Oh my god guys, I love clutch!

3  2014-09-09 by THORGNASH


I can't believe Opie, the guy who supposedly "helped steer the ship" at some point in this show's history, spent a solid 10 minutes trying to find a song by them that he used to like once. Great radio. Poor Jim tried to make something out of it with the fake song titles, but fuck, it's gotta be just an upward battle for Jimmy every single day to keep this show even mildly enjoyable.

Face! Face face face. Face.

Most of the songs he said were actual song names.

That went on for over twenty minutes. Make the joke and move on, but instead you have Sam instigating the most retarded radio segment. Meanwhile their guest, Florentine, is almost silent and Norton is so bored he starts his own bit with the names.

I am frustrated with Opie, like everyone else it seems, but the show has ZERO direction. We're on week 2 with the ketchup joke. If Steve or Danny was the producer, the ketchup bit would've started and ended within a goddamn hour.

The show is dead. Its been dead since Sam has been executive producer. I don't think it's entirely his fault, but the creative effort coming out of the staff and preproduction has been zero all year. I feel like Sam is only executive producer because he's been with Sirius/XM so long and O&A wanted to give him a pay raise, so they gave him a BS title.

Yeah this food tasting shit is old. Are we really taste testing pepsi vs coke tomorrow at the elementary school science fair?

I don't even mind some of the things opie has tried to put a new spin on the show like playing more music taking more calls, all that is fine. But when he is just sitting there yelling face over and over. Or whatever other horse he keeps beating into the ground today.

I mean i guess they tried with that 'does Jim Florentine think it's gay' bit. But that fell flat. I dunno dude. I just miss the way it was.

Opie treats everyone on the show like they're Lady Di or Bobo and pokes and prods guests like he's gotta get something funny out of them. Guess what? All your guests are professional fucking comedians, they know how to be funny.

Jim was talking about Romo yesterday and how he thinks he plays like the world is on his shoulders and only tries to make huge plays. I think Opie's got the same thing going on, he needs to relax throw some screens, stay in the pocket, and know his role.

Exactly dude. Like he's trying to do too much and nothing succeeds. I can't believe Ant, the 'loose canon', held this ship together as well as he did.

The show was on the decline before Ant left. Ant just made it more tolerable. The hangout format works for a shorter show, not for 4 hours 5 times a week.

Opie's bad jokes and dead air aren't why the show is sinking. The show is sinking from a combination of sirius\xm budget cuts and lack of support. I also think the general audience is looking for the hangout\podcast style and O&A knew that. Its been a long time coming.

I think it's cool that they're getting some plays on such a far reaching show. What are your favorite songs?

Big news from the party boat: Guess you missed the thread from yesterday already talking about this.

Oh wups. Yeah didn't see that.