You think it's not going to be a joke about Opie's whore of a wife....

15  2014-09-09 by BatKnuckles

and then BAM.


Opie is ALL IN™ on the cuckold scene.

Leave it alone.

What is his grape eating getting to ya?

Whatever he swallowed on the mic at the end of the show made my blood boil.

Jesus, dude. C'mon. We're trying to keep it somewhat fun, for god's sake.

Yeah - we're assholes but not Wackbag degree assholes. I'm all for leaving the wife and kids out of it since the Opester provides enough material for us malcontents as it is.

"No women, no kids." Imgur

except EVERYONE else's. double standard Opster.

What are some of the most asshole-ish things that Wackbaggers have ever done? Anything really memorable?

I honestly don't recall any - I had an account there for years, logged in a few times and pretty quickly found it wasn't for me. It was a feeding frenzy of regulars trying to one-up each other and motherfuck newcomers to impress others. It was much more venomous than anything I've seen here.

Your innocent post would have inspired quite a few invitations to fuck your mother, die in a sea of AIDS, go fist a toddler, etc. This subreddit is like a parliamentary debate compared to that place.


Jay Mohr posted often. It didn't end well.



Opie has banned all Emeril Lagasse references from the show.

That's kinda fucked up to go after his wife.

I agree. She's not part of the show & she should be off limits.

OP sounds like a Stern fan going after Lobster Girl (Ant's longtime GF Melinda.)


We're just some lowlifes on a message board, it's not like making a Bam joke really has any effect on anything.

Calling someone's wife a whore from the safety of your keyboard is pathetic and in bad taste. I loathe Opie, but calling his wife a whore is super out of line and just unnecessary. It's not edgy.

I couldn't care less about it being edgy or not. I don't even think it's that funny (it's nothing original), but I'm also not going to say "woah, that's enough, dial it back a bit guys". That's what a hole does. This is a mean place, stuff like that comes with the territory.

"couldn't care less"

thanks bot!



Laughed my ass off at the OP. Good joke sir!


Wait, what's going on here? What'd I miss?

Opie is a cuckold for Bam Margera. It's a relived, exaggerated version of a rumor that originated in a tabloid a few years ago.

Your noun and subject need reversal.

You're right, thanks for catching that. I've corrected it.

Ah I know the backstory, I'm just a dummy and didn't get the joke.


Lol at all the crying faggots in this sub

"Hey man, I know we like to joke around and stuff, but making a joke about his wife being a whore is too far. It's just low and below the belt. Let's keep it fun, wacky and PC."

See your doctor about low testosterone or "low T" you coddled faggots

ehhhhh that's kinda uncalled for man. If you really start to run out of ideas and go after his private life like that maybe it's time to you know.. shut off your laptop and just go outside or something. I don't wanna be a part of a community that is this low. have some dignity at least


Going to have to stop you right there. The situation with Lyndsi, and Bam became everyone's business when Opie went out of his way to bring it to the show and do a whole break on it. Although, I hardly ever bring it up either.

I don't wanna be a part of a community that is this low. have some dignity at least

I agree. I was all set to subscribe to Ant's podcast. Then he did the Stormfront thing. I did not subscribe. It's one thing to joke about that shit. Jokes are funny. These Stormfront crackers are legit hateful white trash. I don't want to be associated with them, so Ant isn't getting my $7/mo.


No, fuck you.

Opie isn't the greatest broadcaster, but he's a human being. He obviously loves his wife and kids. He doesn't make them part of the show (they're never on air and he doesn't mention them by name) so they're off limits.

Want to shit on Opie "the broadcaster"? Have at it. Don't shit on his wife. She's not a public figure and you just look like a raging asshole when you do that.

Are you one of these "white knights"?

No. I don't know Opie or his wife and I really don't care about either of them. If they both evaporated tomorrow it would have no effect on my life.

That said, it bugs me when anonymous fatsos on the internet shit on people they don't even know.

I'm in great shape


Thanks. Just been workin oot, eatin bettah.

Now THAT is funny!

