To whomever called Opie out...

32  2014-09-10 by bdizzle45

Good job. You showed what a real ass he is. He said just because someone is a fan doesn't mean their ball kickers, but because you don't like the show you have to be a hater. The dude can't take criticism.


"The company really likes how the show sounds."

When would anyone on THIS show have EVER said THAT.

O&A prided themselves on being the show that management hated...

He's basically saying, "We aren't rocking the boat by taking chances, creating edgy radio, and we are obedient to the bosses; we are company approved now!"

exactly what I was thinking

not an Opie apologist by any means even though i have defended him to a point in this thread, but yea i got douche chills when he said that and was like wow seriously, this from the guy who bitched about the company on a weekly basis.

The same company he shit on the past 5 years. But now that he's going to lose his fucking job he's a company man.

They like it so much his contract is up in weeks and he hasn't signed a new one.

Opie continues to throw out that he made Ant and brought in Jim. Wonderful, I applaud your foresight in the past. That has nothing to do with your awful radio performance now.

Someone still owes him the finder's fee. Until he gets paid he's gonna keep talking. 19 years and counting with the Opester.

DAMN IT Jerry, Im not talkin about yer damn fee!

Then don't listen to opies show. Amazing concept huh?

hahaha silly goose

I can agree with you, but I'm listening for Jim, Sam, Erock and the crew. I've always liked what they put out, with Opie being kind of a weak link. Now that Ants out, I still want to hear everyone. Opie is being thrust into the forefront, which he has not had the chops to handle for quite a while.

TLDR: I still like everyone else involved in the show and listen for their inputs.

It's still illogical. If Opie disappears, so does the show. There is absolutely no scenario where you can hear the rest of the staff and not hear Opie.


listen to criticism and try to salvage the show.

This isn't why people are critical. If it is, then everyone really needs to take a quick lesson in the difference between Constructive Criticism vs Destructive Criticism. One is helpful. The other is not.


Lol ok. Through the power of technology it can be simulated, I admit.

You're I can't stand Bono but the drumming? I just listen for that. I actually got a guy that makes YouTube videos for me that cuts Bono out entirely of U2.

That sounds pretty awesome actually.

I also like the Ron and Fez show, even though Fez irritates me at times. Strangely, I think someone has been cutting his audio out of the Sirius XM feed for years...



There is no link b/c he's lying. He is a liar

Why do you frequent this sub?

Be careful: it's a trick question.

Because I'm a fan of Howards. I don't know why would I come to a sub of a show I enjoy? Seems more logical than coming to sub of a show I hate.

This sub is 98% criticism of the show (Opie), which gets your twat all uproared, so no, that doesn't seem logical to me at all.

What's your comment karma sitting at? That's how "logical" you are.

At least we get some hahas goofing on Opie's douche-baggery; what's your hoped-for outcome?

Whatever you think you're going to get/win by white-knighting Opie, and crusading against the "haters", you're not.

Been coming here for years. Long before you discovered this sub. Justify it however you want your still pathetic. No one else in the world listens to a show they hate Just to comment on it daily. Even Jim thinks you guys are pathetic. Atlest being a fan of the show and coming here makes sense. Listening to something you hate doesn't. I don't care how long you were a fan. Perhaps you should just move on.

No, really: what's your comment karma sitting at?

I don't check it but you can. Edit: just checked it. My karma is still doing better than you. Ha!

You're wrong thermitepaint. Again.

This is a subreddit for the "Opie and Anthony Show". O&A was a show that the vast majority of the people on this sub loved. That show does not exist anymore. What's left is a hollowed out husk of a show featuring a washed up DJ and a comedian that seems as if he doesn't want to be there.

There is a sub for the new show, why wouldn't you go to that sub if your so goddamn happy with the direction of the show? Why hang out on a sub made up of fans of a show that doesn't exist anymore?

The strange thing isn't that people on this sub dislike Opie or complain about the new show. The strange thing is that you take the time to come here at all when you know what you're going to get.

If we can start from a premise that you like the Opie with Jim Norton Show, which I'm assuming you do, we can follow the logic from there:

-You were a fan of Opie and Anthony

-You're a fan of the new show

-You don't get the Opie hate

-You make your displeasure with the Opie hate known to everyone who will read your posts

-I have seen one or two good points from you over hundreds, HUNDREDS of your whiny posts

There is only one conclusion to two possible scenarios:

1) You are delusional and believe that you will somehow turn this sub into Opie love by insulting posters over and over again


2) You're a troll and you get off by bothering people

I would say it's likely the latter. I'm also inclined to believe that as many times as you reference a poster or commenter as being fat/ugly/only fits in 5x shirts, etc, that this in all probability describes yourself.

