I notice Greg removed "Creator of Opie & Anthony 1994 - 2014" from his twitter bio.

6  2014-09-03 by BillBittinger


He is such a cunt.

I agree. Actually that would be a perfect bio for him. "@opieradio cunt"

Then we would have the same bio.

I went to upvote this and realized I already had.

Um well he is the creator pretty much. He found Anthony, found Jimmy, is credited early on by Anthony himself for the direction of the show and said opies the reason they started talking more and playing music less. Anthony said it during the unmasked and shows leading up to the unmasked. Sorry but without Opie there was no show. Anthony was discovered at 27. It's not like people were fighting to give him his own show before that.

Well I guess he should change his bio back to saying that then. Might make him feel better about himself, given the toilet bowl of a career he is now looking forward to.

Toilet bowl career? I bet you if he resigns with sxm his next contract and salary will still be bigger and more impressive than the money you make. I'm not impressed by people who do nothing with themselves trying to call out more successful people. It reeks of jealously. And 20+ career on the radio is quite impressive especially on a national level. Most entertainers (especially radio djs) would kill for that. Outside of Stern and a few others how many people really last? Imus? And a handful of other people.

Glad you think he's such a great guy and deserves a lot of money. I think since Anthony left it's become obvious he's a hack and has been lucky to have Ant and Jimmy to do a show with.

There's plenty of millionaires and billionaires out there that are complete shitstains, and he can join them. I really could care less how much that shit smelling man makes. I just know I won't pay to listen to his show ever again.

Glad he has fans like you to stand by him during this difficult time.

Anthony and Jimmy were lucky to meet Opie who was already in radio you dope. Anthony was discovered at 27. How many people were fighting to get Anthony out of an attic an on the radio before Opie? I'll give you the answer. None. Even Opie had to pull strings for Anthony just to get him on the radio. Same for Jimmy. Mangement initially hated both of them.

And you can say you don't care but you're obviously jealous or you wouldn't attack his career despite being wildly successful and making tons of money. You're a nobody. You have nothing. You'll never make half of what Opie has in your lifetime. Justify it however you want but opies career has hardly been a waste though. There's also a ton of broke people out there that are assholes. You would be one of them sir.

You make a good point, Opie was very lucky to find Ant and Jimmy. Obviously it gave Gregg 20 years of gainful employment, and let Ant put down his tools and entertain people.

You can attack me and my career all you want- you know nothing about what I do for a living so it means absolutely nothing. And it has zero to do with my opinion of Opie being exposed for the hack that he is in the last month.

We get it, you like Opie. You are going to have to accept the fact that the majority of folks here can't stand him as his nothing more than a drive time hack radio guy.

We get it you hate Opie. Now what guys? Let me guess you're going to keep listening to him and keep stalking his Twitter because what does that accomplish for you? He provided 20 years of great radio with his partner Anthony. We all loved the show and now Opie is being strangled by mangement to continue even though he said hey didn't want to go back as soon as they were forced to. You do something with somebody for 20 years and suddenly your own you own. I'd like to see how shitty you would be too. Give the gift guy a fucking break. It's not like sxm left Opie with anything and at the very least Opie gave everybody a great show. He found Anthony and little Jimmy. That alone credits Opie as a smart person. He knew to surround himself with funny people and what kind of show would be popular. That behind the scenes stuff takes talent. Running the show takes talent. Even Jim and Anthony said they needed Opie steering the show and if you listen to TAC Anthony is just not a good host.

I don't hate Opie, he seems like a reasonably decent guy, trying to be a good dad and seems to live a sensible lifestyle. I never really liked the vibe of the show if Ant was not on it. I guess I didn't realize how big of a difference it made until he was gone for good.

Opie has made fun of radio guys for years, tearing into hack jocks much worse than the comments in this thread. It's obvious that he has no idea what to do right now, the screening of the calls, his love of t-shirt production and viral videos make him look like a total jackass. His little fake DM on twitter last night was hillarious- he's attempting some "contract drama" and nobody could care less. He will be lucky if they offer him anything- and he'd be an idiot to say no.

I'm not going to sit back and watch this circus play out and not comment on it- watching this show lose altitude by the day is too entertaining not to weigh in with critical commentary.

If reading the comments here is too much for you I'd say just ignore them, it's not getting worked up over.

Or come back with "you're a dope, don't make any money and you're a nobody"

I'm good with it either way.

Without Ant he was a Jocktober caliber personality. Can we stop bitching about this now?

Anthony credits Opie for the direction of the show and even said there is no show without Opie but you're right Opie is a hack that knows nothing about radio or funny talent and needed Anthony. How stupid are you?

Why do comments like this get downvoted???!!! It's pathetic. Its just like the Politics sub. "If I disagree with you, dammit I'm downvoting!!!!"

youre a fucking cunt, you dolt

Ya, when I saw that the other day it raised my eyebrows. Whether he was the creator or not (depends on how you look at it), it was a pretty bold statement to make.

He knows Ant carried him for at least 5 years now.

He wants to sleep in his guest bedroom in October.

The Opie & Anthony show is over, why would he keep up old shit?

It's a respectful and understandable thing to do.

He's still a cunt though.

Brother Joe Cumia calls himself an Original O&A Cast Member in his bio, and it's lame, but not incorrect.

What's wrong with Opie calling himself the creator of the show he created? Anthony himself said there would be no show without ol' GH.

I guess you should ask him why he took it off then.

He actually had that on there?


well good for you guys, destroying someone cause you dont think he's funny.

ugh you fucking degenerates

Yeah sort of reminds me of the countless times Opie would enjoy ripping on talentless jocks during Jocktober. Sort of ironic how it has turned on him.

And Opie is the destroyer. Recently of his own status in the industry.