TIL Anthony Cumia Fans are fat fucks

12  2014-09-05 by ThePittWolf


Available in sizes Sam Roberts, Jim Norton, Jim Norton 2 Years ago, Erock and Roland.


Anthony: "Good."

"Keith, we're out of Ralphie May's"

5x is known as the Lady Di.

Get your Anthony Cumia Show t-shirts. Available in sizes small to family-sized tent.

Can confirm. I'm fat.


truckers tend to overeat

I don't want to look like a freak.. Just give me the mumucv

You blew it by pressing the wrong keys and making that look like a Bulgarian word.

I have no idea what happened there...

Fat fingers is what happened

i'll smash the keyboard to order a dialing wand...

You left the bird in charge

Sizes: twink to Roland

Anytime O&A did a live event, it really did look like a Fat Acceptance meeting.

Your size will be back in stock soon. No sense getting all butthurt

They have them in my size. I was buying one for your muddah.

Just send it to me. I'll make sure she gets it.

I make sure she gets it all night.

the 5xl is for your mudda

Oh, sweet! He has 4xl in stock!

You're right... I guess I should order two dozen wings so it will fit properly.


it's like a roaming billboard

FIVE XL?!! Jesus christ dude. Why even bother wearing clothes with pictures on them at that point? Just cover yourself in a bison hide or burlap sack. Everyone is too astonished by your fatfuck celestial body to notice that you're supporting the Anthony Cumia Show.

This guy needs a shirt too...

fat fuck dodger fan

Only a 5x? I'm 7x and Anthony is a fatist for not carrying my size.

Maybe black people are wearing the ironically.

While I agree there are probably fans that are fat fucks, there is also the possibility that they don't stock equal amounts for each size.

is this what truckers talk about when theyre making small talk with each other? Radio and shit? Seems like a shared hobby, and a good ice breaker.

They are also big, big boys. I swear to god the only time you see a John Tenta mother fucker is a truck driver. http://pwhistorylesson.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/earthquake_9001wwfrumble.png

I also saw someone call Bobby Lee "weird looking" on one of Sams profiles today and he looked like Wayne Static

I resemble that statement!

These shirts are kinda boring tbh.. I'd buy one if it had the stand with Ant face on it or something. But the TACS logo alone is kinda lame. Maybe I'm just a gigantic faggot who cares about what my shirts look like.

oh marone it's a fat fuck like ya mother used to make, chindon a saloot.


He said it on the air too, also referencing t-shirt sizes.

Got my size! I eat like shit, McDonalds, Ice cream, all you can eat. I stay at 150 pounds, rail fucking thin. I have a labor intensive job, but I do not work out, I sit on my ass and play games in my spare time not working.

na na na na naaaa na

J/K I love you fat bastards, I laugh really hard on this reddit.

No shame in being a fat mess, my muddah was a very rubinesque woman. She always had guys ovah.

To add a little bit of logic into this: He probably ordered proportionately. We'll say 150 each of the normal sizes S-XL, maybe 100 2x, and like 20 each of 3, 4, and 5. (I hope)

Bubba the Love Sponge and Maxwell bought them all

People are just realizing this now?

Bobo would be considered thin compared to the other fans of the show.

Yes ,I'm just realizing this now. So what.


Those shirts & that logo are so boring. Cmon, Cumia marketing team! Get some cool shit out there.

Those are just the American versions of small, medium and large

His design really reminds me of Guinness t shirts!


Wouldn't the show's logo look ridiculously tiny floating on that sea of fabric?


Serious question: If you're a size that's (number)-XL, why the fuck do you need a tshirt that says stuff on it? Who will read it?

Are you kidding? You're like a mobile billboard.

There's not gonna be much "mobile" going on with a 5x fat fuck. Oh wait, they have those motorized scooter thingies, never mind. Perfect then.

I listen to ONA and now TAC show daily and I'm not fat, however I'm also not the type to wear an Anthony Cumia shirt.

Wow that was fascinating. Thank you.

In other words, pathetic fat motherfuckers without any fashion sense buy and wear shirts like this which is why they are the only ones sold out. Meanwhile in the other thread everyone is calling sames wife a 6 when they probably haven't seen their dicks in the last 5 years.


perfect response

You know the most important thing about this post is that Anthony has fans.