This place is for discussion, it's not a fansite.

46  2014-09-10 by BatKnuckles

So all you folks shouting "if you hate Opie so much why listen/keep talking about him here?" can pipe down. We're all invested in O&A - and to everyone who thinks "I should get a hobby" - lets be honest, posting on here and discussing O&A doesn't take long and is enjoyable. I'm from England so there aren't too many people about to discuss O&A with and the show has been a great part of my life since I've been a listener.

So stop with posts like "Enough Opie hate, this place sucks". "If you don't like it, don't listen". If you don't like it, don't read.


Opie eats shit and fucks goats.

Opie raped my kid and took a shit on my private beach.


Thank you Mikey McGulliblecooter.

In that order!!!

This is one of the first times I've seen someone say this (the thread title) and I agree 100% and have often times thought it. This isn't a fan club. It should be a place for honest discussion, be it positive or negative. It seems to be that way for the most part, but there are always some people who'd rather ball wash.

An honest discussion encourages counterpoints and varied opinion. Not the same 5 points made amongst a dozen of highly active redditors, over and over and over.

Not the same 5 points made amongst a dozen of highly active redditors, over and over and over.

You're saying this as if it's fact, it isn't.

Should I have to explain that it was an obvious exaggeration to make a point?

It should be a place for honest discussion

I don't know about that. There's quite a few people who appear to be shadow banned, and I've noticed a lot of new accounts created just to bash the show, and some suspicious votes. I'd like an honest discussion about that.

I wonder if Opie s downvote brigade ever gave up. Anti Opie threads used to get mysteriously downvoted in a short span of time only to end up getting upvoted by the actual community over time.

Anti Opie threads used to get mysteriously downvoted

Probably because they're shit posts. Mystery solved.

The Opie hate is fucking ridiculous. I love all the boys. Just because Op has fucking aged and grown up a bit doesn't mean he turned into a total moron. Yes, his "social marketing" is cringy. Yes, he is stepping into the realm of "too old for the market" like Howard did years ago. BUT, he is the motherfucker that absolutely MADE the show that we all loved at one point or another. Ant was just another fucking guy like the rest of us until Opie brought him on board. Symbiotic result? Absolutely. But, to keep shitting on the guy when he is at the WORST point in his career because of shitty decisions by management is really just getting to the point of ridiculousness. Motherfucker has been keeping us entertained for 20+ years now. Cut him a fucking break for fuck's sake...

I feel bad for him because you know that he feels pressured to fill the gap that Anthony left and that just amplifies all his faults. Then the fans go crazy about how much of a douche he's being. Which makes him feel even more pressured to prove his worth. Which makes him act like an even bigger douche. Which make the fans go even crazier. etc etc

He's in an impossible situation and the sooner he finds a real replacement co-host to make a new show disconnected from O&A, the better.

That's what Ron was talking about on their first day back. He went through it before with trying to keep Ron & Ron going after Ron Diaz quit, which caused the show to tank, and the only way he found success again was to start from scratch.

Of course, Opie's no Ron Bennington but if he would just calm down, he wouldn't be nearly as bad as he is right now.

Funnily enough, Anthony going solo has exposed his faults too, the same problem all impressionists have. Too many impressions and funny voices into thin air. Segments and riffs run on way too long. Showing youtube clips we already watched two weeks ago, etc

Jimmy's vice show exposes his weaknesses too, mainly awkwardness and lack of strong prepared material.

They were always at their best when they were together, especially their Friday shows. I just listened to a hilarious one where they ripped into some sports guy's stupid book, then had E-rock and Sam play the part of Opie and Anthony and interview him. Those kinds of bits just don't happen solo.

Any normal fan can understand that things have changed, but the small group of bitches that we have here will eventually turn on Anthony and Jimmy too.

he's just awful, if this was an organic transition i think everybody would understand but people are digging up clips from the start of XM with him doing the same thing. if that skateboarding story is true that's perfect self deprecating radio fodder, not whining about living like anne frank or yadda yadda. here's an anecdote opie shoulda brought up with ant.

