Does this community blame Opie for Anthony's firing?

0  2014-09-08 by ceslek


No, Ant's only to blame for that. The Opie hate is strong now because he's half the focus of the show now and he's just not delivering. Jimmy and Opie don't seem to have the same chemistry that Ant and Jim have.

Or Ant and Op have...


50% of the readers here do it for upvotes.

More like 80%

When they were all together, the funny would mask the Opester.. Now that the funny is minimal the true form of the Opester is shining through in all it's douchey glory.

No I don't think anyone here does this. Opie was always disliked in some way but tolerated. Now that Anthony is gone so is that tolerance.

Short answer.. Yes. After 20 years of dealing with that shit head, Anthony saw an out and boy did he take it. #neverlookbackAnt

The Opie hate was here prior, but being there is no Ant to take the focus off the Opster all of his doucheness (word?) really just spills all over everything uncontrollably. And no, Opie wasn't to blame for his firing that was between Sirius and Anthony.

I think "Doucheness" needs to be capitalized; as in "Your Doucheness"

No. Why would anyone come to this conclusion? Opie didn't construct those tweets nor does Opie have any power over those who have contractual obligations with SXM. The reason there is so much hate for Opie is because we've been trained by the show over the past decade to identify what 'funny' and 'entertaining' is, with regards to radio. Patrice, Burr, Louis and the cavalcade of other guests, along with Ant & Jim going back an fort,. have set the bar extremely high, and now, all we are subject to is an out of touch, needy, insecure, unfunny guy who has no idea how to play off of the only funny guy in the room. Opie is the person he has trained us to hate. HE is the reason we hate him so much. It's his fault.

The Opster has been fully exposed.

I did cancel my Sirius subscription the minute Ant was fired. Ant does better radio and his references are funnier. Opie is a strange man. He had his moments. Some of his videos on his channel are not bad.

There are appearances of Louis CK or Patrice where you would have the best formula. Opie steering the ship and Ant and guests bringing the funny.

I can't imagine anyone blames Opie for Ant getting fired. It was pretty fucking clear that Ant did it to himself on this one. I'd be shocked to find out Opie didn't try and plead for Ant to not be fired right after that whole thing went down. Neither of them wanted their 20 year career to end on terms that weren't theirs. Opie is a lot of things, unfunny, bad at radio, cuck for Bam, etc. but he is definitely not the reason Anthony got fired.

I'd tolerated Opie from the very beginning. Ant and Jim had always made the show worth listening to IN SPITE of Opie. In fact, when I first started listening, I knew what they looked like, but didn't know who was who. I assumed the idiot was the greasy WOP, so there was a time I associated Opie's idiotic blather with the image of Ant. It took me a while to get over that misappropriation of neurons. Now it looks like it's gonna be Opie & Vos & Bonnie going forward. Once Jimmy's free, I'll feel relieved that I'll have absolutely NO reason to hear about or even consider Opie.

Opie's ambivalence towards Ant's show caused me to not like him. On the first show back from break Jimmy said that Opie should do Ant's podcast and his response was "yeah yeah, I'll do it eventually" and changed the subject. Shit like that makes me dislike him.

No. The only person responsible for Anthony's firing(besides Ant and his stupid twitter) is SiriusXM CEO James Meyer. He went over everyone's head(including greenstein) and fired Ant on the 4th of july weekend. It was probably a power move. He's a new CEO,without a lot of radio background,eager to assert his power in front of the board.

What are you missing? Are you listening to the show? he is terrible. And not in an innocent way, in a way that makes people furious at him. He has been for years but now its amplified.

This has nothing to do with Anthony.

Why does everyone here listen to the show if they hate Opie and think he sucks? I thought everyone was going to cancel their subs because of this.

It has something (a lot) to do with Ant since this started when he was fired.

I'm curious as to how many people from this community are paying for Ant's show.

This is a good question actually I have no idea why other then they enjoy Satellite radio for other things and don't want to cancel.

I must say, for all of the years I had XM (since they joined) I can honestly say I could count on both hands the number of times I listened to music. After Ant got fired, I actually enjoy trolling around the music channels. Audio quality is much clearer than FM and you can hear things other than pop and rap (I live in NYC area.) My wife likes country music, and with SXM she can listen until her heart's content.

But for the first 10 years, my car's radio was strictly tuned to the O&A channel.

Only reason I could come up with is that it's like watching a car crash. Terrible thing but you can't look away.

I think Stern till has a solid show (especially when he has celebs in) but it seems like he's always on vacation.

I hate Stern's two hour long interviews with celebrities his fanbase could give a flying fuck about (Katie Couric, Larry King, Al Roker etc...)

He thinks he's making history with "the definitive (name your celebrity) interview" but nobody gives a fuck. He is unbelievably up his own ass in regards to his importance. Also, he had Larry King in two years in a row, how much could have changed with that old man in a year that we need to hear from him again? It was at least sort of novel once, twice forget it.

I gave up on Stern when that cheap bastard refused to retain Billy West and Jackie. I never gave a shit about the interviews either...I just got a kick outta the boys riffing on topical shit. I see a lot of hate for Robin though, and I have to say I really enjoyed "Robin's News" sine it gave Jackie and Billy a platform to riff off of. I suppose that the creeping death of Political Correctness of the '90s also ruined the show for me...some of you youngsters probably don't realize the freedom these shows one had back in the '80s and '90s. No cursing, but you ould get away with "hate speech" on regular radio that would get you fired on satellite today.

Case in point (for the kids here):

I don't hate Opie; I just don't think he "brings the funny" therefore I won't support him without Anthony. I had Sirius for 3 years and cancelled July 4th when i read of Ant's firing, have had a sub to Ant's new show since day 1.


ve contractual obligations with SXM. The reason there is so much hate for Opie is because we've been trained by the show over the past decade to identify what 'funny' and 'entertaining' is, with regards to radio. Patrice, Burr, Louis and the cav

I've been downloading O&A for years, but I pay for Ant's show.

No, I do not blame Opie. But, he did talk a fair amount of shit saying things like "I don't need this place, I can walk away anytime that I want". His big-shot bravado was confirmed horseshit when they fired Ant and he now claims he can't leave because of a contract?

I would rather listen to Dennis Falcone & Jimmy than Ketchup-boi & Jimmy.