What does Ant and Jim say about Opie in private?

0  2014-09-04 by mattyp3

IMO, it would be Anthony praising the fact that he no longer has to suppress his disdain and frustration of Gregg Hughes' atrocious approach to broadcasting and his severe lack of comedic instincts.


Didn't our favorite ex sirius employee Danny tweet that Ant says brutal shit about Opie? May or may not be true but I bet Ant has his opinions. 20 years working together you HAVE to have something you hate about each other.

Yeah, I think he said Ant has a nickname for Opie behind his back and accidentally said it in a text to Opie. Also Derek had a parody Opie twitter account that the staff knew about but Opie didn't. Mars ratted out Derek to Opie which led to him being fired. I would be surprised if Ant didn't also know about the twitter account. Danny knew and hung out with Ant all the time back then. You know those guys talked some shit about the other people who worked with them when they were drinking.

I read today on twitter; someone asked Opie what he thinks of Jimmy doing Ants show. Opie replied "Let It Go!, There's Nothing There!, Move Along"! And after that, an Opie ball washer replied "Dude, Opie and Ant are still best friends"!

My question is When The Fuck Were They Best Friends?

I would guess that back in the 90s, the Opster probably had 0 friends. So when he met Ant they were best friends by default.

Nailed it.

They were best friends early in their career. They used to ride to work together, live together, and do the show together.

they ride 2getha they die 2getha


You're an idiot if you really think Jimmy and Anthony sit around an analyze Opie who is a friend of there's and talk shit about him. I'll let you in on a secret. Anthony immediately blocks anyone talking shit about Opie to him but you're right he hates Opie despite saying the other day that they just talked or that Jimmy is constantly hanging out with Opie or the fact Anthony and both acknowledge Opie as someone who is responsible for there careers my guess is they both think highly of Opie and that you're all a bunch of dopes that do nothing but take shit out of context.

They're not bitter enemies, obviously, but they're not "friends." They stopped being friends and became merely co-workers a long time ago. They're "friends" in the same way Scott and Todd are friends.

Ant once acknowledged sincerely in an argument on the air that Opie couldn't go do another successful show without him. In that moment he acknowledged what the fans had been saying for years. It would be silly to assume this wasn't something he has acknowledged behind Opie's back at some point.

Who DOESN'T talk shit about their co-workers behind their backs?

I also think that there's absolutely no way they don't acknowledge opie's annoying patterns among themselves,But I don't think it comes out of real hate or disrespect.They're still good friends and i'm sure love each other the way everyone does with people who are not perfect their life. I mean, it's not like Opie damaged their careers,if anything he made them shine brighter and they're probably feel bad for him.


Fascinating, thanks.

I can't see how that's possible. I'm listening to the 2009 shows and Opie was just awful. Constantly interrupting mid sentence and adding 0, taking phone calls in the middle of Ant and Jim riffing etc.

Of course they shit on everything about him.

The public and on air professionalism of both has been astounding over the years.

Both Jim and Ant deserve mountains of credit for keeping their mouths shut about that buffoon for years.

I don't know. We just haven't been as close since Jimmy cheated on me.

Nothing. Jimmy is too loyal and Ant probably has moved on/couldn't give a care. Besides if they did go public with their thoughts on the Opester they'd risk being cuts to ribbons by his razor sharp wit and inchredible command of the language.

Anthony and Lynsi hate each other with a passion.

I can totally see that. When they first met Anthony probably asked her "so what do you do?" And she's hated him ever since for daring to ask such a thing.

I doubt they go all out and say he sucks but they probably do hint at it begrudgingly


"man, Opie sucks"

I heard that Anthony never once complemented any of Opie's haircuts

Opies hair is the reason ant got bad plugs.


"How does he hide the bald spot?"

I think it's more like what happened to him over the years. He used to be the happy ship steering straight man opposite Anthony's wacky guy. Now he's angry, scatter brained, and desperate.