You guys ruined Opie for me ... and the show in general.

109  2014-09-09 by EmpireOfSoccer

First off, been reading this sub since a little before Ants departure.

After reading everyone's critiques, I can't help but listen to the "O&J" show while analyzing every bad joke, suspect story or exaggeration that comes out of Opie's mouth. In fact, I find myself scrutinizing the entire show for most of my commute.

Opie has been trying WAY too hard to "bring the funny" since Anthony's departure ... and that was NEVER his strong suit.

At his best, Opie was the moderator with a streak of evil. The guy who would push to shave Patty's head several times ... even after promising not to. The person aware enough to take a backseat when Ant, Jim and Patrice were riffing, and with a strong enough feel for the shows pulse to move topics along.

The week after Ants departure, the shows were enjoyable enough with a consistent -- and funny -- third mic.

Since? Not so much.

You also get a sense that Opie wants to take the show in a more positive direction. For most, that would be a good thing. But O&A listeners know that doesnt jive with this show. The rebelliousness is gone. The edgy humor moved to TACS. It has become serious analysis with the occasional dick joke. Take away the occasional bad word, and this show could be on any terrestrial radio station. And that isn't the O&A show I have come to enjoy.

It has also effected Jim. Ant was the perfect foil to his humor. Now, he has to deal with someone who is as pedestrian in comedy as anyone of us would be to play off of. The dead air after some of Opie's flubs -- and Jim's hesitance to call it out -- is cringe radio ... and not the type that made O&A a success.

If it wasnt for SiriusXMFC, I would have unsubscribed a long time ago.

Thanks (and no thanks) for opening my eyes to reality. The show I loved stinks. And I don't like it.


this place ruined it for me also, i used to put opie on a general pay no mind list and even after the return i was open to listening. everybody dissecting him has shined a bright light on him that is at the point of no return. i can't even listen for a few minutes without cringing. perhaps this is the way it has to end, opie going out on his knees.

The show with vos and bonnie, Opie kept constantly fucking interrupting every story and joke made me shut it off. I literally changed the channel because I couldn't take it anymore.

Then you all missed the part where Vos makes a remark about Opie getting up to leave early, and Opie justifies it by saying "I just KILLED for an hour for you.."


I'm listening to the shit outta that. Sounds AMAZINGLY cringeworthy

Same here.

Also me.


I notice all his faults now and the show is stale as fuck. It's like I have stockholm syndrome, there's no other reason to be listening anymore


Did I fuck that up? Ah fuck it

Its ok buddy. If you kill yourself now your family won't feel the shame

I think Stockholm Syndrome fits perfectly.

The show is a cage with an unlocked door but you don't want to leave because it's all you have known and cared about for years and years.

yep me too

The problem is opies fragile ego can't deal with even the gentlest of pokes, and a lot of what makes jimmy great is pointing out fuckups and character flaws in a humerous way. They won't work.

Leave it alone.

If only Opie could admit to himself that he isn't funny.

He's funny when he's stomping cakes or throwing poker chips, but evil Opie is gone, leaving a husk of a character and a legion of disgruntled fans.

That's right. He stopped doing the only thing he was good at.


The only reason I can fathom for such a successful guy to be that insecure is because he knows deep down he rode Antony's coat tails all along and is trying desperately to convince himself and everyone else otherwise.


Yeah, it sucks. I discovered O&A in '99 (i'm fucking old) and this is by far the worst the show has ever been.

Just do what I do, read this sub for your daily laughs. Some of the fuckers on here are pretty damn funny.

thermitepaint comment??

Guys here are hysterical! And I am also a 99er (or 98 ... not sure). I remember flipping channels and hearing Ant do the Popeye thing. Hysterical. Such a great show, but this ain't it.

shit, I'm old enough to remember the 6 o'clock queef.

Oh shit, the jingle just popped back into my head. Linger longer dude.

And the 5 o'clock fake O

I been listening since the WNEW days and those days were great but overall it doesn't hold up over time.

Still.... My favorite WNEW moment still cracks me up to this day. It was Anthony as Mike Tyson punching some chick in the box.

