Douchey Wedding Opie

1  2014-09-03 by iamnotopieradio

Does anyone remember a very small mention of Opie inviting some celebrity to his wedding - I want to say it was Chaz Palmentieri? I remember it was said on the show back around the time of his wedding and it made my feet curl in embarrassment.

I also vaguely remember something being said about how Opie's inlaws paid for the whole wedding which is equally if not more douchey.

Anyone remember dates and/or can point me in the direction of audio?


I also vaguely remember something being said about how Opie's inlaws paid for the whole wedding which is equally if not more douchey.

Out of all the things to dislike opie about, this should not be one of them. Sometimes this is insisted on from the family.

They paid because they wanted Father Doris as the priest. They would spare no expense for that.

It's also tradition for the bride's family to pay.

I found it cringeworthy that they turned the microphones off during the wedding for the vows. I can only imagine what was coming out of the Opester's mouth for that.

Please do not leave me, I will never bang a 6 again.

Ignore the bald head, and the fact I am corny, and can only make the elderly laugh. Philly crew rules.

I will change my whole radio persona for you, and become milktoast, and not as mean, I know you hate mean Opie shnoookykins. Here is my checkbook, now say I do.

I think you might just be trying to search for some more reasons to hate Opie here.

Didn't Opie just say that Chaz happened to be around outside the church as they were coming out?

Chaz recognized Opie from being on the show and so he just went up to say hello.

That's how I remember it.

IIRC, Chazz was simply at the venue by happenstance and wandered in. Being the fact that he is a celebrity, he was greeted with open arms. Sidenote: I would have given just about anything to have that dullard Bobo or the mess that is Lady Di show up in a similar fashion.

Fuck you haterz, we ball in Philly.

Boy band Opie.

sidenote - the Opester got touchy when i once posted a pic of him and his wife compared to Howard & Beth O

Link it, or it didn't happen.

it was this pic with a comment about birds of a feather or something like that directed to him

he sent me a DM saying 'dude pls take that down' or something, so i did out of respect

fuuuu, does bitchez looks like twinz

Not one genuine smile in the bunch. Howie's doped up on something, and the other three look totally miserable/bitchy.

which one of them get his first, maybe this is one of the thing opie copy from hs

pretty sure Howard got married to his trophy blonde before Opie did


I'm kinda cloudy on this one, (and it's ALMOST a related topic) but didn't one of the boys claim have had an ex-girlfriend calling their cell-phone and leaving VMs of them having sex with other guys?

This is 100% an Opster story. This supposedly happened in the pre-fame years, so it was on a home answering machine, not voicemail. The "kicker" is that Opie then played the message to the girl's (I believe) grandfather, who had basically raised her. I'll try to find the audio. The whole tale is dubious, and I'm especially skeptical he played the audio back to the grandfather.

NO, the story is he delivered the answering machine tape the the grandfather's door in an empty concrete bag, because he was so poor.

The cassette was between two pieces of Pepperidge Farm bread. You know, the poor man's bread!

I remember a similar story that ended with "telling her dad what she had done at the frat house a few years earlier."

This guy

sounds like one of ants stories?

Wasn't that Florentine? Or Florentine was on the show when another guest told the story. I feel like I recall it trying into the girl who fucked his roomate because she didn't want to wait for him

it's addictive isn't it. the hate. chasing the dragon has begun.


it was this pic with a comment about birds of a feather or something like that directed to him

he sent me a DM saying 'dude pls take that down' or something, so i did out of respect