scrolling album of 45 screenshot pics of haters tweeting to @opieradio from the past few days

12  2014-09-06 by [deleted]


Opie's ball washers make me so uncomfortable. Why would anyone seek approval from a humorless 50 year old frat boy?

That Bam fucking Opie's wife line was fucking brutal!! I wonder what he does when he reads shit like that?

How many of those haters on twitter are from Reddit? I thought all Opie haters were on here.

I wonder what he does when he reads shit like that?

Hits her?

That would be a Hoot!

The bam references aren't funny, it's just,idk. If you're going to trash him, at least let it be for sucking

He's a family man. It's hitting him where it hurts to bring up a younger, more famous guy sticking it to Mrs. Opie's mudslide.

O&A never had those rules when they were making fun of others.

Opie haters also make me uncomfortable. Just imagine them saying that to his face. It wouldn't work.

Keep 'em coming.

"why don't you suck my cum nozzle?" lmfao i kinda like it more when the opie defenders get hit

That looks like you put a lot of work into it. Good work though.

Hahaha. This proves that he has "haters" all over the place. Not just here


audiocosmos? is that you?



Thank you.

You appear to spend a lot of time making absolute shit. Sounds like it was made in Mario Paint. I'm certain Opie is a more talented person than you and that probably makes you bitter that you're not a millionaire with your animal noise music. I don't even like the guy but you certainly have no room to shit on other people for their lack of talent.

But some of those aren't even haters, just trying to make jokes

That was gold Jerry gold.

I'm not a big fan of Opie but you guys are fucking pathetic. For all you claim to hate the guy you sure do spend a lot of time thinking about him, talking about him, reading his twitter, coming up with unfunny shit to try and troll him with on twitter, etc. You really are obsessed. The only thing more pathetic than a grown man on twitter is hundreds of manbabies following them and critiquing their every word.

The amount of effort you put into all of this is embarrassing.

i agree. i think all of this opie hate is unwarranted. get a life.



@OpieTeeth. You guys are too funny. If these people are blocked does he not see these tweets? I don't do know anything about twitter.

Its only the same rejects hating on him on twitter with fake twitter accounts, so pathetic.

Youre the highest level of hack there ever is. Just a bunch of rejects hating on a man that gave you 20 years of radio, can you atleast appriciate that? You dont have to like Opie but jesus, grow the fuck up you nothings.

I dont like Opie but ive never bashed or hated on him, probably cause im not a simple minded 90 IQ jizzbag like you guys. You just think its fun to bash on him cause its the flavor of the month, typical schoolyard bandwagon bullying. For once in your life you feel a part of something and in this scenario its hating Opie, collective ego masturbate.

You retards will always be below the average joe, what an sad life, keep it up.

You realize Reddit is different from Twitter, right?

OP just posted things he saw in Opie's Twitter feed. If you have a problem with that, throw on your suit of armor and go defend Opie's honor (not on Reddit, but Twitter).

I find it funny that the guy who's posting in the World of Warcraft sub, the Conspiracy sub, and the AgeofMythology sub is telling us to get a life.

Yea, whats your point?

Im obviously not talking about OP showing us the pictures but im talking about the people bashing opie, you really couldnt figure that one out? Come on.

Im not defending opie per se, I defend a person getting bashed.

Ive posted once in WoW and it was today, AOM like 3 times and it was yesterday. I find it more funny that you really look into my account to have an edge in "owning" me like thats relevant at all.

You also say "is telling us to get a life", so youre one of these rejects that hate on Opie and now you feel like I attacked you and you have to defend yourself? You defend the reason or motivation to bash and shit talk a person? And getting other peoples involved into doing it?

Youre weak, son. Also, Im not an Opie fanboy, I recently unsubbed from his twitter and youtube but I dont make a big deal of it and specially I dont sit on reddit with this bandwagon circlejerk-fest hating him.

Yes, where you spend your time is relevant. When you wax poetically about what constitutes a sad life, your post history is called into question

I actually don't bash Opie. Most of my criticism is constructive or just meant to be funny. The majority of the posts here are intended to be humorous. The show isn't funny so we have resorted to making one another laugh. Also, Jocktobering the Opie Show is pretty fun

And getting other peoples involved into doing it?


Youre weak, son.

Am I? hahaha wow

I recently unsubbed from his twitter and youtube

Recently? His Twitter and YouTube account has been horrendous for the last year. What was the final straw?

Well with that logic I spent 40 seconds in WoW and 5 mins in AOM, and I also sit in psycholgy, psychonaut, travel and philisophy majority of my time.

So thank you. And what do you do except O&A?

Haha, the majority of the bash posts are supposed to be humorous? Come on, thats totally not the intention with it. And if it is, thats even worse. That means youre literally only hating to be funny i.e to get the confirmation from others that you are indeed funny i.e you dont really hate him but you do it cause of peer pressure in a way, 100$ you gonna missaprehend that last thing and totally not understand my point, at all.

Also, the answer to it is probably im retarded, right.

Yes, I reckon a person who hates another person and talks shit about that person cause everyone else is doing is, are weak.

Great minds discuss ideas

Average minds discuss events

Poor minds discuss people

simple logic and judges someones character, innit? Well, to be honest, im not active on twitter and I rarely check the vids from all my subs, but I just decided to.

And I know where this is going, nowhere. Youre a brick wall and are still trying impress some entity with this hacky O&A-fan persona, thanks for clarifying that.

Have a good day.

You quoted Eleanor Roosevelt to try to prove you are a great mind?

Your entire first post (that started this idiocy) is talking about how "Opie-haters" are "simple minded 90 IQ jizzbag(s)". So you were discussing people...

You are a contradiction to your own bullshit. You built up how intelligent you are in your own head, but really you adopt the ideas of greater humans to appear less pathetically stupid.

Your whole rant was disjointed and it came off as a desperate neckbeard trying to seem smart. Half of your argument doesn't make sense and you contradict yourself. Misspelling, shit grammar, entitlement of a poor douche...

Please type a reply, this is the funniest shit I've read on this sub.

Well, he is a neckbeard.

What's your IQ again Vos?

Thats hilarious, I can totally see you hanging at the show with all your topical lines. Youre almost a part of something.