The sound machine was the third mic prior to Jimmy's arrival. Always had me dying.

I really miss the sound machine. I know they feel like it was hack and mocked management back in the day for telling them they should have more noises during the Cat noise/Rock scream/Wake up your spouse theme day days.

I remember one amazing sound machine bit from back then where they had a sample of Dice saying stuff on the phone like "Dey's fags! Dey don't know how sick dey is!" and kept playing it over a gay caller, who then proceeded to furiously argue with a sample on the soundboard for a minute and a half.

There's one where Ant is off and Jim sits in his chair and messes with the sound board. It had me in tears

I think that was from August 2007, I just heard it the other day.

Also Frenchy vs Frenchy was good

I looked for a link but couldnt find the frenchy v frenchy. u have 1?

Anthony as Mike Tyson trying to spell had me laughing so hard I had to pull over.

I did not become a fan until about 2008, and when I listen to anything pre-XM I generally don't like it at all. I think you had to be there. At that time I was a Stern listener and I still love those old Stern shows from the 90's and early 2000's when I go back and listen now.

I disagree. It's probably the best rendition of the show since the night time attitude days. You're an idiot.

Can't disagree with the idiot part. Upvote!

I have been downloading the show and loading it onto my ipod as a podcast, that way I can listen to it at x2 speed. It's not quite as insufferable, and it would be a shame to miss the show's last dying whimpers after all the years I've been listening everyday.

My biggest problem with Opie is his voice: a couple a years ago he suddenly started to talk in a 'deeper' more ' manly' voice from the back of his throat. If you listen to old A&O episodes you hear a enthusiastic guy with a high pitched voice having fun. Nowadays he sounds like a severely depressed guy who wants to dominate the room. For me this makes for almost unlistenable radio.

That's your only issue with him? The timbre of his voice? What bothered you about World War II, Hitler's hat?

Haha, no this is my biggest problem, but my list is long: second on the list is his inability to pick up any clues about the art of comedy despite working and hanging with arguably the greatest comedians of the last 20 years (with Ant the no1 man 3 feet away everygoddamday)

"Well ya shoulda mentioned that the FIRST time there, TURKEY." (Jimmy/Todd voice)

Did you misread his comment intentionally so you could make a whimsical quip? You are a card

I didn't misread his comment; he meant that. He didn't write it to be ironic.

He said his BIGGEST problem...not his ONLY problem. Eat a dick

Quid pro quo, Clarice.

I actually I think he has a point here. If you listen to old shows you'll notice his voice is totally different than now it wasn't so deep and annoying but more upbeat and bearable.

He starts out by saying "The biggest problem with Opie is his voice." Sorry, that is FAR from 'the biggest problem.' Hence my comical retort.

A lot changes with your voice when you head into your "Forties". I wouldn't read too much into it.

I think that's his "too cool for the room" voice.

it's his "suck florentine's dick" voice.

You notice how many times he was saying stuff was "beautiful" yesterday? That's Florentine jargon.

yeah the man-crush on Florentine is so painfully obvious. He was asking Norton the other day if they should check with Florentine if "roman showers" were ok. Norton's response was so uncomfortable. it felt like he was thinking, "umm, why would we ask florentine about that? and where did that come from?".

just so awful.

Yeah if you listen to the XM days to now, he always does the stupid cool guy voiccccccccce. He's gotta put that stupid shit on everything.

Also many words he says comes through the mic like he has a ball of cum in the back of his throat. i.e "completely" or "question".... I cringe every time.

That makes me cringe as well. He's just not a natural speaker, which is not a crime or anything're on the radio.

No, Opie ruined Opie by being Opie.

"At his best, Opie was the moderator" his "moderating" as you describe it is probably his worst quality. him thinking he runs the show and cutting people off, ugh.

This is exactly it. I've been going back and listening to old Louis ck and patrice shows and I find myself audibly yelling the shut fuck up when opie chimes in and tries to switch gears or take a called that has absolutely nothing to add

I really think opie has turned away a lot of potential listeners over the years, ill bet the show would have been twice as popular if opie wasnt apart of it. im a huge fan but even i quit the show for a few years because i couldnt stand to hear his awful voice.

