Anyone else get extremely bothered at how big of a fucking cunt Opie always was to Denny?

28  2014-09-10 by Zenaesthetic

Looking back at all the times in the past couple years that Denny was in studio, I can't help but think of the countless times Opie would just say incredibly shitty things to Denny, for no reason at all. Ant loved Denny, has him DJ his parties, respects him as a person and his work ethic, but Opie was always just a toxic dickhead towards him. Denny has never been anything but good to the show, never said a bad word about any of them (except Sam, and for good reason). Opie would always just shit on him to no end, saying things like "everything about you is just fucking awful", and "I would never let you in my house you fucking creep", those are just a couple that come to mind, but believe me, there were MANY more.

Out of the infinite reasons to hate Gregg Hughes, this is my number one reason for it. Aside from being an unfunny, talent-less bore, he really is just a shitty human being. Anyone that is that big of a cunt to a nice guy like Denny who's just trying to make it has no fucking soul. Man would I love to see Denny just go postal on Opie the next time Opie tries to motherfuck him. And no Opie, it's not one of your "bits" to shit on Denny, you're just a fucking sociopath who gets a hard on by being a total douche to someone under you.

Go die in an AIDS fire, Gregg.


What Denny does is what Opie would be doing if he never ran into Anthony. The thing is Denny is funny, whether he's trying to be, or not, and he has a lot of knowledge when it comes to radio, and its history. Opie looks at Denny and sees himself.......without the talent, or funny stuff.

Remember those bits about taking a time machine into the past to beat up your awkward self? Well Opie looking at Denny is basically a time machine into an alternate future, where he sees what he couldn't be if he never ran into Ant. He feels a little better about himself after shitting on a guy that doesn't make as much as he does, even though the guy works way harder than he does. Even if it is just jokes, I found it really douchey when Opie brought up the fact that he made millions, and told Dennis that he would never make that, and would never have a radio gig as big as O&A. This was around Denny's 1st, or 2nd appearance. In a way he tried to alpha-male Denny but it came off beta as fuck.

That's a damn good observation. "I am a SHADOWY reflection of you!" - Belloche

He does it because denny wont fight back, and opie never got hugged

He ate fucking pepperidge farm bread.

Did he ever tell you how he got the pepperidge farms sandwiches to school?

I hate this lie especially,there are hundreds of better bags for food than a cement bag, silica dust is a mother fucker

being. Anyone that is that big of a cunt to a nice guy like Denny who's just trying to make it has no fucking soul. Man would I love to see Denny just go postal on Opie the next time Opie tries to motherfuck him. And no Opie, it's not one of your "bits" to shit on Denny, you're just a fucking sociopath

I think Denny knows his role on the show and is happy to play his part. I can see this as being a part of "the actor Gregg Hughes" doing his thing and being a dick to a beta character. Hell, Ant has made reference to his pumping up his schtick once in a while to make for good radio.

I think the Opester isn't even major market level talent and his disrobing in the past month plus is a long time coming, but I don't think his treatment is any different than Ron's treatment of Fez (a passive-aggressive dick to him on-air, a nice guy off-air.)

What makes it worse is Sam has to cackle like a hyena when Opie is digging in to Denny.

Even when the bit grew stale and Jimmy would bitch about it, "HE BRINGS NOTHING NEW, ITS THE SAME SHIT EVERY TIME!" Opie would then bring him in, act like "GAWWW WHY ARE YOU HERE DENNY?!?!" Just like Bobo & Lady Di phoners

He looks at Denny and thinks..."That was me if Ant got on Stern instead of with me." He's afraid he's going to be that this January. He's an egomaniac who always has to establish himself firmly above other people to feel comfortable in studio.