"Anthony, I can tell you when I enjoy being in the presence of blacks. Food service. Anytime an asian or muslim employee doesn't give me enough food for what I paid I complain, and it's always in a line of white people that becomes awkward because of their conditioned fear of confrontation and polite so-ci-e-ty. I had a brotha (I called him brotha after) speak up for me one time and say 'shiieet, he right, you needa keep dat count correct.' And sure enough I was given more vegetables with my sukiyaki beef."

That sounds like a tame Opie embellishment, and personally I'd love him for it, if only.

Holy fuck. I don't even know how to respond to that rambling ADHD nonsense. Tell us how you really feel?

just trying to use my big imagination and think of a situation where opie can make mildly interesting story conversation. it's hard though, you're right about that, he's just a corny vanilla white mother fucker.

skateboarding story is from here, perhaps a work of fiction like me envisioning the opster saying something interesting. last week he was patting himself on the back for surviving in an attic and other such uninteresting shit that Jim actually started off todays AC show with 'i guess people don't want to hear about my horrible tales of survival' or some such unconscious reference to opie's brand of radio. the brotha reference is from his work of fiction jury duty story. since you defend opie, and i occasionally try, figured i'd fill you in as you don't even seem to listen.

Are you Opie? looking at your post history you have an eerie opie cadence, plus the subreddit variety seems right up his ally.

He's always been "at the worst point in his career". Everytime he speaks it's absolutely the worst.

That everyone else has finally, at last, caught up to the fact that he is rotten, is a good thing. Something to be encouraged and nurtured.

Fuck him. Send the cunt packing to some micro-market upstate morning zoo where he can fade himself out.

LOL...says the 20 year old from his cave. Opie is legend. Find me one "DJ" that doesn't have cringy stories about themselves in the past. AND, if I remember correctly, Opie HAS played his "Spuds Buckley" awfulness on the show. He fucking owns his awfulness. This pile-on party that has been going on is bullshit. Opie is who he he is. But, to deny that he MADE this show what it is (up until recently) is asinine.

Everything you just wrote is absolutely wrong. Either you need to get less wrong, or you need to get more quiet.

The show succeeded in spite of him. And would have been better and more successful without him. He fell ass-backwards into shock-jockery (jobs in radio for any 90's Stern-alikes), then later he fell ass-backwards into comedy-talkradio (Norton/Patrice), and now he can fall ass-backwards into getting the fuck off the air without further completely embarrassing himself.

The petulant cunt has been intolerable from the get-go. That is a demonstrable fact. Him being left to fly solo, and be so ruthlessly exposed for the talentless zero he has always been is a truly wondrous thing to enjoy. These past two months have been a glorious karmic gift from the radio gods.

I repeat fuck him. He won't be missed.

eh, legend is a bit much

You sir are definitely in the minority. You MADE me throw up in my mouth.

I just miss the old style of the show.

Just subscribe to TACS, couldn't be happier that I did. I was worried that it would be love from the compound with a subscription, this couldn't be further from the truth. LFTC was Ant just fucking around and putting out content for fun. Ant definitely takes his product seriously and it is evident in every show.

It's not lftc at all. That was my worry too.

Then listen to the old shows. There's literally thousands of them. You can't have heard them all.

Many of us HAVE heard them all.

When Ant got fired Opie was exposed for what he is.

It's like the last minutes of Wizard of Oz, the curtain comes up exposing the dipshit operating the cranks and levers, who was in fact the Wizard. Ordinary and powerless he was exposed for what he was.

Same deal with opie. Except Wizard of Oz was a viral video in it's day, unlike anything he has ever produced.

Dude, spoiler!

Wait, what happened to Ant?

You're forbidding others from commenting while arguing in favour of open discussion.

Also from England, howdy.

Me too!

I be another Anglo Saxon!

I have a Welsh ancestor... Do I count?

My condolences.

Germany reporting in...we're sort of like cousins, right?

Also mum is English so I'll just join your club.

An English-German marriage? Wow. You keep that father of yours East of the Rhineland! (just joshing)

No its a fan site and you're still a loser for listening to something you hate on a regular basis and how many times do you have to emphasize that you hate Opie before it just becomes repeative and old as fuck. Your complaining of Opie all day long is as bad as Opie bitching about mangement daily. It's not going to change anything. And no you're not invested in Opie and Anthony. You're a fan. That's it. Just like a band that changes over the years so do shows. No one forces you to listen to this version of the show. Move along.

