16  2014-09-08 by [deleted]

Tomorrow! Everybody dance now!!! Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh (drums kick in) duh nuh nuh nuh EVERYBODY DANCE NOW. unh unh don't be afraid uhn just do yo thang uh uh


Not only will this be a show that is free to the public, but they are also going to be in studio this time instead of out at the pool so they can watch video/comment on that shit and they will be able to field calls this time. It should be great.

I wish he would stop doing the show outside. It doesn't really add anything, and it seems like they spend half the time talking about bees and shit.

Well it can only last another month or so anyway

I wouldn't put it past anthony to run giant propane heaters outside in winter.

He needs more subs for that to happen.


Fawk yeah, cawksuckasss

Where did you hear this from?

Ant & Jim both tweeted it over the weekend. It will also be a free show.

Didn't they mean the first interview was free on the Podcast?

No its a free show tomorrow. You just go to his site at the start of the show.

What time?

Someone please record it and put it on youtube. You can have my ass and mouth.

Oh wow. I'm just catching up to today's show. Jimmy is coming back tomorrow!

Aprall Falls.


Coal burners can either be shamed now or Ray Riced later.


Your flair offends me, madam. I don't like reading racial slurs.

What time?

Someone please record it and put it on youtube. You can have my ass and mouth.