But.. but.. he could've been a model..

I do think Ant needs somebody alongside him to occasionally go "dude, it's really not OK to be quite THAT racist". It's the only thing about TACS that rubs me the wrong way enough to keep me from listening regularly or subscribing. (I have checked it out from... places... so I know it's definitely a part of the show)

Jimmy does that just fine though. If he were to join up in Oct, there would be no need for Opie to tag along.

This point has been made b4, so i guess its true for people. Im the opposite though, the fact that jim norton is half a cuckold is what rubs me the wrong way.

Sure he speaks in generalities about blacks at times, but he never seems that hateful to me. Considering he likes nazi memorabilia and has a lil adolf hitler doll, he HAS to be more racist than he lets on. with so many people crying about it though we'll never get to hear what he really thinks.

It isn't when he talks about those subjects that I get annoyed, it's when he chooses to avoid a particular subject, but can't help slipping in something like "but you know what's going on here..." before he changes the subject.

Don't forget when a caller comes on and starts making a great point and continuing the conversation perfectly then Opie has to yell at him to shut up so he can break it down into complete retard baby steps to recap exactly what was just talked about.

Listening to Ant and Jimmy right now on TACS and you realize how much of the old show was Ant's interaction with Jim and Opie.

Jim and Opie together are like George and Elaine alone.

not a bad analogy.

It's not like the opie show is some amazing program. It would suck even without this sub trashing it

Tell that to Thermitepaint

At his best, Opie was the moderator with a streak of evil.

I never bought his "psycho-factor" and Destroyer persona; it was the epitome of "tries-too-hard-guy". It struck me as terribly insecure and an attempt to stand on equal footing with Jim and Ant. Okay, I get that just about everyone in radio has a pronounced insecurity about something and Opie is just as human as anyone, but Jesus, couldn't anyone he trusted over the years give him constructive feedback? Or was/is he just too full of himself to believe that he isn't the pinnacle of edgy humor?

Can't kill him on everything. The "psycho-factor" made for GREAT radio, especially when everyone else is in on the joke and the victim wasn't. Any gift to the show was liable to be smashed and the anticipation of that happening made for an awesome listen. Bernie Goetz doesnt happen without Op. True story.

Him hanging up on people or being the dick in interviews was brutal. Made Anthony so uncomfortable it was great. I personally loved it.

I'm not in the Opie totally sucks camp, just Opie sucks when he talks more than 20-30% of the show.

yea, it's terrible. I can't help but to think, "ugh", every time Opie opens his yap. I used to love the two troublemakers, and respect Opie. Now i'm just waiting to HATE. Thanks you fucking ass clowns.

Opies great!

For making fun of and bitching about. Seriously though, fuck him.

Have the youtubers completely given up on uploading the show at this point?

I've wondered the same.

It has become serious analysis with the occasional dick joke.

Spot On! Even the dick jokes get really old after talking about it for 5 minutes.

Very old.

Let me ruin your Opie experience even more.. notice how when he says F's (especially during rants) he sounds like Sylvester the Cat.

He also sounds like he's hocking a loogie whenever he syas a K or hard C.

And HO words...don't forget those.

What's ruining the show is that Ant isn't there. It's the same thing that's missing from Ant's show. I listened to the show to hear "the boys", not two parts of a three man team.

Ant's show is fine. It's been fucking great everytime Yimmy comes on.

It's great because Yimmy is there. What it's lacking is the guys. It's missing fucking with Erock, it's missing hot intern chicks in uncomfortable situations at one of their bosses houses, it's missing Sam's whiny mulatto voice, and it's missing Roland. Thank fucking Christ that it's missing Roland and Sam, but the other stuff is important.

Its just started, i see it developing and ant getting on more regular people to riff with.

It's not terrible. It's just not the same.


When Opie made the "8 bladed Razor, or however many they have these days" joke today...I died a little inside.

Really good analysis

What a surprise, another shit on Opie thread.

Opie is going the way of Don Geronimo.

Specifically on your comment about edginess..

