Opie Hate Containment Thread

0  2014-09-07 by ffffantomas

Do you hate Opie? Do you like threads? Then this is the place for you. Instead of clogging the sub with tonnes of anti-Opie threads with little or no feedback or discussion, post here with your vitriol and with any links you feel highlight the things you hate about him. I won't be taking part, I am simply trying to the make the world (this sub) a better place.


What a great idea!

You've inspired me to go and create my own Opie Hate Containment Thread.

Everyone! Start your own Opie Hate Containment Threads!


Your fuckin pecka made me smile muda fucka

i hate Opie.

Opie has the mentality of a teenage girl

The mods should make a Opie hate sticky.

Eat a dick, I'll hate Opie anywhere and everywhere I please.

suck everyone's pecker and ass OP.


opie is yin anthony is yang. some days i hate him some days i love him

thats a great idea!

Opie Army Hitters