever could've.

holy shit was that call douche-chilling to listen to, opie sounded like a popular high school girl going straight to his ballwashers, and resorting to diminishing the other guys point by calling him a hater and obsessed. but what the fuck do i know? i dont make millions piggybacking the talent of others so i'm just a hater =\

No but you are using a throwaway which is pretty sad in its self and apparently you were never a fan of the show. Opie didn't piggy back anyone him and Anthony had some of the best radio chemistry ever when together. Even recently when Jimmy was out people talked about how good the just Opie and Anthony shows were. You're a dope. No one fucked with people better than them two together.

There were plenty of shows, O&A shows, where the ol' Opester barreled over people, sabotaged what could have been good bits, and went to Lady Di or Bobo for 20 minutes for no reason when there was good ranting going on. They did have good chemistry, I would never argue that, but only when Opie wanted that.

Lady, die is fuckin amazing and hilareous. The fact that she reminds of your mom is no reason to talk bad about the gal

Your phone crapped out.

And there's plenty of times Anthony droaned on about race, interviewed George Zimmermans brother twice. The Ann Coulter interviews? Who do you think that was? Anthony. All that was shitty radio. What's you point? There were literally weeks during the treyvon stuff the show was hijacked the entire time with no funny in ants rants.

How Anthony behaves has nothing to do with how Opie behaves. Your apples and oranges defense of fat tits makes you look ALLLL THE MORE FOOLISH, my friend.

But, since you've chosen this route....You criticize Anthony out of the blue for that shit, and he acknowledges it and tries to change. Look at TACS. You criticize Opie and it's all about how great the company (same folks who fired Ant for saying mean things about someone who put dents in his head by the by) thinks the show is now, and how much less money you have than Jelly Tits Scarecrow Hair. Thank you, thank you so much, for making my point for me. You really do take after your hero.

Not sure if you listen closely or not but Opie was saying the same stuff when Anthony was still there about how the company loved the show and its direction. Now that Anthony is fired that changes? You're seriously reaching. And I believe Opie even said they've had a rough time with the show lately but despite all that management still likes them. My guess is Opie still wants to do radio. What's he supposed to do blow up his on career for Anthony who immediately started his own shit without ever waiting for Opie or Jimmy. Anthony was fired and then a week later it's like he had forgot he ever worked with anyone else. What about that? You really think Opie wants to broadcast daily from the compound?

I thought all these guys cancelled their subscriptions, as requested by the great Brother Joe?

I will send a bottle of Captain Morgan Private Stock to the first caller that gets a Father Doris reference on the air.

I don't know why, but I laughed my ass off on this.

uncleLuke...this has been my goal for the past two weeks. I will not rest.

Who is Father Doris?

Father Doris finds YOU; not the other way around.

Buy this guy a beer.

Opie: You're just a hater, you're obsessed, move on you hater!

Jerry: Oh here come the ball lickers!

Opie: They aren't ball lickers just cos they like the show, come on that's not a fair argument!

What. A. CUNT.


Opie got carried though his whole career. He just can't deal with that now.

Footprints in the sand or sumpin. Antny was Jesus all along. Fawk yeah.

The man's name is /u/lolwut314

Show him your respect

His name is /u/lolwut314.

His name is /u/lolwut314.

His name is /u/lolwut314.

His name is /u/lolwut314.
His name is /u/lolwut314.
His name is /u/lolwut314.


Opie acted like such a fucking queer.

Jerry Shepardini?

jerry for third mic



We need a clip of just Opie losing his shit on Jerry at the end of the call and making his insults/mongoloid voice - I bet it could be the most viral clip Opie's been in.

That's basically what you have now. Since Opie was to afraid to let Jerry talk.

I know, I kind of wanted a supercut of just opie for a solid wave of douche chills, but then I realized he was talking over everyone the whole time anyway.

OP is Jerry

Jerry is a good egg!

If I had friends, I would lead them into a "for he's a jolly good fellow" or a nice "hip hip hooray" for Jer.

Listening to the call right now...Opie's ego is tremendous, wow. He isn't talent, and he really thinks he is.

Yeah, like when HooHoo started losing it, as the talent and charisma fades/disappears/gets fired/is revealed to never have been there in the first place, the ego ratchets up to try to make up the loss by trumpeting the resume/former glories.

And it never works, and it never fools anybody but the most committed ball-washers, as we're clearly hearing.

There's also a weird, paranoid power-mad thing that goes on. Moving forward, if there is a "forward", it will be Opie's way or the highway, and, as difficult as it is to imagine, "Opie's way" will become exponentially more douche-chilly than it already is.

I agree. I don't know if he's just slipping out of sanity or what it is. Personally, I think he would make a great PD. He knows how to put together talent and he knows how to let talented people work. The problem with that is that he doesn't have a mic in front of him and I think that scares him.

Yeah, it's a bit scary, because, like HooHoo, Opie's becoming an almost completely different person.

And no offense, but I think anybody who thinks he'd make a good PD/radio executive is just drinking kool-aid, and is losing touch with reality themselves. It's completely obvious that Opie doesn't know what makes good/funny radio anymore, else we'd be hearing some good shows, wouldn't we?

There'd be a level of quality to the proceedings, and that level would be above "ketchup".

This was his time to shine, but instead, he went to complete and utter shit, and almost the entire fan-base has or is in the process of completely turning on him.

And this all went down in about two months!

He couldn't be failing worse and harder if he was trying.

And this is on top of the fact that as a PD, you have to babysit talent, and put up with their fickle, immature, unreasonable whims and diva-behavior. You've got to be the sympathetic ear, and you've got to play the diplomat/ambassador.

Opie, the completely selfish, obnoxious, abrasive, whiny baby that he is, would be a complete disaster in that role.

Please don't give Opie credit for having Patrice and Louie C.K. in the studio back in the day; any monkey could see that was a smart move, just like any monkey could see putting Billy West behind a microphone to do his wacky impressions, or hiring Artie, was a good move, too.

You say that any monkey could see it, but if you've listened to 90% of local stations, they don't. Jim still tells stories about when he does press they want him to do bits and shit like that. With his ego, of course he couldn't do it, but I think he's had good vision over the years and I think he could make it work (if he was humble about it)



What is he, like a mouse or sumpthin?

I listen because I hope the show will improve. After listening for so long, it is hard to believe it this bad. But it usually is.

And with that said, my two SXM subs are being cancelled at the end of the month. Probably hop on to the Anthony Cumia Show.

We need a barrage of these types of calls EVERY SINGLE DAY.


At first I was nervous because I thought he would wuss out like other "haters", but he stuck in there, great job jerry!