How many found O&A randomly on youtube and went all in?

0  2014-09-08 by shameofyou

This should be considered a rare positive Opie post since I assume there's a fair amount beside myself. He was the only person protecting that, so good on him I say. Seems Anthony Inc. is getting a bit fresh with the fan generated snippets. Perhaps a roll call might let him know what time it is.


I'll give you that. Ant is basically a fucking Jew. Opie is at least cool about the show being out there for free.

I listened to a few clips here and there but mostly Gervais and CK interviews and I didn't know who any of the three were (in fact I was confused with who was who for a while), then the Lady Di internship happened and I was OBSESSED from that point. In the two months after that I easily listened to thousands of hours of O&A, it was crazy. I really have an addictive personality when it comes to non-productive things.

Irishman here. Started with Ron and Fez on YouTube in '07. Gradually moved to OandA through Louis C.K clips hating each show member at one time or another, then gradually understanding the show better and then finally, by about '12 I was all-in.

Found O+A through Louis CK standup clips - a few videos supplied by O+A Video, Stevenknight and ValleyChip and down the rabbit hole I went.

I don't know what you're trying to say with your post thing. Just gonna add that I listened to the Homeless Mustard - Creep thing years before I knew what the show was. And I think I saw an ad for the Virus Tour too.

Sort of, found out Ricky Gervais was on there in April 2013 and listened to that, didn't know who Opie, Anthony or Jimmy was. He was on again in June with just Sam and Jimmy which I listened to and I kept thinking "I need to start listening to this show because it's really fucking great". Then in December I found out they had a podcast and subscribed immediately.

I went all in after the homeless cake stomp drama here on Reddit. I decided to check them out and the first Youtube clip I listened to was The best of Uncle Paul. I was all in at that point.

Started listening after I found some Angry Vince clips.

Yea i found them on youtube, through the Rogan vs Mencia thing, being a Brit and not being used to NY accents It took me a while to figure out who the fuck was talking, all blended together at first

Same, I thought Opie was Ant and vice versa for months