Enough with the pure opie hate!

5  2014-09-04 by wp9215

You guys are such assholes with the Opie hate. Yes, I understand some of the criticism. Yes, I think he's been worse in the past couple weeks or so. That doesn't mean you all have to be such whiny complaining cunts on this sub and flood 70% of the front page with some variation of "Opie Sucks" or "Here's why I hate Opie".

I agree that the show has been worse in the past few weeks. Opie has been hard to listen to at times recently. But Jim's been shittier too. No, I don't think it's that there's no chemistry. If you think after the amount of radio they've done there's no chemistry, you're delusional. I think it's the tension over the contract negotiations, or lack thereof. Opie seemed to have a pissed off tone during a lot of the show yesterday. The only time he didn't seem that way was when he was talking about fucking ketchup, which was awful. He has to be trolling though (I really hope and believe he is), he put on twitter that he was really happy that his timeline was filled with ketchup discussion. Again, he has to be doing this to laugh at the dummies who are actually enjoying ketchup talk. The guys have made fun of hacky radio shit like that too much in the past. Also, Jimmy seemed contentious during a lot of the show, he was almost snapping back at Vos and Bonnie a lot, but seemed to hold it back.

Can you blame them? They're a month away from the end of a contract paying them big money and are trying to negotiate a new one with a company that has continuously treated them like shit.

And ENOUGH with the fucking Bam shit. Everyone involved said it never happened, even that scumbag Chaunce Haydon eventually said he didn't think there was ever a sex tape. Yet you all recently started spamming this sub again with delusional claims otherwise, with zero evidence besides "well there was a rumor once." Even if she did have a relationship with Bam (which he said on air that he never even met her), it was before she was with Opie, and WHO THE FUCK CARES? You guys are shaming her and Opie because his wife may have had sex with someone else before they met? WTF? Get a life and stop personal attacks against a host of a show that's brought you entertainment for years, because he has a nice family and a beautiful wife who "may have fucked a guy" before she met him. I've read and listened to all the background on the Bam thing. There was never a sex tape.

I love O&A and Jimmy, and I can't stand all you fucks who continuously spew hate on this sub for no reason. Have constructive criticism? Make a quick quib about one of the hosts? That's one thing. But most of you are fucking knuckle draggers who add zero value besides making the 40th list about hating Opie because he interrupts people.

I look forward to being downvoted by you douchebags.

TL;DR A loud, vocal minority of you suck a bag of dicks, and I'm sick of all the Opie hate. Give the O&J a break while they're going through contract negotiations. Also, the Bam shit never happened, get over it.


Maybe Opie should stop being terrible? Ever consider that, uppity shithead?


Or maybe you can just stop listening? I mean do you typically watch or listen to things you hate? After opies show which day time TV talk shows do you frequent?

Nice Retardlogic. Keep going.

Good one. Don't bother explaining yourself or anything.

Really? You're falling back on the, "don't like it? Don't watch it!" argument now? LMAO, what's next? "Hurr, let's see you do a better show than Opie! Herp!" Seriously, stop embarrassing yourself further. For your own sake.

I mean, after a month of the intense hate, I do question why any of the people so angry with Opie are STILL listening. I could see why people would have stuck it out for a few weeks, but at this point if you hate Opie so much, why not just move on? I'm pretty indifferent to the show at this point, I just listen to kill time.

I can't speak for others, but like I told thermitepaint, I don't listen anymore. I get my O&A fix from listening to old clips. The don't like, don't listen argument is thus a flawed one.

Sure, I don't think responding to this post, for instance, and saying "Opie sucks" is anything odd. You don't need to actively listen to the show to make that judgement, nor are you disallowed from saying that if you stop listening. I was more talking about the hate threads from people who are clearly still listening daily, but they seem to be dying down. I assume that's because people stopped listening, as you did.

How have I embarrassed myself? I like the show and Opie and Jimmy. Seriously who sits around daily and listens to something they hate and then goes on the Internet to talk about it? That truly is pathetic. How many other people do you know who do that? Most people that have there own lives to worry about don't sit around and obsess over an aging radio dj. You clearly don't have a good answer since all you can do is call me names but it's true. What are you even doing here and how many times are the same 15 people going to tell us that Opie sucks. What's there to accomplish? At the end of the day you're a loser that made nothing of himself and Opie worked on a career which made him incredibly successful. It must suck living at your parents house and knowing that.

