Nomination for Opie's most "blind about his own nature" moment.

0  2014-09-08 by ryanasimov


"Take some advice from us & lose some weight, alright?"

whoever pointed out in that Letterman appearance the exact time that Opie gets bitchy when Ant was talking and Opie wanted to say something... bravo.

Edit: 6:12

Ugh. That is today's problem

I just watched that. Ant is being hilarious doing his Howie "I invented everything" impressions and Opie tries to jump in to ruin it. Good thing Ant didn't let that happen to deflate the moment.

What an asshole

Probably the second or third day back, after saying it was unreasonable for the two of them to walk away, under threat of lawsuit, dumbfuck gets all excited and calls the clippers coach and players a bunch of fakers for not walking out on the fucking nba playoffs.

Thats when i turned.

Opie spends a good portion of the first ten minutes complaining the Elizabeth Hasslebeck took a joke too seriously.. then does the same exact thing when Otto makes a joke about him.

Very good example. RIP Otto... only he and and Blobby ever took shots at Opie.

Bill Burr too if you listen to some earlier appearances of his. I don't know which show it was, but he made a joke about Opie and then said something acknowledging that Opie was giving him an evil glare. Opie didn't want the radio world to know that so he denied that and said everything was fine.

You're right. I remember Bill sounding genuinely confused, as if, "Am I the only one who is going to give him shit about this?"

when was this? what show

Vos also gave it too him hard a few times.

Yeah, Vos took his shots, but I always felt held back a bit because Opie was the only one on the show he ever did anything social with. Maybe Opie paid the greens fees for a few private courses and Voss was happy he didn't have to play some shitty public course all the time, even though Opie goofed on him for being considerate enough to bring lunch.

And complained that after 5 minutes they'd run out of things to say to each other. So why do you socialise with the guy then?

Opie took a phone call from somebody to set up a bit where Opie said "Fine! I'll just stop doing the show!" and it was meant to be this big Holy Shit moment where everybody would just be punished with bad radio and we'd have to acknowledge the vital importance of Opie.

You know what happened? Ant and Jim had a fine conversation with Bill Burr. It was no worse and in some respects better. For one, Ant and Jim got to talk with somebody who was funny for a change for 15 minutes without Opie screaming hold on, wait, pause, interrupting them and talking over them like a fuckin' autistic faggot.

What was the point to that? That he was somehow more valuable on a comedy show than Bill Burr?

First 20 seconds the caller said...

"Every time people have a great bit going and they are being funny and riffing and you can't contribute because you have nothing funny or witty to say, you always try to bring it back to a prior subject. When are you going to learn how to be a contributor or just stop interrupting and let these guys get on a roll? Stop trying to be a director!"

I listened to this show the whole way through like some time last week, and the caller got to him so badly that he wouldn't stop bringing it up. Just would NOT let it go.

Oh yeah, he was mad as a motherfucker over that one. That's how you know it is true. It really ate his silly little soul.

Every single Jocktober show involves this very thing no? A hack belittling the hackiness of lesser hacks

Ant and Jim explains Opie's role. "He's the rudder"