How to Handle Elevator Confrontation w/ Jay Z and Ray Rice - @OpieRadio

2  2014-09-09 by EskimoEscrow


Someone commented: "where's the funny voice?" And a guy names BrianfromMaOandA commented back: "he got fired for a couple tweets a few months ago" lol. Op got Faced!

Another GEM. What a finely crafted piece of entertainment.

This is so much better than show prep.

This is so much better than show prep.


This should be posted in EVERY YouTube video on OpieRadio

20 or so of these, upvoted a number of times...he might take the hint


Opie is a fucking nothing

Sometimes when Opie talks he doesn't think about what he's saying, he just spouts nonsense. That's what his videos are, no thought has been put into them, they just happen.

I was kind of hoping our hate would build towards something, but now I realize that Opie is just going to keep doing this. He's entirely at ease putting out this shit now. He's plugging his ears and blindly racing forward into cringy social media hackdom. I will now turn this hate inward, and cut myself.

I've always tolerated opie to an extent, but I think this is the last straw for me.

I guess "the show has passed me by"

EDIT: This video just got me to purchase 6 month sub to the Anthony Cumia Show, this shit was just the little push I needed.

Welcome! You won't be disappointed.

Whatever it takes. Welcome to the darkies side.

Anybody who was an Opie supporter, how could you be after the How To Chain Your Dragon fiasco and his terrible tweets and worthless Youtube bombs like Loves The Internet Guy? Just the past 90 days of him bombing in every form of entertainment to include t shirts should be enough to get anybody to turn on him. He's been insufferable in every avenue.

I've totally changed my opinion on the guy. He is unbearable.

I've defended Opie in the past. And for the most part, I stand by what I said and still feel the same. Up until 2009ish when the shit really hit the fan, he was at least bearable and had his moments as well. When he wasn't stomping all over someone or trying to be funny, he was good, and I still support that. He hosted well, didn't try to be too overbearing, was good with the Stalker Patties and other assorted retards and weirdos and brought some good stuff to the show. IMO 2009 is when he started getting bad, but I could still tolerate and even enjoy him.

But now...holy shit. I don't even know what to say anymore. Literally every single thing he says or does blows my fucking mind. I am in awe of how completely stupid, unaware, and egotistical he has become. I think he is an actual autistic person. I don't know of anyone who acts that way who doesn't have some serious mental illness. It goes far beyond bad jokes and stomping on other people's lines. He's losing his mind.

I used to think that all if the people who were fired or quit or whatever just bitched about Opie because they were disgruntled former employees. But now I see a lot of truth to what they say. It was always Opie they complained about. Not Jim, not Ant, not Steve C or Eric or Travis or whoever. Always Opie. Even Erock took a shot at him a few years ago during that stand up comedy show at the Hard Rock. Erock good naturedly bashed his coworkers with obvious shit, and then when it came to Opie, he simply said "Too easy." That said way more than a good ribbing ever could have. And that's coming from Erock, the dude who said Opie was his hero!

So yeah, I completely gave up on Opie. I tried giving O&J a shot, but its painfully obvious that all of this supposed figuring things out is utter bullshit. They're all fucking lazy, they have zero desire to retain what remaining fans they have left, they put forth no effort at all, Opie is in full on God mode since Ant left and the only reason that the show isn't complete morning zoo garbage is because their three remaining comic friends are barely helping them keep their heads above water. I don't really blame Jim at all. He's in a tough spot and out of anyone he is at least trying to put some life into the show. Maybe the other guys are as well, but it sure doesn't seem that they. They are content to just roll over and die a slow, boring death.

I honestly hope SXM cans the show completely and I can't believe I'm saying that, as a fan of many years. But they've been asking for it for a long time. Don't get me wrong, SXM is as much at fault as the staff, but they didn't have it so bad there. They had plenty of chances to bring in a bigger audience or bring the show back to its glory days but they instead wanted to talk about dumb shit, be lazy and let their egos get out of control. I realize this is more of an O&J rant than an Opie rant, but he's the supposed ship steerer. And he's been steering them into irrelevance.

But how does that make you feel?

Sad :/

I didn't notice until you said it, but he is absolutely bombing in every form of entertainment. Fuckin King Midas in reverse here

As we are all aware, Opie is retarded, so editing a video like this will take an inordinate amount of time. Let's be generous and say 30-40 minutes per shitfest.... Yet he claims he can't find free time to squeeze in a Game Of Thrones or Boardwalk Empire episode?

The fact that he doesn't watch the shows isn't what bothers me. It's that he thinks everyone cares that he doesn't watch the shows and also that he has the fucking nerve to say that he only doesn't watch them because he has kids. If he just simply said "I don't like Game of Thrones or Boardwalk Empire" I would respect him a lot more.

He has time for The View, America's Got Talent, 90 Day Fiance, The Bachelor, Jon and Kate and all of this nonsense pitched at housewives. He just needs to come clean that "his chick" isn't watching that crap, he is.

I'd like Opie if he was just openly the fruitbooting 55 year old housewife that he is and stopped pretending to like "man's man" shows and pro sports.

You mean hardcore season ticket holder Islander fan who doesn't seem to know the basic rules of hockey when Burr or Dipaulo bring up the sport? Or bigtime Mets fan that had to stop pretending when the halfwit Bobo tried to discuss it with him?

This is going great!

How to tame your "&$;;-:"s

There are only a handful of people on this planet who know what "&$;;-:" really stands for. It's a very exclusive club.


The video concept isn't bad but the fucking bumpers of his stupid fucking handle just ruin it completely.

Also it could have used silent film-esque borders and fonts on the text or an old-timey radio voice over. He did the music but not the other details.

Silly Michelanvalo, those things require effort

Opie has become incapable of producing effort or anything resembling effort.

Okay Elias

Is he actually putting effort into thinking with his brain AT ALL?! who the fuck is this video made for?

So who makes these for Opie?

I guarantee the old-timey music was "inspired" by the Colin Quinn Classic Cinema videos.

You can't tell me opie didn't try and copy those Colin Quinn videos

Honestly, this isn't as bad as what I thought I'd be getting myself into.

This is Todd Show level material.

He has time for The View, America's Got Talent, 90 Day Fiance, The Bachelor, Jon and Kate and all of this nonsense pitched at housewives. He just needs to come clean that "his chick" isn't watching that crap, he is.

I'd like Opie if he was just openly the fruitbooting 55 year old housewife that he is and stopped pretending to like "man's man" shows and pro sports.