I don't dislike you, really. Trolls have their place and it can certainly be fun to fuck with people, I get that. Just embrace what you are though. You come off a bit needy.

Did you really just type all that like I care? You're still spending way to much time on something you hate. Justify it however you want. If you came here once and said the show sucks now and you're done I'd get your point but you've accomplished nothing by listening to a show you hate daily just so you can have new material to bitch about. I was coming here years ago. Long before Sam brought it up on air and turned this place into wackbag-lite. You can still leave. Opies going to do the show he wants. Get over it you butt hurt fag. You sound like a bunch of hens that didn't get there way.

Another good point by thermitepaint. I'm not sure what your point is other than using sophomoric slurs against people that disagree with you. I also question your reading comprehension as you failed to address any of the points made.

Again, this is a sub for the O&A show. This is a sub for the show I loved. The Opie with Jim Norton show is the one I hate.

I would suggest sitting up against a wall, upside down and nude. Then just as your breathing becomes more labored because your lard is weighing on your rib cage, put your hands between your belly and muff, pull up sharply and breath the cum encrusted ball sweat deep into your lungs. It can't be any worse than anything you write here on a daily basis

Nah I can read I just didn't feel like addressing your fucking book of a post. Sorry didn't even read most of it because I don't care to hear you repeat yourself again as to why you still listen to something you hate. Even Jimmy your God and savior says you people suck and have no lives.

Immediately resorted to talking over him and calling him names. Same ole same ole.

At this point his inability to handle criticism seems like part of a mental illness and not something he has control of. I'd feel bad for him if it wasn't for his piggybacking on Jim's childlike thoughts on the subject.

Hold on. hold on. HOLD ON! I usually despise Lady Di's calls, but I find amusing the way she steps right over him like he does to almost everyone he converses with.


Jerry got to him when he mentioned that he's been carried by talent most of his career, instantly arced up and went into defensive mode raising his voice, bignoting himself (because money = talent unless it's Howard apparently) and of course Twitter voice.

He'll obsess over that call all day so don't be surprised if there's a mass amount of ball licking retweets in order to make himself feel better. Because Opie told him to run to a hater site yet he'll run to Twitter and all his sycophants. This man-titted douche is exposed.

He also said that, "if I have no talent then explain how I've continued to get job after job in radio since I was 18?" Or whatever the fuck he said. No. He had what, like two jobs before Ant came along? O&A continued to get jobs. Opie would either be spinning records in nowhere USA or not on the air at all if it wasn't for Anthony.

It's very Axl Rose-esque. Axl thinks he can be just as good without Slash and Duff and Izzy, when that clearly isn't the case. It was a team effort. Same with O&A. Without Ant and Jimmy, he'd never have gotten near the level he did in the past. He's trying to take credit for the work ALL of them did after he "hand picked" them, and it's a slap in Ant and Jimmy's face to say that.

And, like GnR, the fans will be yelling for a reunion for decades, and it will never happen, because Opie would have to admit that he's not as good as the team as a whole.

Unlike Opie, Axl really is talented though.

But like Opie, Axl also has tits now.

Yeah, I loved the logic that he couldn't have been carried by those guys because he hand-picked them.

fuckin' Juan Valdez over here!

That was the shock-jock equivalent of curling up into the fetal position......and he wasn't even being attacked! Obviously, he felt he was, and a talentless dolt like him would see it as such, but those were nothing more than level-headed, intelligent, critical questions.

He clearly can no longer function as a broadcaster anymore. That was "Romo's performance in the first half of Sunday's game"-esque.

That was brutal.

I would rather have Romo than Opie.

Romo throws less interceptions.

Anybody have the audio?


It's been added to the thread Jerry made, via soundcloud

more calls!

Does Opie want to hear the answers to questions or does he just keep talking to make himself feel better when his bubble gets burst?

I'm not trying to defend Opie, but I guess I have to question where all the hate comes from? I've listened off and on since they were first simulcasted to Chicago and loved the show and the edginess. Yes the show isn't as funny as O&A, and i think the three of them make a great team. The show isn't as funny and i'll admit dull and I tune out on my way to work.

But why all the hate, I think is a legitimate question. 1. Do people feel Opie got Ant fired, or didn't do enough to keep the show together? 2. Or do people think Opie back stabbed Anthony by not immediately resigning in your opinion?

I just don' see were the vicious hatred comes from, even where people pick out habits/things he does that are annoying just to find something to be mad about. If you listen to anyone long enough you are going to find things they do that annoy you. It seems to me in the last couple of months it's just got nitpicky because fans of the O&A show want someone to blame. (edit, missed a word)

Because when ant got fired he put in time effort for his show, opie did not and has not, and keeps pretending its as good as every.

