It's over?

60  2014-09-04 by margeparge


I hope the letter is addressed to "life"


Opie is getting pretty lame at attempts to go viral. What a fucking kook.




Your son is a ...

Maybe he thinks resignation = re-signing as in signing a contract to do a few more years. It's stupidity that I wouldn't put past him.

That could even be the bit...

By George, I really do think you're right!

my sides are on fire.

seriously...this is fucking can actually hear him pronounce it re-sign-ation if you imagine him reading the tweet outloud.

Guess he should have done the math on that one.

Little know fact: he is a bit of a math genius

ahhhh, I'm ready for Opie's re-signation

or he could have been doing it on his phone and autocorrect turned resigning into resignation?

He deleted it but it said something like "sorry bro...working on my resignation letter...will talk later" he tried to make it like it was supposed to be a DM.

Opie is such a douche

If we shit on him for it he will just say "we don't get the bit". Must be nice for that douchebag to cover up every failure he has in life by saying that "we don't get the bit".

see, That's the bit. You just don't get it...

I tweeted him to do this on my birthday as a birthday gift

A week late, but it's for the sake of the show.

I don't know much about twitter, but the resignation tweet was From Opie Radio To Opie Radio

weird for him to delete it right away if it was just a troll

it would have been obvious if he didn't delete it. does he even need a resignation letter?

I grabbed a screen shot here since people were asking for one

Is there a way to edit the original post?

I don't believe so. I had started a new one before I got to this one but I'm sure anyone who comes into it this thread now will be able to see the picture anyways

he definitely doesn't need one but this is Opie we're talking about.

In the screenshot he left it for at least 6 min enough time for ppl to notice


Talk about douche chills

Ugh. Why would someone write a "resignation letter" at the end of a contract? He's trying to get leverage when he has none, and doing a poor job of it.

We all know he's not walking out on the contract early. We also all know that he will take whatever deal is on the table for re-signing.

I'm just speculating, but what if an offer IS on the table, and it's really bad?

That scenario would definitely require a response.

If he got a shitty offer, he would counter.

If they couldn't reach an agreement, then there would just be no deal. He wouldn't need a resignation letter. He wouldn't be quitting, he would just not be entering into a new agreement.

Either way, there is still a month to go before those decisions are made and there is zero reason for him to write a "resignation letter" this far out. Total work by Opie, and a transparently obvious one at that.

Like i said, I was speculating. I could see Opie being enough of a drama queen that he'd want to get a final word in.

Again, in the business world, when you're a contract worker, it's generally considered manners to give official notice if you're rejecting an offer, or you've come to an impasse. You don't just walk away from a gig like that, there's paperwork to sign, making arrangements to clear out belongings, final work date, ect. It's a formal process. It's not just Opie if he turns down a contract offer, they need an official termination announcement to start dealing with the staff, and everything else associated with the channel.

Again, it's probably a work. But there ARE scenarios where it could be true. That's why I said I was speculating, as much as you are.

Dude, I write contracts for a living. I can't emphasize enough how wrong you are about this. If Opie and SXM do not have an extension signed when the contract is up there will be no "formal process". And even if there was a "formal process", that process would not involve a resignation letter written a month prior.

I know when I have a contract that has run out and no new agreement is being reached between me and my employer I put on a tuxedo and a monocle and write a resignation letter complete with a thesis statement in the opening paragraph... Ya know, really make a formal process out of it. That's how professionals do business.

I just need a handshake and my container of coffee and I'm good.

But, you don't work for Sirius, you don't know how they do business.

It's ALL speculation here.

speculate speculate speculate

Damn straight, I like to start my day with one healthy speculation.

They use to call me the "Speculatin' Kiiiiiid"

If i have a big breakfast i sometimes get a 2nd speculation in.

Dude, give it up. Those guys know what they're talking about, and you were speculating out your ass. Just admit it and move on.

Dude, I don't have to do shit. They're speculating as much as I am, unless they're Opie's lawyer, or Sirius lawyers.

Deal with it.

God you are a pompous idiot hahah. When you have a show go on for that long they are going to want to know if he is leaving or not. It isn't like contract workers for construction that come and go. Granted he doesn't have to write a letter he could just tell them in person, but that isn't the point. The point is your a know it all jackass who deserves to be curbed.