Sam's a dickhead to him too. The Denny bit is so great because rarely would the likes of O&A have a diplomatic & friendly relationship with a guy so opposite to them yet LIKES them and will hang out with them and give his (often unintentionally hilarious) perspective despite having the absolute opposite goals and values in radio. It's just fucking uncomfortable to hear Opie aggressively and humorlessly lambaste him for being so "phony" and basically tell him everything he believes in the industry is bullshit. Just let the guy say funny, corny, Ned Flandersy shit and laugh at it. I feel like Denny can take punches as good as anyone but it's still cringeworthy to listen to because Denny never throws any shots first. It makes me uncomfortable not in the "omg opie is such a remorseless sociopath" way but more of the "Opie is so autistic he's gonna push this guy too far and ruin a great bit because he sees him as an excuse to rant about how much better he is at radio than everyone else." way.

Sam's just a dickhead, period. And if Denny is Opie in an alternate future, Denny is Sam's future right now, except for being a good person who knows his shit and earned what he's got, which Sam isn't and has not done. But hey, Sam's a hard worker. His mom told us so.

I also don't like when Sam compares Denny's voice to his. Denny's may not be deep and brassy but he has a smooth and pleasant voice that SOUNDS like it would belong to a broadcaster. Sam's voice sounds like it would belong to a timid cartoon piglet.

More like niglet.

Who's cock is Sam sucking to stay on the air as much as he does? He's fucking voice is nausea inducing.

I loved when Denny said Sam was a low-energy dullard who fucked up at the Unmasked. The anger and hate from Sam was just nuts. I know there is a little difference in pay between the two but it isn't leagues different. For Sam to think he's a "winner" and Denny is a "loser" just doesn't seem to make any sense to me.

I don't really like Denny but I think Sam is really hateable for how he acts with him.

Like when Denny describes being a little kid, getting hit by a car, having his legs broken and landing in an icy lake, having to be pulled out by someone else. Something that no doubt traumatised him as a child and gave him injuries which to this day have affected him physically.

And smarmy little mamas boy Sam, who has never been through anything in his coddled, suburban life, is the FIRST to try and ease in:

" gotta admit....there IS something sort of funny about little Denny getting hit by a car..."

The way he eased into it slowly, waiting for the rooms approval before outright saying it was what made me sick

Sam has never been punched in the face, and that's what he needs. It would fix his whole childlike, bratty attitude

I dont like it when he is just a dick to denny either. Jim and sometimes Ant would joke him, but it wasnt just cruel shit and it was funny which is fine. I really dont think Opie acts that way off air. Its basically the only "angle" opie has on the show. He isnt funny and fails 99% of the time he tries to make a joke. His bit is being an asshole. I honestly dont even think he likes it, i think he feels like he has to be that way so he feels like hes adding value to the show.

I would like to believe that but after what Rich and Bonnie said about his behavior in the Hamptons, I'm inclined to believe that he's just a cunt 24/7.

You might be right.

Was that on one of their podcasts? If so do you remember which one?

  1. August 25th. Only the first ten minutes or so.

Thanks man.

You're stupid. No one's been a bigger asshole to Denny than Jim Norton. You need to listen to old shows again. Jimmy would pretty much tell denny how annoying and stupid he was and it never came off as a joke.

At least Denny isn't pretending to be something he's not. He wouldn't make up bullshit stories or interrupt people, and he would probably be better at steering the ship too.

Ant and Jim have humor to add to the situation. Without laughs they would just be dicks (Opie)

We're really beating a dead horse, but yeah, he's a total piece of shit for that.

It really goes beyond Denny. Opie is insecure because he knows he's a fraud. Good comedians punch up, not down. Cringe humor is great when you're challenging someone above your station. Shitting on developmentally challenged people for "comedy" when you're the only one laughing is what I hate most about Opie.

For all his flaws, Anthony has basic humanity and doesn't treat retarded characters on the show like subhumans, even though he makes fun of them. No matter how brutal his jokes are the man has empathy. (ex. Would Opie ever invite Bobo to his house?) He's just a sociopath who tries to compensate his lack of humor by abusing people under him without actually bringing anything funny to the table.