On Patrice's Unmasked w/ Ronnie B, he mentioned that he didn't frequent the show like he used to, not because they weren't funny, but because they were like old generals now. A lot of the edginess wore off because they were sort of forced out. I'm sure Ope would love to throwback to the younger years of shock radio, but it seems like the firing of Ant is where it all came to a head.

For this reason I gotta say I can't blame Opie. He had the rug swept out from under him and you can tell he's trying, despite being put outside his comfort zone.

Please do something VICE. Comedy gold has been fragmented by shareholders.

i'm in the same boat as OP. started reading this subreddit right before ant was fired, and really got to hating Opie. now it's completely unlistenable. just so awkward and embarrassing.


I haven't listened for the past month. It's sad actually.

Dude this. Opie was able to be ignored. But now all I hear are his cringey snide remarks. Then I fill with disgust, and switch to stern. Even 101 sometimes. Bad.

Opie has been shitty for decades, but Ant & Jim more than made up for his shittiness and unless he was overtly stomping all over the comedy we could kinda look the other way.

Many less perceptive fans told themselves that because the show was good, obviously Opie was doing something right. Once Ant was gone and no longer around to cover for Opie's awfulness, even many of Opie's most ardent defenders had to stop pretending that he was necessary for the show and was needed to "steer the ship." Without Ant there to save him with each wrong turn the show consistently ends up getting mired.

He's always been really terrible and unfunny, but has been incredibly lucky since 1994 or so when Ant showed up and made his show a success. Eventually that luck had to run out and now he's being exposed for what he always was.


I was just thinking about Patrice going off on that Lingerie League Football whore. Patrice brutalized her like I've never heard. After the girls left; Anthony exploded with disbelief and he was literally Stunned that someone could be that brutal.

I don't remember the exact wording, but right after Ant said all that; Opie tried to compare Patrice to "Evil Opie". I just got douche chills typing that. Anthony uncomfortably agreed with Opie just to shut him up.

First of all, you can't give yourself your own nickname! Secondly; Opie is fucking delusional if he actually considered Patrice to be like him as far as brutality and insults.

Actually it was worse, Ant said "Evil Opie is Jesus compared to Patrice."

The show is fractured and they're all trying to find their way. This was a LONG time in the making, but SXM did not provide an atmosphere that was conducive for this show to thrive. They've been rotting on the vine pretty much since the merger, sadly enough. Management had stripped them of what made them them and they've just been living in the shadow of Stern. They were kept out of spite and kept under his thumb.

This isn't this forums fault or Opie or Jim or Ant. Everything is just broken right now. There's no clear outcome, we're just going to have to wait a couple more weeks to see what is going to happen.

Opie, Ant and Jimmy knew very well what they were in for when they re-signed at SXM. Stern would be the big honcho. So this cannot be an excuse. In fact Ant said on the TACS reddit a couple a days ago that maybe they got a bit too lazy and complacent. So I agree this situation is sad and a long time in the making, but OA&J are partly to blame.

Financially, keeping on re-signing was the safe, no brainer decision. Creatively it killed them, but as far as their financial security goes, I can't say that I blame them.

I don't blame them at all. Everybody would have done that I reckon, especially as their options were not plenty/non existent. And maybe in order to avoid asking themselves some hard, difficult questions regarding their creativity they thought it easier to blame management.

This place did nothing. Opie and Jim are the culprits. They ruined the show. We should be getting ready for the launch of the Opie and Anthony network right now. Instead it will be the TACS network. Which is fine. I'm willing to bet we see Jimmy reunite with Anthony when O&J dies. I can't wait until that day. TACS is good but could be better. I would like to see Anthony with a cohost.


My wife has been listening to the show for the past 5+ years and even without coming to this sub to be tainted by us she has told me she can't listen to the show anymore. I set her up with the free podcast of ants best of show and now she subscribes and listens to his show during her commute instead of O & J. She showed her tits to get a free XM radio back when they were touring at the start of the XM days and became a daily listener.. And now it's just insane how little Opie seems to even give a fuck about putting on an edgy show. It's over Johnny. Nothing to see here move along.

There are comedy teams... and most of the times the "strait man" is usually the most interesting and funny, they just have the mindset to see the product as a whole and sacrifice themselves for the best of the product.