Contract lawyer here. I can confirm everything this person just said is bullshit.

Ah, another speculator. Jump right in!

Did I say contract lawyer? I meant Anthony Cumia ft.deadweight Hughes fan.

Sirius: Opie, we can offer you 65k a year and health benefits. But, no more spiral viral.

No can do, brotherman!


He's even a cornball and a hack on Twitter and T shirts. There is no medium where this guy is not Todd Pettengil with less hair and shittier teeth. #MorningZooPhillyCrew

Father Doris listens


definitely pulling that, he doesn't need a "resignation" letter if the contract isn't getting extended.

I think it's for real this time. Finally The Opester got what he passive aggressively hinted at during his lame on air fights.

I was listening to a 2012 show today and he was talking about how "YouTube messed up" and he "had" to tweet about ESPN wanting to use one of their videos.

How the fuck can he resign if he's under contract? Remember the whole "We can't just walk away as it will cost us millions of dollars to do so." He's just an attention seeking, teenage girl at this point. He fucking grosses me out.

Totally. GAG me with a SPEWN!

Valley Opie

So grody!

Apparently his co-host being fired isn't enough to warrant him resigning but a slump in tshirt sales is.

Yeah, listening Opie's voice now grates me so much I turn the channel very quickly. I loved this show and don't want to accept that it's all over. But I can't listen anymore without audibly speaking to my radio whenever Opie speaks

I would favorite it to..


to what?

AH I feel so conflicted. Opie is not a good radio host. He is not funny, he is not insightful or smart, and he isn't a great interviewer.

That being said, I feel bad for the dude. I can't imagine hearing this much hate and losing everything.


I would feel sympathy if he gives up radio after the contract is over. I would even thank him for the 20 years. Without him we would have never heard of geniuses like Jim Norton, Anthony, Patrice, Bobo and so on... For some reason I don't think he will quit.

Anthony owes Opie thanks for getting him in the business...

Opie owes Anthony thanks for keeping him in the business for 20 more years.

bobo a genius ? oh, you must be referring to when he stole 10,000 dollars from mel karsistan when he was sleeping.

I feel bad for him too honestly, but only out of nostalgia for when he let the wind carry the ship he was piloting.

Just lately he must have installed engines, and now calls for full reverse when the ship is coasting along on a destination to paradise.

Faaawk yeah, nautical terms, my muddah told told me Lamar hates boats cuz dey can't swim or sumptin.

Don't forget to listen to O&J tomorrow! Opie tweeted that tomorrow, they are going to try to get Sam to eat eggs for the first time!! That sound EPIC!!

Also, ketchup tasting contest. Hope the wacky horn is polished.

Does Opie think someone will read his twitter and think "Oh Shit!, Sam is going to attempt to eat something that all Americans eat, and they are going to taste ketchup! I better take an early lunch tomorrow so I don't miss this Gem"!!

He's in his 30s so unless it's Balut, that hybrid cunt can fuck off.

Finally going after that lucrative pinoy audience.

I haven't seen the Balut talked about on reddit before. I got to try it under an overpass in Manila. It's like eating a chicken and egg biscuit all in one bite. With the wonderful crunch of the head/beak it might be one of the best things I've ever had. havnt thought about it in years, thanks.

Balut is fucking intense.

OJ In the Morning!


I don't understand why no one believes Opie.

It's the end of his contract, of course he would need a resignation letter.

And, yes - you would DM that information in a 140 character limit medium.

Further, we all know how easy it is to confuse DMing and sending a tweet.

Lastly, he is probably writing that tweet as a courtesy to SXM - because he's been meeting with many other radio stations.

He's politely telling SXM that he no longer wants it's money for the next month, even though the company is willing to pay him for creating ketchup tasting bits

The guy that goes by the consumer is bitching about a ketchup bit. Do you watch ants? He rambles on about nothing too. Wow another conversation about the Bogota. How riveting.

Yes, I do watch Ant's. I don't know what show you've been watching, because I haven't heard him mention Borgata more than a handful of times in close to 40 hours of shows.

I also watched his show with Jimmy. You know what it didn't have? Hackey, douchechill inducing radio bits about egg and ketchup eating.

Anthony's reunion with Jimmy was flawless - because it made me realize I only listened to O&A to hear those two speak. What a pleasure it was to listen to jokes and comedy.