If would just seem like he is trying beyond the morning music twitter song i know i would be a lot more forgiving

That's cool! I can agree with you their, it's a critique of the show. As I said it's seems dull now. But the out right hate just blows my mind. I kinda side with Opie on this one, if you don't like it tune out, I listen to a lot more sports talk in the morning now. If he's to lazy to make recreate an exciting edgy show then he'll slip off into obscurity like so many other radio personalities. But to quote you from another post: the show doesn't attract well balance people

I was right with you until last night. It's been said, but I had to get on board with TACS before I could see how bad this situation is and see where this hate is coming from. This isn't the kind of fan base that can forgive and forget. The pests have been bred to do one thing well, and that's what you're seeing on the subreddit.

Its the fan culture of "don't tell us to move on, who do you think you're talking to?"

Why should people tune out? Opie isn't the whole show and it seems like there's a good portion of people that are dealing with something they don't like(Opie interrupting people for instance) to hear someone they do like(Jimmy).

No I love Jimmy Norton, Honestly I think he's one of the reasons I tune in still. But what I'm talking about is the people who seem to tune in just to get pissed off and angry. I get the rabid fan base culture, the pests, and they Opie and Anthony, have no one to blame but themselves for that culture. Hell I'm not saying move on, I'm not a regular listener anymore, but i still listen every day. But spending your days getting frothy about it and blasting a guy on a message board, seems bad for ones blood pressure.

It's also a last ditch effort for people to try to save a show they've enjoyed for years. Opie just doesn't seem like he's willing or even able to handle criticism, it can be seen easily in that soundcloud clip I heard today, he has NO problem calling anyone who questions him a "hater" but takes huge offense when the caller groups the people who are being positive as "ball-lickers". This coming from someone that has called people out time and time again but seems to be hypersensitive about being called out himself.

He all but dropped the 'mothers basement' line. Anthony's transparent rage is great, but this fake I ain't even mad bro get a life shit is a little immature. Hard to listen to. Cunt.

Next set of calls into the show should make a point and as soon as Opie says something, start yelling "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON...let me break this down." and repeat what he said to you.

Time to leave the show a pile of smoldering ashes.

I get so fucking annoyed when people say "If You Don't Like Opie, Don't Listen To The Show". Do these people forget that Jimmy is still on that show and we might want to hear him?

I feel like Jimmy and his comedy is being held hostage by Opie and Sirius, and we are like hostage negotiators, who are talking to jimmy they megaphones, letting him know we haven't forgot about him.

He said just because someone is a fan doesn't mean their ball kickers, but because you don't like the show you have to be a hater.

It's not disliking the show that makes a hater, it's the calling to point out how much you dislike it, instead of moving on to something more enjoyable.

Actually, here. The definition of 'hater.'

A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person.

Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesnt really want to be the person he or she hates, rather the hater wants to knock somelse down a notch.

Why do I bring this up? Because there is so much actually wrong with Opie that when someone makes a stupid point it annoys me.

What was my stupid point? I made a valid argument, you're just a hater.

Are you "Caller Jerry"?

No. Although I don't like what's going on with a lot of the show, I don't see the need to call and talk about it. It's a lose lose situation.

He said just because someone is a fan doesn't mean their ball kickers, but because you don't like the show you have to be a hater. The dude can't take criticism.

You're right, he can't take criticism, but not for the reason you stated. Because the caller really was a hater your point is invalid.


Sorry, I can't dumb it down any more than I already have.

So you're just gonna generalize? I guess you really can't dumb it down then.


Its like Jane's got an itchy cooder or sumpthin



Crtics are always amazing people...move on listen to something else.

That's such a easy answer though. There's more than one reason to listen to the show.

That has to be turdtheif, if so congrats.

Sorry, it wasn't me. I wish it was though. I've been listening consistently since they started at WNEW. First called in at age 14. It would be fitting if I called in to needle him on last time as a grown ass man.

"I wish it was". You've been listening since youre 14 and still going at it literally feeling good and happy about this collective bashing? You pussied out last time but man, youre embarrassing. Since you was 14 what have you accomplished?

You mad?

I'm super mad.

and gay.

Super gay.

ask ur mom m8 LOL she said no wait what is this??


Well, someone else is doing god's work.

Wow, Opie was spot on with that guy. He's obsessed. Why does he still listen if he hates the show? Why does he bother to call in? And he's right... who is going to be next?



and gay.


I would rather have Romo than Opie.

Romo throws less interceptions.

Unlike Opie, Axl really is talented though.

It's been added to the thread Jerry made, via soundcloud