I think about it more like my best friend is dating a chick I can't stand. When she isn't tagging along it is fucking great, and there are even good moments when that cunt is there, but you can't help but be annoyed. That's what has happened to a lot of us here, we care about the show and most of the people involved with it, but we need a place to vent. In the last ten years the majority of my biggest laughs can be attributed to the show, I am having trouble continuing to listen at this point.

I think of it like this it's a show. They change over time. So do bands. If something I like decides to go into a direction I don't like I don't shit all over them like some sort of asshole that's forgotten the last 20 years. People are literally questioning if Opie ever had chemistry with Anthony. It's just gone to far and some people just need to move the fuck on. It's not the same show anymore and never will be. Anthony was fired and that's is that. Opie even said he's trying new things and wants to be more positive. He's an over middle aged dad with two young kids. Anthony is a single alcoholic that lives alone. They're just in different places now. Things change. Listen to the classics and be happy with that. I'm really not sure what some of you people want or are looking for by shitting on Opie. It's not changing anything.

Beautifully Said!

Opie sucks. Two words. Opie. Sucks. .....fat coxx. Four words.

Dripping cooters

Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown.

sigh... don't you get that you're doing exactly the same thing as the people you're complaining about?

How's it a discussion every single post is related to how people hate Opie. Anybody who has an opposing view point is voted down and discarded because you're all bitching queens. Stop trying to convince yourself it's anything other than that.

I'm not invested in it any more. I cancelled my subs.


Code word for 'suck their dicks no matter what'.

Wackbag was like that back in the day.

It wouldn't be so bad if the post changed it up, but you guys keep making the same remarks over and over. Every day "someone new" has discovered their hate for him. I don't even like Opie and I'm even tired of the shit. You guys think you are hilarious on here, but you are just recycling o&a jokes over and over.

I don't like Opie, but you can still go fuck yourself. Who the fuck are you to come in here and say what people can or can't talk about or how people may or may not address your criticisms?

Eat a dick. No one gives a fuck about your whining.

Who put you in charge?

Just as the discussion turned to overwhelming Opie hate, it can turn against the Opie hate. Don't try to control the dynamic of the discussion.

I have seen your same post countless times about various subjects. Just go with it. Your proclamations attempting to keep the discussion exactly how you want to it are doomed.

It'll never turn against the Opie hate you hapless sod.

I can't listen to my favorite songs as much as some people like to hate on Opie.

Change the track already. Drop it down a notch and then when Opie does something truly brilliantly stupid you can get out all the old lines and have a hate session and it will feel like your first time again.

Don't tell me how to hate Opie.



I apologist for no one.


The rodent says " If you don't like it, don't read. " but tells us what he doesn't like to read on the sub.

You're a fucking dick. This joke is not funny. You really think that this nonsense doesn't interfere with Opie's "normal" life? Fucked up to be harping on that shit.

Naaaht funny!

I've been listening for more than 10 years and I've always wanted to discuss an episode with somebody. I live in a smaller town, and its hard to believe, but I've never met even one single person who has ever heard of the show, let alone listen to it.

Fun and good provider Daddy Ant got sent to prison,leaving us with well- intentioned Mommy Jimmy.Daddy's little brother Uncle Opie (who always looked up to his brother and mimicked him) is trying to help,but his meagre caddy income is not cutting it and we are resentful that the family is not what it once was.

its not really a discussion though. it's just everyone hating on opie. we got it he's not funny but now it's gotten to the point where people just keep regurgitating it to make themselves feel special

We just miss the old show. With all 3. Especially after seeing Ant and Jimmy together, you can see how well they worked together. Opie running things without a "equal" like Ant to balance him out, and he turns into another Todd Show.

You've got to be joking. If you consider "discussion" to be constant re-hashing of the same tired points and piling on anyone with a dissenting opinion, well then you've got an interesting definition of that word.

Opie is a cunt, he should slurp Ants taint and be happy he met him.

Opie is just angry he cannot get divorce money from Ant like the ex wife did to him.

I would not even be surprised if Opie tried to ruin Ant somehow.

Fuck Opie in his unfunny dry asshole.



Shaddup, i'll pipe up and you'll deal with it.

Don't tell me what to do.

I hear ya!

"Pipe down"? Yes, Nana.

fuckoff rodent

My condolences.