How you can even defend the Ketchup taste test bit and Sam eating eggs is beyond me. Maybe there is lead in your ThermitePaint.

Listen to the podcast he did with Vos and Bonnie to which Opie was relentlessly bashed over the ketchup and it would make sense. He even took the bashing well. The break wasn't even that bad. You'd follow the herd and bash Opie no matter what.

Just let it die.

No No No your doing it all wrong! Remove the "Let it" RIPcunts.


Leave it alone!

And to answer your question, we can only hope it's over. The man should at least leave with SOME dignity intact. Ketchup tastings and fake tweets about resigning is about as rock bottom as you can get.

I really think he needs to team up with Todd McWackenbatter McGilligutty Tuggs McGee... and go off into obscurity.

I think it's hilarious that Opie tweeted this trying to start something. I'm sure he expected people to say "ohhhh shit!!! Don't quit Opie!!" And instead we are all like "don't let the door hit you on the way out, fuck tard!" Hahahah

This is what I was thinking

Glad you can read people's minds like that. I'm sure you know all of opies intentions and never exaggerate anything or take it out of context.

Opie!! Glad u could join us :)


Opie acts like a 15 year old girl. this is really getting embarrassing.

He obviously has no idea how to spell divorce papers.

He doesn't need to. His wife will file.

The joke is there, I wasn't going for a real thing.


yeh someone shud stab opie in the hart with a needul or somethin' tssss

Opie, I know you're reading this subreddit right now, waiting for a reaction, so here it is..... fuck you, fatso.

Why did you have to drag Erock into this?

he lost 12 pounds this year

so you're saying he went from a C to a B cup?

From a size Jelly to a petite Jam.

For a moment I thought he deleted his twitter account, but who am I kidding that would never happen.

Of course not. He needs "haters" to obsess over.

Why does Opie fuck everything up?

it was his resignation to the philly crew, he just needs to find himself.

grUnsTeen, tHayrs uH reSeegNashUn leHthuR iN yOr sOop



I can't imagine it either because he's a fucking illiterate buffoon.

B-But he went to Geneseo!!!

He's been doing shit like this a lot lately to get attention. A hint about meeting with a radio company one day, a hint about shuffling around shit at SXM another day. He's like E-Rock with his needy, vague tweets. Pathetic.

Are you watching the news?


Did you hear about what happened to Opie?

On can dream; Budd "Opie" Dwyer? Chris Benopie?

Opie is acting like a histrionic, borderline personality disorder woman who is getting dumped. He's going to boil upper management's rabbit and accuse Greenstein of rape.

LOL! I had one of those!

I am sorry for your loss.

Me too; she was incredible in the sack.

Erock's cat scratch tweets are infinitely more interesting.

Yes because he forces people to read his Twitter nor have you ever been indecisive about something yourself, right?

You're quick.

What was it?

Whatever the reason behind this, it's more evidence towards it not continuing at Sirius.

Unless maybe it's a letter to Viral Spiral...but he'd never quit the pursuit of all things VIRAL.

I guess he didn't figure it out

I really enjoy your posts btw.

You never believe anything Opie says until it happens. Have we not learned anything?

I still will not be surprised if at least Opie is live on October 6th.

It's deleted, what did it say??

That he's "working on his resignation letter." Pffft...


It's funny how he always talks about his mom being needy and self-centered, it looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

what the fuck do phones have to do with it

Soooooooooooo needy.

Someone retweet to Sirius

Who is the boss?

In Opie's bedroom? it's Bam Margera

Hahahahhahahahahhahaha. That's truly pathetic. Who does he think he's fooling?

This should give him plenty of time to caddy now.

Take it like a man pussy......

Man, pussy. *

My name is Fired McLiesalot!!!!!!

"Why would you have to tender a letter of resignation if the company is choosing to not sign you to another contract after the first one ends?"

"Thats a good question, sparky! But why did you put alligators in my bathtub?!?!?!??1"

You forgot to say Turkey at the end........ You fucking noob.

He handed in his resignation to fans a year ago...

man if they all clear out of there Denny is going to be so sad and lonely.

Bullshit.. This is just 1 of 1000 radio legends Denny's seen come and go.

Denny is like Forrest Gump, stumbling trough the lives of icons and pop culture figure of the past decades.