You've embarrassed yourself because you are now resorting to childish clichés and strawmen. Don't like it, don't watch it is in fact both of those. I can only speak for myself, but after listening to O&J when they came back, I couldn't take the douchiness of Opie and stopped listening for awhile now. Conversely, I've been enjoying TACS more and more. I'm arguing from an objective standpoint. You are arguing from an emotional, contrarian standpoint. Nuff said.

No its not a strawman stupid if it sucks don't listen to it. Anthony isn't on the fucking show anymore. Jimmy is barely there comedically lately. Just go away. It sucks. Yup we got it. Nothing is changing. Opie doesn't care about what some faggot name liberal pussy has to say. The Opie and Anthony show is dead. So what is your daily bitching of Opie accomplish? Really what are you doing with yourself? You never have a good reply except you like Anthony and Jimmy but Anthony isn't there. If Jimmy did a morning zoo show on toledo Ohio do you listen? No. So move the fuck along loser.

^ See? That, right there. That's a fine example of you embarrassing yourself. This is what happens when you argue emotionally. Now, get off your Mommy's computer before you get in trouble for using big boy words.

Uhm guy argues that I've made strawman arguments and stop to stop embarrassing myself and that's exactly what you just did. Also I own my own shit thank you very much. One day you'll get there too. You'll just have to shave the neck and get a job. So tell what why are you here? The shows different. Deal with it you fucking hen. Things change. Bands change. People change. People get older. So whatare you expecting?

It's amusing and pathetic that you don't seem to understand what you're arguing anymore. I'm here because this is a place to discuss the shows past and future. That includes the eventual fate of O&J and does NOT mean the sub needs to be a mindless circle jerk of Opie Apologia that you seem to want. Maybe it's you who needs to stop posting. You're taking this place way too personally. As is your way as an autistic.

How would the sub not being pure Opie hate, and instead being an actual discussion of the show's past and future (which is what I'm saying it should be) be a "mindless circle jerk of Opie Apologia"?

The majority of people who are butthurt about the Opie bashing are unobjective Opie ball washers. Sorry, but the Opie hate is well deserved.

You literally never discuss anything except how much Opie ruined this past clip, opies Twitter feed, and what stupid comment Opie made today. I'd love to discuss old shows and shoot the shit but if every clip turns into how much Opie sucks then what's the point?


"Seriously who sits around daily and listens to something they hate and then goes on the Internet to talk about it? That truly is pathetic. How many other people do you know who do that? "

You, for one. Well, you go on the internet first, then read stuff you hate all day just to comment back on it...pathetic boy.

I think a lot of the comments are funny!

What part of you thought, "Yeah, this is what's going to stop it"? If anything, people are just going to do it more.

Hell I say we do it as a bit. Try to get whole page as Opie complaints

ehh, i stirred up some shit.

I'd like to know what other things we should be posting about for the show... Nothing is happening and the show has been so mediocre or bad that there's nothing really to talk about other than what is making it bad.

I mean, I get it. You're sick of seeing the majority of posts criticizing Opie but this is the only noteworthy thing right now.

Opie's deleted tweet yesterday, Ant saying there's drama at Sirius between the staff, etc. are noteworthy. I know we have posts for them, but just because there aren't five other things to discuss, why do we need five "Here's why I hate Opie" threads?

So a bitch made a thread bitching about all the threads that are bitching about Opie? Fair enough.

No Shit IBISON!! The poster of this thread said we take time out of our lives to hate Opie. Ironically; I stopped reading his diatribe after the 7th paragraph!!

You're a cunt.

So a cunt made a bitchy comment on a thread bitching about all the threads that are bitching about Opie

Fair enough

Stop whining. If you want to see other things on this sub, here is an idea.. MAKE SOME POSTS!!!

Imagine this guy in the real world? What kind of man complains like a bitch regarding the % of threads and their respective content?

I'd imagine he's the quiet type while the real men are talking.

He's in the kitchen with all the other hens

yes, because the "real men" are the kind that constantly bitch behind a keyboard about a radio show they listen to, and make anonymous personal attacks against the host. That's what a "real man" does.

Then there are real women like you who complain about it.

excellent comeback. Yer fawkin hilareous!

I'm going to stop you right there. Maybe you're a coward; but I would give Anything to tell Opie this stuff to his face!!' No; That doesn't make me a tough guy.

what kind of a man creates yet another thread bitching and complaining about a show they listen to?