Ha. You're even a whitenight for Opie. Anybody else get the impression DelbertGrady92 gets very little pussy? "have some dignity at least" - the ultimate hack thing to say in any situation to try and claim the moral high ground.

it is kinda weird/sad that you've been obsessing over opie.


You're English and you say "pussy".

Do you wear a baseball cap and say "ass" too?


You were with me until my first point?

I politely disagree. Perhaps someone is a "pussy" in the UK, but no-one goes out to get "pussy".

I've found myself using "box" a lot since listening to the show, but I'm still coming round to the idea of using it literally. Mainly for lack of opportunity.

Jesus fuck. This sub is absolutely becoming the worst thing I have ever seen. Are you dicks TRYING to drive one of your heroes insane? For fuck's sake, the only reason this subreddit (OR THE SHOW THAT WAS) exists is because of Opie. Without him, Ant would still be pounding tin. Bunch of ungrateful assholes. FUCK!!!


You could have just left. I highly doubt there would ever be a point where everyone Noticed you've been away and start asking what happened to you, and start a thread about why you don't post anymore.

P.S You're post translates to "I'm going to constantly check this sub to see what people comment about my post".


HaHa!, I was exactly right! I thought you were done posting? I did comprehend that when I was reading. You're just pissed because I called it from the beginning. You just wanted attention, and we all knew that you has ZERO intentions of leaving.


no please don't. we need you badly and will miss you dearly.

Really, that's what sent you over?

Ehh I consider that a professional criticism, not a personal attack, so I'll allow it.

I'm sure his cursor was nervously hovering over "delete" until you gave him the ok.

And I was never so serious in all of my life...

Sarcasm, the lowest form of shit humor.

Said every asshole who doesn't have a clue about comedy.

Are you Japanese, by chance?

Like you know about comedy. You're the one posting in Opie's defense but the fact is in comedy everything can be a target.

You're the one posting in Opie's defense but the fact is in comedy everything can be a target.

I wouldn't argue with you if you had said something funny about Opie's wife. Calling a woman a whore is not automatically funny, even if said woman is literally a whore.


No. I didn't miss anything. There's nothing funny in this thread except the fact that you're a sad man who is intent on belittling a woman you've never met & likely never will.


The only pathetic part of this thread is your pathetic attempt to make shitting on a 5th tier "celebrity's" wife socially acceptable. That's funny, in a really pathetic way.


Holy Christ you're DENSE!


You think it's not going to be a joke about Opie's whore of a wife.... and then BAM.

is funny. It's not funny. It's pathetic.

Get over yourself and your MORONIC opinions. Go meet an actual woman. I sincerely hope your "in great shape" self can find one who will put up with your childish thinking.




I'm quoting Louis CK from the Saturday Night Virus show.

Louis didn't invent that line. That has been something people have said for decades. The reason they say it, and it is a joke, is because they say it sarcastically. That's the bit!

Also when you said "I'm sure his cursor was nervously hovering over "delete" until you gave him the ok." you were using sarcasm.

You're right about the last part. But I haven't heard anyone else say that ever. Regardless, no one is gonna see this because your initial post got downvoted enough for it. If you ask me, OP's joke was funny, low blow or not.


No one asked you. Fuck off, moron.


I couldn't care less if Opie fell off the face of the planet tomorrow. That doesn't make it ok for you or anyone else to shit on his wife.


I don't know his wife and don't care about her.

How about this:

IMAGINE you have some dignity and self-worth. Then IMAGINE how much of a cunt you'd be if you shit on a stranger's wife based on stuff you read on the internet.

Meditate on that for a minute.







Sarcasm, the lowest form of shit humor.


No. I didn't miss anything. There's nothing funny in this thread except the fact that you're a sad man who is intent on belittling a woman you've never met & likely never will.

Holy Christ you're DENSE!


You think it's not going to be a joke about Opie's whore of a wife.... and then BAM.

is funny. It's not funny. It's pathetic.

Get over yourself and your MORONIC opinions. Go meet an actual woman. I sincerely hope your "in great shape" self can find one who will put up with your childish thinking.