Erock is great at what he does, but a legend? Only time will tell.

No. Please. Don't leave. We need you.

Hugs, Several obese guys wearing scratchy unimaginative Opester shirts.

Even after I cut the tag out with scissors it's still bugging my neck!

How dare you mock his clip art tshirts

You know what would be boss, if he offered autographed tee shirts that had a picture of one of his for sale autographed photographs on the front. He could really put up some numbers put up some numbers doing that.

There is no tweet, was it deleted?

Hacky douche..."resignation letter"? Just coast like you have for the last 20-years for another 40-hours of "work" and don't sign a contract you probably won't be offered.

Thanks sir

How the hell do they think they could re sign even for another year? They are contracted to work 4 hours a day, 5 days a week; and they haven't even been able to do that much since Ant left. So how do they think they can do this another year or more?

they planned their schedule before ant left. they had unused vacation days why wouldn't they use them?

Oh. I thought on O&J's first day back after Ants firing; Opie said Sirius isn't happy that they dropped down to 4 days a week and 3 hours a day for a while. And Opie told them Sirius left them with no choice after firing Ant.

im pretty sure ant was part of the 4 day weeks

It was deleted!! what did it say?

page doesn't exist, what did it say?

He's taking the rest of the week off and going twitter silent. I'm calling it. Negotiation tactic.

That's obviously what it is.

Boys and girls, if you do so grant me the right to be sanctimonious for a moment, this is a lesson in karma. For years Opie has been the bully, the abuser, the main force behind the legendary cruelty behind O&A. The cosmic synchornicity of his actions is taking the wits to hit him back in the ass for a change.

Ant and Jim were never as cruel as the Opester. And I bet Ant is soaking all of this up, without a shred of indignation, or disproval.

In the end, he just isn't a nice guy. That's why we're doing this.

There's no girls in here.

Ant, please give Op a job. You're doin' well for yourself at Casa De Beavis. Maybe Op could come over and mow the lawn once a week, maybe dust off the T-Rex. You know, assistant type stuff. Come on, you can't just carry a guy for that long and not offer when he's down on his luck.

He's a qualified caddy if Ant wants to start playing golf.

I don't know if Opie is allowed to caddy anymore. He will have to get permission from The Don. Remember?, Opie used to caddy for the Mod.

I completely forgot about that. Thank you kind sir or madame.

See there, Ant? Op can caddy. That's somethin'.

Tragically, a bag of golf clubs is the only thing Opester can carry by himself.


Anthony needs to be thanking Opie for ever giving him a job and dragging him out of that attic. Anthony was discovered at 27. In other words no one saw anything in ant outside of a tin knocker. No one but Opie gave him a chance and that's only after Opie went to battle for Anthony and fought tooth and nail to get him on the radio to begin with. Opie would have had a career with or without Anthony., I understand. If you need to talk to someone.... Jimmy....Jimmy?.....he's about.

Is this what to typically do after you've been proven to been an ass that doesn't know what he's talking about? You just resort to more personal attacks? That's when I know I'm right. Thanks for reaffirming that.

The fact that you consider being called Opie to be a personal attack as well as your defensive nature speaks volumes about how little faith you have in your own point of view.

I should let you in on something. It's just between you, me, and the reddits, ok?

I actually like Opie and Anthony equally. Ant for his over-the-top views on some things, and Op for his ridiculousness. They played so well off of each other and that's really what made O&A work.

Stop trying to make everything serious.

Opie didn't get anywhere in his, "career," until after a decade. In his 30s! By all accounts, I think Anthony would have made something of himself sooner or later, the man oozes talent. Looking a things objectively, if Opie didn't meet Anthony, the latter would have likely gotten noticed by another person in radio.

I agree. He didn't just happen to stumble into Opie's show one day. He was actively trying to get into radio. He was calling and sending in song parodies to Howard Stern as well. Stern even recognized that he had talent and asked if he was a professional comedian. He still went on Stern's show for that Jackie impression contest AFTER he was already doing radio with Opie. The Opie show was not going to be his last effort to make it in radio if it didn't work out. It just happened to work out. Opie needed a funny guy so people would start listening to his show. Ant fit that bill.