I did make another post, asshole

He has to be trolling though (I really hope and believe he is), he put on twitter that he was really happy that his timeline was filled with ketchup discussion. Again, he has to be doing this to laugh at the dummies who are actually enjoying ketchup talk.

There was a time when I might have thought this was just Opie trolling us. But considering things like his pathetic attempts to go viral and his thin-skinned whining about everything from "haters" to Rich and Bonnie's depiction of him on their podcast, I'm convinced that the "trolling" we're seeing right now is pretty much just Opie being Opie.

I think I'll stick with listening to Ron and Fez from now on. It's been a privilege, gentlemen.

Opie only says he does it for the hate AFTER his bits fail. He is such a fucking fraud and the asshole author of this thread fell for it.

Him retweeting this

@TyCobbsCleats @OpieRadio #KetchupDay! Satellite radio was MADE for shit like this! #BestDayEver

makes it pretty obvious he's trolling. Remember right after the firing plenty of us were saying he should blow up the show? Maybe that's what he's slowly doing.

Why would he have to slowly blow up the show? They still have to pay him through the end of the month. He could motherfuck them all he wants and they can't do anything about it. If he wanted to blow up the show, doing shitty bits like ketchup day isn't how he would do it. His undeserved and overinflated ego wouldn't allow himself to end his career with his fans hating him. If anything, shit talking SiriusXM and bashing Howard/talking about things they weren't allowed to talk about would be far more effective in keeping him in fans good graces. Especially if he had no intentions on re-signing in October. Fact is, he wants to continue working there. He has no intentions on blowing up the show.

Before Anthony got fired Opie was seen as annoying, but now without the funny buffer of Anthony and Jimmy going back and forth with each other, Opie is seen for what he really is. He's an unfunny morning zoo jock that had one moment of good insight 20 years ago.

We don't know most of the answers. Jimmy keeps saying that he is holding out hope that SXM would fold and bring Anthony back. And I'm sure Opie and Jimmy are still trying to re-sign, so you can't really "blow up the show" until that door has closed. What if they're doing mediocre shows to go "hey we really need Ant back". Not saying that's the case, but the ketchup thing seems intentionally hacky to me.

And the intentionally hacky is what is fucking annoying. Whether it is Roland at the movies or ketchup day, shouting thats the bit doesnt make it any more or less enjoyable to the listener. Furthermore, I dont think Ant wants to come back.

I agree with you that it's annoying. I actually find small doses of Roland's Michael Jackson mush mouth enjoyable, but the hacky stiff is hack no matter if it's intentional or not. And, you also might be right that Ant doesn't want to go back to Sirius. That doesn't mean they couldn't start their own separate platform together. The show's reinvented itself a few times.

Who made you Pope of this dump?

Thats the bit though

I don't really care for the Bam shit, I don't really care for the "wishing Opie's family ill will" shit. But I really don't mind the "chickens come home to roost" kinda stuff for noticing how shitty he was at certain times. Just don't fucking reach too far to dogpile onto him, it's really douchey.

couldn't agree more.

Thanks for your input Opie.

I won't downvote you, just disagree.

Better to keep it confined here anyways, because like it or not we are going to do it, if this spilled over to the cumia show reddit then I would understand your gripe.

We love Jim.

Ohh one more thing Bam happened. I am as sure of it happening as you are sure of it not happening. She is a starfucker.

i think it's hilarious that you're the second person to think i'm Opie. I guess anyone who doesn't pile on with pure Opie hate must be Opie. I've been critical of him too, you guys just take it to the extreme and it's fuckin annoying. (I love Jimmy too.)

And you present real credible evidence on the Bam thing.


There was no sex tape of Bam and the skank, but she did date Bam so I'm sure he fucked her. Quit pretending like that Philly skank was a fucking virgin when Opie married her.

You're more or less agreeing with me, but why shit on someone and call her a skank because she wasn't a virgin when Opie married her. Are we in the 1950's?

and is there proof that they dated? I don't care, but Bam said on the show that he'd never met her.

hoo hoo I invented hating Opie hoo hoo

I agree. Only one user here is funny about the hate. Blows my mind how people post classic O&A bits here under the pretense of how bad Opie is in the clip.


Whoever does the "Thats the bit" youtube channel is very funny.

That is not what /u/opiesucks is implying.

