Jimmy on the Anthony Cumia Show is...

66  2014-09-02 by TheActorGreggHughes

More entertaining than any comedian filled show on 206 in the last month. Mr. Cumia just got my $7 per month.



You see they need a "captain of the ship" or otherwise Anthony and Jim might provide comedy for hours on end.


Hello who is this...?

"Hi, it's Lady Di!"


Fucking flawless combo!

How are ya?

uh... dis is Bobo...


You aren't qualified to hold on to my balls, GH!


Holy shit Anthony and Jimmy are so cute together. Anthony got visibly giddy when Jimmy picked up the mic and then he put his ear bud in for him.

I hope they're fucking by the end of this.

Ants dick isn't shaded enough.

How could you tell if it was in your mouth?



Funny. The Jimmy+Anthony shows on Sirius would get directionless without Opie, but with Anthony actually "steering the ship" as he does on his own show, it's fucking perfect.

Imagine how many more hours of Patrice alone we could have had without that blonde cocksucker existing.

HOLD ON... people wanna hear the caller for a minute. Jesus.

It's really the worst when he's interrupting Patrice's wisdom to hear some horseshit drivel from Sally in the Conk.

Opie was the guy who kept getting Patrice in. When Jimmy was busy with something (I totally forget now), Opie was close to bringing Patrice or Burr as third mic.

you act like he was calling and booking people on the show, the staff did that. opie and ant just gave the go-ahead to who was sitting with them and i doubt anyone would say no to funny and fun patrice or burr who have done the show a few times before filling in for jimmy.

So when Opie is out of the picture and Ant has the confidence and capability to be the true boss and captain of the ship... He gets more out of Jimmy in 2 hours than Opie has in two MONTHS! Can we just please put this ship-steering myth to bed already?


I can't wait for the Christmas show when Ant and Jimmy open presents next to a roaring fire (of Sirius radios) wearing footie pajamas.

Copy & paste queeb

They are the best combo.


al Geographic

As much as Anthony said TACS couldn't be like O&A, the show with Jimmy was exactly O&A, minus the interrupting, show-stopping, unfunny bitch. They were riffing on current events and some great character stuff back and forth. It was like the show was back. I really wish Ant had let the show go for another hour. These guys could have easily filled it.

It's funny how the "ship steerer" shit only came to be, because people stated the obvious: A solo show with Anthony would be better than O&A. And now it is. And now the "ship steerer" shit (which was once almost accepted as fact) has been exposed for the bullshit it was.

Fuck the contrarian opinion people who always deny fact, then always are exposed.

Don't you just love it when people...

...Use ellipses in their thread titles.

God! It's just so...


based DoubleGuns

it's so doughtful


complain about bees?


if jimmy joins the subscriber base could double

Perhaps more than that...

…Perhaps less, depending on how wee feel.

Opie has got to be so ducking nervous right now. One more month and decisions will be made. Jimmy's decision will be the biggest of his career. I wish him the best and hope he chooses right.


Jimmy is honestly bigger than the show at this point, it's just a really solid regular paycheck for him at a time of day when he can't be doing any other sort of comedic work.

im able to watch the show live finally instead of just listen... fuckn jimmy looks great for 40 something. nohomo

Nah, thats pretty homo

Did u see jimmy blush when he touched ants arm and said how much he missed him?!! fags. :-)

It was a fuckin great show today.

Jimmy is so adorable. I love my Yimmy Norden.

I know this may sound like a dumb question but if I sign up now am I able to download/listen to today's show and old shows?

yes all shows are achieved

yes all shows are anchovies.

yes all shows are Anchorage



double gunsssss



Conjecture time: do you think Jimmy told Ant off camera that the O&J show wasn't getting renewed?

I wish he had made this episode free instead of Bob Kelly.

Why don't you go sucka couple peckahs or sumpthin', and make the subscription money that way?

Poor li'l snake, tip-toe peering over that massive $7 fence......

You poor pig-cunt.

So how are you watching it now if you're not subscribed?

I signed up to watch the show because Jimmy was on. If its consistent I can see keeping my subscription. If its Ant rambling with Brother Joe five days a week I'll cancel.

Brother Joe isn't on the show.

Yeah the only Joe interaction I've seen is Anthony hanging up on him because Chippah was calling in.

I just pray he doesn't have Sam as a guest like he's mentioned doing a couple times.

Jesus Christ I'd actually consider cancelling my sub over that haha

Ant has mentioned that?? Ugh, yuck.

He mentioned he would love to have Sam on the show. It was either when Dipaolo, or Bobby was on.

Here's what I don't get. How can people like the O&A show, and not like Sam? He is an evil genius.

I think you misspelled kinky haired momma‘s boy

Kinkey = superkike?

There hasn't been much airtime for Brother Joe. He called once and has yelled some stuff off screen, and I think that might be it. There are alot of idiot callers even worse than Brother Joe tho. Overall, its a good show tho. Better than I expected.

Wasn't it either Joe or Keith that were doing bad fake calls the first couple weeks though?

If its Ant rambling with Brother Joe five days a week I'll cancel.

How is there still a misconception that that's what the show would be? He's done a few weeks of shows now...it's not.

Are the shows downloadable? I couldn't watch live but if it can be downloaded I might sub.

yes. that's how i listen. i download to a podcasting app and then just listen during my commute.

So you can do audio only too? I'd listen in the car.

yes exactly. audio only

Which app do you use? I'm having to constantly leave it open and it kills my battery.

Beyond pod is the shit

i was using pocketcasts but the rss feed wasn't working with it. i loaded the rss feed with the built in podcast app for ios and it works great.

I listened closely to Ant and little Jimmy and I think this is gonna happen after October 4th:

Opie: will host it's own show/channel on SXM. Jimmy: possible signing for Vice (jimmy Norton Show) and regular guest on TACS. Ant: TACS

This is based on Ant's remark that all three now want to do a show they can call their own.

I think thats dumb, they should all be together. You guys are kidding yourselves if you think the Anthony and Jim show is better than the Opie and anthony (with jim) show. They where a successful show before jimmy came around full time for a reason.

If they go off all on their own they will all find varying degrees of success with jim probably losing out the most having nowhere to constantly promote his gigs. I dunno about opie by himself just as i dont really like Ant by himself i doubt i would like Opie by himself either. The whole is a hell of a lot more than the sum of its parts.

Agreed. I'd like them all back together. I miss the dynamic I was so used too. For better and for worse.

But I think the question on everybody's mind is Where is Brother Joe?

It's undeniably great, but you're going a tad too far to make a point.

He said month, not year.

Oh ok, so excluding that second one back where Vos sits in his seat.

Damn you alcohol, you deprive me of temporal memory again and again.

Spoke to soon, video isn't working now.

It's your internet, not Anthony's.

The entire show has been flawless for me.

Traffic wasn't worth it tbh.

I think I've heard everything Jim has to offer over the years. Time for some new blood on both shows.

Someone upload the file then PM me it. Please.

Ask your mum for more allowance and buy a sub.


Someone wash his balls and give him a reacharound while you are at it.

I think you misspelled kinky haired momma‘s boy

yes all shows are anchovies.


…Perhaps less, depending on how wee feel.