One would make you think that before, this COULD have been opie. But with Ant gone (and a guy just as funny taking over) it is clear that Opie always needed anthony more than vice versa.

I think I finally figured out what makes him so irritating is that he reminds people of the assholes in everyday life. There are WAY more obnoxious and hideous personalities out there (people like Gene Simmons and Ian Halperin come to mind), but they're so off the radar and caricatured that they're, at least for me, hard to really rage at because they don't seem like real people. I've never met anyone like Gene Simmons or Dice or anything close, but I've met a fucking million Opies. Every time Opie steamrolls someone in a conversation or verbally invades someone's personal space it reminds me of every time I've been interrupted/whatever and that's what really makes me clench my teeth. That being said, I think Opie is at worst just kind of an annoying guy sometimes but he seems like the worst person in the world if you're too absorbed into the show like me and most of the regular posters here are. I get stupidly irritated listening to him sometimes, but even I can't fucking imagine feeling strong enough hatred for Opie that I'd want to participate in the r/Opieandanthony Bam Margera cuckold fantasy circlejerk or refer to him as a "vile rat" as one person in a listening thread did. He's kind of boring and kind of a douche. Any description beyond that is hyperbolic over-dramatized bullshit that wouldn't even occur to you if da show didn't take up an unhealthily large part of your life. I'm as guilty of using the show as a human substitute as the next faggot O&A fan, but I do think I have at least enough insight into how empty my life is to recognize the distortion that being obsessed causes.


Yesterday's discussion about Ray Rice and his indefinite suspension was classic Opie.

He kept an annoying caller on that kept trampling over everyone because he had the same opinion as Opie, and every time Jim and Travis (who had awesome fucking chemistry) started talking back and forth, Opie kept trying to squeeze in and shut everyone up so he could set the table for the caller to make the same exact point again.

It's beyond infuriating. The show was alright up to that point, except for Opie trying to derail the show and make it into a "we have technical issues, cmon Sam, let's keep saying Mars is on a walkabout" but once him and Bawby started talking about kids, Opie dominated the whole show and there was no funny allowed.

Opie stinks. Anthony is trying hard but also stinks without Opie. It's a mess for poor Jimmy. All because some cunt punched Anthony. It's a fucking shame man

Come on over to /r/ronandfez

It's completely different, love Ron, but I can't stand that guy's voice who does the show with them (not fez). He's got a worse radio voice than Dennis Falcone.

Worse than Sam?

Ron is great when he is with Opie or Anthony but the format of their show just doesn't do it for me as a regular listen.

Sheeple = you.



Agreed, personally what has been bugging me is Jim. Is it me or is his persona on the show very predictable and flat. It's like any chance he gets he just does another dick and ball joke, he even called himself out on the show on Monday. I don't know maybe I'm still jaded from Ant's departure but man Jim jokes are just getting boring. And the whole 1 hour show to Jim's bee video viewing was boring. Maybe Jim is just doing this on purpose just to annoying everyone.

Jim is doing fine considering he's got nothing to play off of. It's like volleyball and Jim keeps hitting the ball into the air and Opie just let's the ball to fall the ground every single time.


Come play with us, Danny...

TLDR please

If these people (or anybody) can ruin this show (or any show) for you, then you were never a fan of it to begin with.

It just means he's not a lemming.

suck my dick, troll

Did someone say troll?

What if I don't want to?

I feel bad for you.

You'll do it. You should anyway, why reject such a beautifully worded offer?

just put it in your mouuuuuuth, your mothafuckin mouuuuuuth

Take the dic like a good girl should

"Well ya shoulda mentioned that the FIRST time there, TURKEY." (Jimmy/Todd voice)

He starts out by saying "The biggest problem with Opie is his voice." Sorry, that is FAR from 'the biggest problem.' Hence my comical retort.

I think Stockholm Syndrome fits perfectly.

The show is a cage with an unlocked door but you don't want to leave because it's all you have known and cared about for years and years.

You notice how many times he was saying stuff was "beautiful" yesterday? That's Florentine jargon.