I have to agree with you. I've really started steering clear of this subreddit, youtube comments, paltalk comments, and twitter as much as possible the past two months. The show is clearly lacking in energy and enthusiasm, but that's unavoidable given the circumstances. And there have even been some great entertaining moments mixed in there, but everyone really seems to be brushing off those moments so they can hyper-analyze one line from Opie to show how he's "delusional" or "a hack". It's infuriating.

I still enjoy the show, but I noticed I couldn't help but listen to the show in a negative light because those shit comments were constantly skewing the way I'd hear everything. Kinda like if all your friends constantly shit on a TV show you like, eventually you can't help but see the show for it's flaws rather than what you originally liked about it.

I even saw a youtube comment today complaining that they rely too much on the same guests now (rich and bonnie, gervais, colin, etc). But before the Anthony firing the fans were always complaining that the show didn't have the comic friends on enough anymore!

And if it's getting to the point where it's mildly ruining the show for me, as just an average listener, I can't imagine how it's affecting Jim and Opie who are receiving the direct brunt of the bullshit and negativity.


Hater haters are gaaaaaaaayyyyy'




I think this sub is full of kind thoughtful advice that benefits Mr Gregg Hughes future livelihood. Tough love if you will.

Listeners are falling like flies.

We must continue defibrillation until we get the flatline .

believe me, I get that there should be constructive criticism of the show here. It's the relentless bashing for no reason, and the resurrection of the Bam/personal shit that's just unnecessary


Yeah, It is a bit much. Opie may be a lot of things but he's just a guy doing radio and silly Youtube videos. I don't think he's due anywhere near the amount of hate he's getting. Now Sam on the other hand..

Patience young Padawan.

Once we destroy Opie, we will move on to the ambiguous one.

Too Long, Didn't Read

That's why I put the TL;DR at the end there buddy

I like Opie when he plays his role. I get where you're coming from, but I think the resentment with Opie comes in four parts:

1 His behavior / being a dick early in this career

2 The fact that he's much, much richer than many of his more talented counterparts who've carried his career - Jim Norton, Bob Kelly, Patrice O'Neal, etc

3 Not making any effort to prep for the show as far as insight into current events / interviewing guests

4 Lying

All valid points, and legit criticism.

Jim, Bob, and Patrice have had better careers because of Opie & Anthony. Whatever you wanna say about Opie's talent, I've always viewed him as having a great eye for comedy/talent. If that's all he has, it's enough for me to not resent him for not being as funny as the others. He's not. And I'll bet he knows that and thinks that himself. He still discovered Anthony and started what eventually became a show that entertained us for many years. I think there is something to be said for that.

being the middle man is a 5%-10% markup. Not 40%

A lesson in verbosity.

duly noted, agreed, and upvoted

Sure Lindsay....

At least spell her name right.

hey opie, you suck dick. i see you joined 2 months ago and all your posts are regarding the show, not very subtle

that's funny, sherlock. i've had posts where i've criticized Opie as well. Is it hard to believe that a long time fan of the show who was a lurker before, joined the sub and started commenting after the firing?

Opie got one thing right. Heinz, Hunts, America's Balls, it's all the same shit. I just wish Florentine was there.

Opester: "right", "em hmm", "ya", "wow", "right"

Because that's what WE do now! Take that!

Haha it will never cease.

Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!

Cool story bro..

you guys who downvote everything (even valid points) because they don't go with your "hate opie" narrative are pathetic loser baby boys.

Whiny cunts.

i honestly don't understand the hate. he's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be. i can't understand how people can muster enough energy and go to these lengths to be mad at a guy they don't even know. daddy problems i'm guessing. not enough attention maybe?

"these lengths?" It takes literally five seconds to create a post bashing Opie, you dolt.

holding a serious grudge takes a lot of energy my friend

Grudge? Simply presenting what we what observe on the show, twitter and on youtube.

Leave Brittney ALONE! Boo hoo hoo, poor unfunny millionaire!

Shut the fuck up, you whiny little bitch.

Who's whining? Me or you and the rest of the hens on this sub constantly bitching about the show?

I didn't create a thread complaining about others, nor do I tell other people what to do because I don't like it. Face it, it's a bitch move. And you know it.

No I don't, the "bitch" move is doing nothing but complaining like a bitch on here. And the constant resorting to questioning of manhood shows how little substance you have.

"And the constant resorting to questioning of manhood shows how little substance you have."

I'm not questioning your manhood, I'm stating exactly what you're acting like.

ok, well you're acting like a cunt

Who's whining? Me or you and the rest of the hens on this sub constantly bitching about the show?