In his mind this is comedy: throwing popcorn at his underlings. Stomping on a cake. Organizing a gay thing with desperate superfans. Typical jock shit.

If he's a dick like that to him off the air I would think Denny wouldn't set foot in the studio anymore. I've had it with on air Opie, but that's all I know of the guy. He tries way too hard and isn't even remotely funny. Denny is a knowledgable, humorous guy. I hope they give the channel to him after they shitcan Opie. That would really get under his skin.

It's a horrendous bit. Off air I bet he's polite to him.

How can that possibly be a bit? I SAY SHITTY THINGS AT YOU AND PEOPLE LISTEN TO RADIO LAUGH BECAUSE FUNNY BIT. He honestly has to be borderline retarded to think that is a good bit. I do believe he is borderline retarded, but I also think he is just a bully who gets a rod by talking down to someone like Denny.

Because that's the basis for the whole show?

Do you not hear Ant with Bobo? Jimmy with Lady Di? This is how every character in the O&A universe is treated. I don't know why you'd think Denny would be an exception.


Sam seems to hate Denny, but that's probably because if Denny is on the mic for 20 minutes; that's 20 minutes that Sam can't be babbling into the mic about rap music that nobody cares about.

I can't believe how many times they've replayed the bit with Florentine in studio and they talk about Denny blowing someone to get ahead(the Denny blowing himself is such unfunny fake edgy shit as well). That was originally talked about at the end of a show to fill time. At the time I thought that it was the most fucking retarded time-filler and I shut it off before it was over. I guess Opie thought it was radio gold as it was played a couple times coming back from break.

Opie knows he should be the one being picked on (as we all know he was when he was a kid),so he wants to be one of the cool kids doing the shoving.

Sam hopes he can look back on a career like Denny's. He doesn't realize it now, but Sam has peaked. He'll be begging for a gig at an AM country station in New Paltz before too long.

Sam peaked about 5 years ago. Thats his problem. He works for a company that doesn't value him (monetarily) because they know he will do everything for free. He painted himself into a corner by being TOO willing.


No, not at all

Are you sure you're not confusing him with Jim?

Opie < Denny They both should be spinning records, trying to hit the post. One got lucky.

nope, denny's a twat.

Ol' piss lord needs to stand up for himself.

No. You're just a dumb ass

Just some of the most brilliant arguments coming from the opposition...

There are better arguments (see iaknet) but you never see them because of the downvotes.

Disagree? Downvote. That's how this sub operates. Not many subscribers can actually handle a back-and-forth conversation, so it's really best for everyone to suppress the minority.

Opie was just being the destroyer, kinda how he would act on WNEW.

Holy shit this is just getting ridiculous. Now you're just sitting around inventing angles to bash Opie with, as if there aren't enough legit ones already. Its one thing to go "Opie isn't funny", but this whole "he goes too far and is mean" shit is just....dishonest.

He's just fucking around with Denny. Denny knows that and you do too.

Jim and Ant could fuck around with Denny, and do it in good humor, and be inventive, and be entertaining. And let Denny be part of it. And build bits and turn it into a comedy pyramid.

Lumbering thick-skulled fratboy Hughes can't. We're not bothered he's "mean", we're bothered he's "mean" cos he can't do anything else with it.

So this isn't a different angle, this is just yet another expression of the exact same angle ... that he's a talentless unself-aware unfunny cunt.

For him to shit on Denny, when we all know that without Ant, Hughes would have been long-since shat out the back of the radio industry, is unacceptable. He doesn't have the credentials to lord it over some working radio stiff, as if he is better than that. He's not. That's the problem here. So that's why it grates.

Are you fucking stupid? You're reaching hard now. No one's been a bigger asshole to denny than Jim Norton. Now you're just looking for things to hate Opie for and it's pathetic.

you stupid dumb idiot. it/s a fucking show. i have enough of that 'be nice' shit out in the boring, dull, 'real' world.