So which one of you cunts called in to try to put Opie in his place?

0  2014-09-10 by RyanThaDude

Nice try cuntface. Go away with the rest of you dickbags.


Nice call. And as everyone could have predicted, he talked all over him and tried to insult by calling him names.

The main takeaway is the caller got Opie to admit several times that he has no chemistry with somebody he has been working with since 2001. Ooh, gonna hire that fella again!

But Sirius loves what the show has become...according to Opie. What a disillusioned asshat.

It wouldn't surprise me if they did, after all they just want filler

I guess they might love that they have a strong justification to pay them a lot less. There used to be an Opie and Anthony channel. Now it's just a much weaker show on "SiriusXM Talk".

And as I predicted you have nothing original to say except the same tired old reasons why he sucks. We get it. You hate Opie. You're trying to get under his skin. Just keep going. He'll continue to make millions while you sit behind a computer being a burden to society.

I don't hate Opie. I have never met the man so how can I hate him?

I stand behind my statement. He talks over everyone to win arguments often times being entirely wrong.

Calm down, Sir.

Opie took that call expecting him to be an idiot, but the guy made valid educated points without being a yelling cunt and Opie had no response besides talking over him. He also did the thing that he made fun of jocks for during radio wars...bringing callers on saying how awesome he is. If it wasn't for Ant, he'd be those PDs that he says are "PDs because they never had the talent to be on air."

Please elaborate. What valid educated points did he make?

He stomps over people. He got lucky picking up Ant. Everything else was stomped over by Opie and then Opie cut him off.

Already been mentioned so many times. What else?

Well we can't bring up anything else because Opie hung up on him.

As he should, although I would have liked to hear what he said just to hear Opie rip him. But honestly, if you have a small group of individuals who just continue to bash you constantly without any valid reason, wouldn't you just hang up, too, even if one caller decides to give him any constructive criticism? You don't think he hears the same crap every day?

Look, the show is not what it was with Anthony and it never will. Face it, the show's over as we once knew it. Do I see it continuing after October? Only he knows, but the constant bashing will not do anything.

I see what you're saying, but then why even pick up the call. He wanted to trash him. After he saw it wasn't gonna be an easy caller bashing he hung up. I'm sure the show would be better if SXM wasn't so restrictive so they could do things like the whiffle ball bat challenge, but Opie has used the restrictions as an excuse to be lazy. I still listen partly because of habit, partly because of yimmy, and mostly because the show has showed me how regular radio is shitty. The show is foul mouthed regular radio show anymore.

The call did not start off as a trash call.

C'mon man, you know he picked up that call because he thought the caller was going to be an ignorant ass.

You keep saying the fans are bashing Opie "without any valid reason". Yet, very valid reasons have been given. The fans are frustrated with the Ant situation, but, they're furious that 1) Opie won't listen to those very valid reasons and/or TRY to make changes and 2) Opie acts like EVERY two-bit "radio guy" he's been making fun of since he's been on the air.

Put yourself in his place with years and years of the constant trashing he receives (Ant & Jimmy receive them, too) and one or a few people actually want to give him constructive criticism? At this point he's heard everything you've got to tell him.

Just because these issues have already been raised does not invalidate them from the discussion.

These are reasons enough for the quality to go downhill. Ant operated as a filter to keep Opie from talking over guests and comedic events. With that gone, every time some steam is being built up Opie jumps in and manages to slow the pace and kill the building of humor. His current pacing and ability to let the comedy develop naturally is terrible. The sad truth is that he needed Ant and Jim together to create the magic of the O and A show.

Furthermore, Ant needed Opie to keep the discussion from CONSTANTLY devolving into race, economic equality and gun control issues. A lot of the content on Ant's show reflects this, and this is causing there to a be a wider rift between the Opie and Anthony camps.

TLDR: The magic of Opie and Anthony required all of them together to balance everyone out. They all have flaws.

Fair enough, and honestly I don't totally disagree with you. What really bothers me is blatant hate/bashing. There is content on this sub that I don't mind reading but it's getting to the point where I'm about to give up since I constantly have to weed through the same "Opie Sucks" broken record. I suggest most of the haters here do the same thing that I'm about to do and just turn it off (Reddit in my case).

I can agree with you on the sheer amount of Opie hate, but I think that is tied to the fact that people may still have regular access to the O and J show (i.e. in their cars, or on their phones) which they may not have to view Ant's content. Therefore, the people who want to bitch about the Sirius content still have more access/exposure to that show.

With more people watching/listening to Ant, I think there could be some valid Ant hate to throw out, too. He is unfiltered, which can fall right off the deep end of barely hidden racism and political fervor. Also, those Mangrate ads are the fucking WORST. Except when Bwobbee Kelly was there...

Some extreme butthurt from the opie arse munchers in this thread. Lmao.

866 WOW 1 WOW. Or something.

To quote you, Die.

Hahaha! Keep down voting. What fucking jokes.

Just stop listening. Opie's right. Those hating with passion are just way too obsessed. Move on with your lives already

You can't tell this whiny twats anything. They already have it in their mind that Opie sucks but continue to listen just to justify their existence. It's been this way ever since Day 1 and will continue until they get their way to shitcan Opie because, well, he sucks. :/

Well we can't bring up anything else because Opie hung up on him.

Just because these issues have already been raised does not invalidate them from the discussion.

These are reasons enough for the quality to go downhill. Ant operated as a filter to keep Opie from talking over guests and comedic events. With that gone, every time some steam is being built up Opie jumps in and manages to slow the pace and kill the building of humor. His current pacing and ability to let the comedy develop naturally is terrible. The sad truth is that he needed Ant and Jim together to create the magic of the O and A show.

Furthermore, Ant needed Opie to keep the discussion from CONSTANTLY devolving into race, economic equality and gun control issues. A lot of the content on Ant's show reflects this, and this is causing there to a be a wider rift between the Opie and Anthony camps.

TLDR: The magic of Opie and Anthony required all of them together to balance everyone out. They all have flaws.