I believe the same thing about Norton. Dice was the one who brought Norton to O&A. If there was no O&A I imagine Dice would've brought him to Stern, who would've dug the same prostitute stories the O&A audience did.

Idk there are probably tons of normal Joes out there who are super talented and hilarious but never get discovered so never make anything of themselves. Ant had a wonderful stroke of luck that allowed him to flourish. He had the talent and luckily he was discovered. But I don't think you can say he would've been discovered by someone else. Who knows? What we do know is Opie discovered him and they formed a great team and were awesome.

They're a lot of normal people out there with regular jobs that are funny and can fucking kill it. Almost all those people will die working there same shitty jobs. Chances are had he never met Opie, Anthony would still be knocking tin. Be fucking realistic. Anthony basically won the lottery here. At least Opie was in the industry and on the radio. Opie by Anthonys own words had to basically beg and convince mangement to even let Anthony on the radio. They wanted nothing with him. No one did. Even Stern said Anthony was funny when he was on his show but did you see Stern calling Anthony? Nah, wasn't happening.

Are you Opie?

Yes but Lynsi takes over in an hour so I can prepare for the show.

And there are famous radio hosts with college degrees who can't read. But I'm quick with a quib so don't take it to heart.

I am being realistic. You're the one who's been making emotion based arguments. I also like how you acknowledge that Ant had been on the radio here and there before Opie. All evidence points to the fact that Ant would have been discovered sooner or later. He may not have had the same major success as he had on O&A, but but it's clear he wouldn't just be knocking tin the rest of his life.

Anthony was not on the radio here and there. His Stern appearance actually happened after he had been doing opies show and it was an impersonation contest. It's not like Stern had heard of this guy Anthony and he better have him on. I don't even think Anthony won the fucking contest either. Face it Anthony hit the fucking lotto with Opie. No one was giving Anthony a chance. Those are Anthonys words not mine. Do you think I just rewrite Anthonys past? He was a tin knocker at 27. Chances are he would have stayed that way or gone back to it. Hell even after Anthony got on the radio it's basically luck and a number of flukes that got him where he's at. Opie at least was on the radio and had a career going for himself and by all accounts is familiar with good talent and knows how to run a show. The odds were much more stacked against Anthony. That's all I've been saying.

Opie would be doing morning zoo in Schenectady without Ant or Jimmy. Luckily everything worked out for all parties involved for a number of years. Opie was just as lucky as Ant. I'd rather be beaten with a stick than do war of roses on morning radio in Sacramento.

You don't find it odd that Opie has no friends?

And a wife with a questionable history of sucking famous skater cock.

27? He was easily into his 30s, he was 33-34 by the time the AAF show started.

they need to call in brother weeze to act as a colonel trautman because Opie is going crazy.

Weeze: You did everything to make this private war happen. You've done enough damage. This mission is over, Opie. Do you understand me? This mission is over! Look at them out there! Look at them! If you won't end this now, they will kill you. Is that what you want? It's over Johnny. It's over!

Opie: Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off!

Why is Rambo there

i dont know what youre talking about.

Of course you don't. Why would you?

Bullshit. He does this all the time.(including the infamous on-air fight with Ant). Very bitch move but hey,he needs the attention.

Can we take twitter Opie with a grain a salt.

Apparently not, because it's all groundbreaking revelations with hidden meanings.

I've been on the Opie hate train as much as anyone, but if he actually does resign I will be sad. It will officially mark the end of an era and nobody should go out with their fans hating them so much. I hope when Opie retires from radio he gets some mainstream TV show gig that we all know he wants but none of us would ever watch. Hopefully his retirement from radio doesn't end with an open window in his apartment and an ambulance on the ground.

It's not his "fans" who hate him. Also: sociopaths don't do suicide.

You're right it's a bunch of neck bearded faggots with there heads so far up Anthonys can do no wrong asshole they can't see the light of day. Of course Anthony can't do anything wrong despite the fact Anthony Sells t-shirts too, calls himself the Ann Coulter of podcasts, and his only stories are about his stupid cat, the Bogota, or how he drank to much despite being over middle age and hangs out with 17 year olds that just got out of school but you're right Anthony can do no wrong.

Of all those things you mentioned, name me one thing that's wrong?

Nothing. It's not til Opie does it that there appears to be a problem. Yes opies t-shirts suck but you know what else does? Ripping of the Guinness label and putting your name there. Sounds like something that would be cool in high school.

