My theory

7  2014-09-03 by joshqueens2

The show started going downhill the moment the Artist Gregg Opie Hughes started allowing stupid sam roberts more input. just saying


The second they bought smartphones and started caring more about Twitter, Facebook and Youtube more than the show, it was done. The show was dead by 2010, it just didn't know it yet.

Opie turned into a maniac trying to use the internet to show he was funny, too. He became the internet obsessed Fredo of Comedy. Jim would even check out of the show for large stretches of time to use his smartphone.

Twitter-obsession, this vain need to go I HAVE AN OPINION AND YOU NEED TO HEAR IT!!! every second of the day pretty much got Ant fired. He sent over 25,000 tweets. 25 thousand. What the fuck?

They all knew all it takes is a Twitter controversy to flush a 20 year career down the toilet and they all used Twitter 10 or 20 times a day. Mind-boggling. To this day they all use Twitter and Gawker websites. They brought it on themselves. They cared more about their phones than the show.

So many things contributed to their downward spiral. Opie with twitter and ranting about management, Ant with politics and black people, and Jimmy with his career and the media. Add to that SXM generally being terrible and the hosts/staff kinda giving up on trying any creative bits.

Pretty sure they stopped caring when SXM moved in. One of the old Louis CK shows, Opie point blank said we were the big dogs at XM, and with Mel and Hoo-Hoo in charge after the merger it would be the end of the show. They move into the SXM offices and they put them in a shitty studio; it never really recovered.

This should be in the obituaries section of The Times.

bingo. do any non-"celebrities" actually use twitter?

God damn! BeerCanThick; I never thought about that before; but I think you nailed it!

What a great summary.

Back in 2006 I was working as a consultant and I had a nice phone. (It wasn't a smart phone, this was pre-iPhone.) I spent a lot of time fiddling with my phone, and I started to notice that it was bugging the fuck out of my clients.

Basically my clients would get noticeably pissy if I didn't give them my undivided attention.

And you're right, that's what ruined the Opie and Anthony Show. There are guys doing podcasts in their garage for NO MONEY and they're not sitting there posting on Twitter or playing Bejeweled on their phone.


Yeah, clients will be petty like that when they're paying for your time. That's fucking rude. I'm guilty of spending too much time on my phone but never in front of clients or people I care about. I certainly wouldn't do it while I'm being paid to entertain.

Exactly. Took me a while to figure out. I wish the O&A show learned it about five years ago: if you're on the clock, turn off your phone.

I'm uploading every show from 2009 and you can slowly see the show die, It started with Opie mentioning he made a twitter.

I'd rather listen to Sam than Opie.

That's like saying you'd rather have AIDs than herpes.

How do YOU handle having both?

My theory is that the shadow travels from one limb to the other limb. May need my leprechaun flute

I wanna know where da gold at

Special Delivery starring Sam & Dave was great. One of their worst episodes was when Opie sat in with them.

sam has little to do with it, O and A are the reasons it went down the tube, its like the old ball player, he just wants his money and to go home.

My theory is that it's casting a SHADOW...from...the other limb?

It's been a shell of it's former self ever since the new year when it became Tim Sabean's Media Destination.

Here is my theory!

Danny talked way to much when he was in love with Ant. Danny got fired, the very first live show after that and beyond, was Sam talking every 30 seconds.

I wonder if Opie told Ant..You got to have your bitch boy on mic constantly for a few years, now that he's gone; it's my turn to have my bitch boy constantly on mic, because I need someone to hype my jokes by laughing at all of them!

You can say what you want about Sam Roberts, but he is a cunty little pipsqueak who looks like a Neanderthal twink

Correct. Sam has no talent. He's an entitled child douche. He likes wrestling and eats finger foods like babies. His voice is terrible. He has HGH side effects forehead protrusions. His dick was encased in a sausage link until the age of 19. His piss collected in a fluid sac for later effusion. He laughs at nothing funny but laughs at idiotic moments. He cannot carry a show on his own; he needs to fill it with people so at least he could keep his job(s).

Anyone who likes him is a piece of shit and should end up on liveleak reading a message to Obama.

More Sirius wearing them down to the point of sabotage(no live show,no trip,no cruise,not allowing LFTC,shitty studio) The pro-Stern management at Sirius did not want the big show from XM to be signed on but Mel(probably) over-ruled them to keep the façade of a merger and because they were the only show(apart from stern) that had a loyal following that would pay to listen.
Looking back, the best thing they could have done was sign with SiriusXM after the "merger" and after a year or two announce they were not happy and take the podcasting world by storm using the money they got from Sirius. There was nothing that could rival them in quality and content out there and they could have been ten times bigger than Carolla or Maron. Also,Opie having a reverse mid-life crysis,getting a 20 something trophy wife and two kids, Ant with his endless political and racial tirades,twitter,getting old etc


What an utterly thoughtless and stupid argument. Opie may not have been happy about the firing but this was his chance to shine and prove he can make it without Anthony. No way he's tanking it on purpose. He just sucks.

He has fallen on his face. I give him an F-.

'ello mate