Why O&A caters to the miserable.

0  2014-09-06 by RIPAnthony23

We're all miserable, so we seek refuge in this bizarro world of radio personalities and comedians. It's like high school, there are cliques, groups, politics, degrees of popularity, feuds, alliances, dramatic situations, relationships, gossip, inside jokes.

We're the parisitic worms on the outskirts who forge a community after a community.


You're confusing this with /b/, and you're confusing us with you. This sub is all students and middle-class workers. You're the odd man out, dude.

This sub is all students and middle-class workers.

Pretty accurate.

You're stoned right now, huh?

He just had a baby hit.

Did you even drink beers in high school?

+You just dont, like, get it maaaahn

you're projectin brah

The level of projection in this post is depressing. It's a fucking sub of a comedy show, lighten up ya twat.

I didn't realise the only people who like comedy are miserable parasitic worms.

or..... we just want to hear some funny shit. speak for yourself...

I just like listening to funny shit while I drive.

I also don't care about show politics, there's no bandwagon for me to jump on because I've never thought that they were anything but amusing hacks. And I'm definitely not in any community just for listening to a radio show and checking out a few boards.

TIL happy people hate comedy

I had no idea I was miserable. Thanks for informing me, random Reddit user!

by that logic every fan base is miserable, just swap 'comedians' with 'actors' and 'radio personalities' with 'characters' and you're covering pretty much every fan that ever existed

Id say pretty accurate no matter how much the others deny it

As accurate as my username.

Lol my point exactly. Dislike this guy so bad your username is based on him