Ant is honest about who he is and can laugh at himself. He's not seeking approval or wanting to be accepted all the time.

Suicide requires too much self reflection and morbid, misdirected insight. Opie will make it to 90.

Not only will Opie make it to 90, he'll be putting out zingers on twitter, shirts and videos until the end.

itd be amazing if nobody mentioned this to him outside of "yeah, I saw that tweet. anyway, how about this weather were having eh?!"

THIS was the deleted tweet and I read it in THIS voice.

You know he's gonna act like he totally fooled everybody, and can't believe all these stupid FUCKS didn't get the bit.

When he resigns for 190k a year.

This made my hair hurt it's so douchey. He's been pulling the same "I'm not re-signing" during every contract negotiation time since they've been on SXM. Fuck Opie Pettengill, I'm officially done with his cornball antics.

You think Opie is sitting by his computer laughing at his @ mentions?



I have just confirmed on 5chan that Opie is resigning from his top secret Cuckold's Club for F-list Celebrities. He is worried that the iCloud leaks and the chatter on here about Bam Margera will expose him publicly as a cuck.

The show will continue in it's current form as an abomination

Wouldn't that be a great end? The day before contract ends his wife's sex tape gets leaked??

You guys are such assholes with the Bam shit. Everyone involved said it never happened, even that slimeball Chaunce Haydon eventually said there was never a sex tape. Yet you all spam these forums with delusional claims otherwise. Even if she did have a relationship with Bam, which he said on air that he never even met her, it was before she was with Opie. So you guys are shaming Lynsi and Opie because his wife had sex with someone before they met? WTF? You guys are absolutely ruining this sub with your bullshit. 70% of the front page is whiny stupid shit from you cunts. I look forward to being promptly downvoted by you douchebags.

A part of me thinks he'd only have the balls to tweet this fake/"bit" tweet, even only for a second, if he had a new deal.

Or it was simply a test to see how many comments he could generate. Do 146 comments count as "numbahs"?

wait isnt jim going to a gig tomorrow? you think this shit dick opie is going to pull a fake resignation to take the rest of the week off?

It's weird to think the show will be over soon.

I wish they could of maintained the momentum from that first week (after Ant's dismissal). Bringing in so many comics to compensate worked well. It limited Opie's dominance and really virtually eliminated the Sam/E-Rock segments. Those two are fine in doses but I can't take them being on mic more then 10 minutes. It's too bad.






the fuck

I love it, Ant tweets and it's a national news story, life changing event. Opie tweets and it face-plants and makes him appear to be a bigger idiot than we thought he was. He somehow manages to outdo himself every day.

Trying too hard man. If Opie tweeted what Anthony did it would make the same headlines.

Actually no- Ant tweets what he thinks, his opinion. Opie engineers his tweets to promote some pathetic video he made, or in this case a desperate attempt at attention. As usual it backfires and Opie is exposed for what he is.

If opie tweeted what Anthony did everyone would assume his account was hacked.

Anthony had thousands of tweets that did not become a national news story. The ones who made Anthony's tweet a big thing were people who know nothing about the show. Sorry to break it to you, but O and A aren't that popular. The same people who publicized Anthony's tweets would do it in a heartbeat to Opie.

Excellent point. Thankfully Opie restricts his tweets to T-Shirt sales, video promotions and ketchup. Should keep him safe from those people.

Oh and fake resignation "DM" tweets that are instantly seen for what they are.

Opie has a future at Heinz

Anyone know if u/whiteguyernie got a screen grab of it?

Are people really bashing Opie despite the fact he gave you 20 years of radio and was a major factor on a show we all love? You people are cunts that try to hard to be edgy. If you never liked Opie that much then why did you ever listen. I wouldn't listen to a band that had a good drummer and bassist but the singer and guitar player sucked. You're all idiots and you're taking a comment made in Twitter under 148 characters way to seriously. I hope Opie is trolling everyone with that tweet.

I loved the white stripes but meg couldn't drum for shit. Same idea here.

Opie gave me zero entertainment. Ant And Jimmy did though,


Oh wow, would you look at that.. thermitepaint is sucking Opie's dick again. Which Twitter sycophant are you? Be honest, brothermahn.

