Opie's new horrible "FACED!" catchphrase. Ughhh!

3  2014-09-09 by FresnoJefferson

Proof he reads this subreddit. No one can be that confident and oblivious in real life to repeat something over and over so annoying and horrible.


That was an East Side Dave thing. You know, the guy he worked behind the scenes to get fired.

when ESD did it he probably didn't sound like a hack though.

When you're batting 350 with 30 homers, people tend not to bitch too much if you make an out. Opie is batting around the Mendoza line these days though...

he got Dave fired?

No, he didn't, never listen to these speculating faggots on reddit. He worked just as hard for Dave as he did for Dr. Steve and he managed to get them both back.

I really am amazed at some of the dopes on here.

After Dave was fired he made some passive aggressive comments about never even hearing Dave's show and said he didn't know if it was good or not.

No. He didn't.

There was "money issues" and Opie backed Dr. Steve, not Dave.

I don't think he fought for ESD when he cut work, either.

Next thing you know there will be a new hit opie radio t-shirt. http://www.cafepress.com/eastsidedavecountry.926784784


I bet he got if from the Philly Crew.

When you say it 224 times in two hours, it has to catch on.

But that's the BIT though, to annoy us Twitter voicers and get a reaction from Florentine. Opie steering that ship there. How brilliant is he?

it's a GOOF.

He has less than a month of his radio career left so he has to adopt and exhaust words and catchphrases in a hurry. Don't get all butthurt about it. Face!

ah sheeet, ya got me nigga!

You got a nigga...ribs HURT-IN to-day!


But that's the BIT though, to annoy us Twitter voicers and get a reaction from Florentine. Opie steering that ship there. How brilliant is he?

ah sheeet, ya got me nigga!