The running theory is that thermitepaint is actually Troy. But I don't believe it.

I believed it at first but I also believed /u/DugoutDoug was Danny until I realized he was just another dumb cunt much like our pal thermitepaint here.

"Despite," is actually an apt word here, kid. Indeed, the O&A show succeeded DESPITE Opie. Not because of him as much as Opie and his apologists would desperately like us to believe.

There is no show without Opie you dumb belligerent cunt and those are Anthony and Jimmy words not mine. Thanks for playing.

Now now, don't get all pissy and emotional on me. Haven't we already long since established Ant and Jim constantly walk on eggshells about the Opster lest the thin skinned moron gets all butthurt? Thanks for playing.

Anthony and Jimmy walking on egg shells? Are you fucking serious? Opie was bashed plenty. Opie even brought tapes in so he could be trashed. Again you have no point. Stupid.

They trash the old Opie stuff because that's the only things they're able to openly trash. How many times can you name where they've mocked him for something he did/does now? There are maybe a handful of examples at best. There's a reason Paralyzed Opie is such a popular bit. It's such a rarity.

Listened to rich and bonnies show the other day. Opie was trashed the entire time almost and was laughing and cutting it up. You're own delusions brought you to the conclusion Opie can't take criticism. Maybe if you got off the Opie hate wagon for a minute and thought for yourself you'd see these things.

I guess you didn't listen to Tuesdays show then, where he obsessively 'defended himself' for two HOURS, booked Rich and Bonnie specifically to "come back at them" about it. Spent the first half of the show saying dumb things that Rich and Bonnie also do, trying to throw them under the bus because he was very obviously annoyed at them busting his balls. The guy is a giant fucking crybaby and much too sensitive to be in show business.

That one broke me, Im done with the "O&J" show. No more.

Nah he wasn't crying and if you listen to the podcast the night fucking before rich and Bonnie crushed Opie and he took it well. Vos was already booked and when he went into how weird Vos is it was funny. Calm down faggot.

You are one delusional guy. Sticking up for Opie is one thing, making shit up or totally denying what's right in front of you is just kind of sad.

"Matt, you''re glib."

Nope I listened to the podcast and anytime Anthony, Jim, Vos or anyone else gets attacked they shoot insults back. You're delusional.

Good comeback, Marion. "No, YOU'RE delusional."

It was because I actually listened to the show he did with rich and Bonnie and they trashed him over ketchup. Hence why it got brought up again on the show. Buh bye.

"And punt."

"And PUNT."

hate on Opie as much as you want but he brought some of the greatest radio with some of the funniest people.

if he does go out this way, most respect.

Thanks for some of the funniest radio and introducing me to some of the best comics, Opester.

Ew, it wasn't him, retard. Wake up, it was Ant and Jim.

As soon as Ant was fired, half the audience left while the other half only stayed for Jimmy and the only people praising Opie are the manufactured people on his Twitter.. aka, the ones he hasn't blocked.

Opie is a comedy black hole that was carried by actual comedic talent. Everyone except his clipart t-shirt wearing sycophants knows this.

Ant 'Rust' Cumia defends himself:


weird for him to delete it right away if it was just a troll


Totally. GAG me with a SPEWN!

On can dream; Budd "Opie" Dwyer? Chris Benopie?

I don't know much about twitter, but the resignation tweet was From Opie Radio To Opie Radio

Does Opie think someone will read his twitter and think "Oh Shit!, Sam is going to attempt to eat something that all Americans eat, and they are going to taste ketchup! I better take an early lunch tomorrow so I don't miss this Gem"!!

I tweeted him to do this on my birthday as a birthday gift

A week late, but it's for the sake of the show.

Opie is such a douche

Apparently his co-host being fired isn't enough to warrant him resigning but a slump in tshirt sales is.

Yeah, listening Opie's voice now grates me so much I turn the channel very quickly. I loved this show and don't want to accept that it's all over. But I can't listen anymore without audibly speaking to my radio whenever Opie speaks

Glad you can read people's minds like that. I'm sure you know all of opies intentions and never exaggerate anything or take it out of context.

This is what I was thinking

I believed it at first but I also believed /u/DugoutDoug was Danny until I realized he was just another dumb cunt much like our pal thermitepaint here.

Talk about douche chills