So when are the Bonnie McFarlane nudes going to be leaked?

16  2014-09-01 by youfuckmymother


Fortunately for her it was a celebrity leak.

Fuckin' ouch.

Rich leaks enough for the both of them.

good clean horse 'uma

little bita' word play 'yuma

tss ya like 3:10 to HUMAH or sumpthin...

double elmore leonard adaptations, cocksuckah.

Fawkin' homeruhhn



She's the kind of chick you think you want to see nudes of, until you see nudes of her

The Sarah Silverman effect.

Yeah, Same reason Schumer is hot to some.

I do not mind Bonnie, I kinda like her mean sense of humor and bitchyness, plus her act is not pure slutness like others in her genre. Big podcast fan, she makes the My wife hates me podcast.

I'd toss her one, but I wouldn't buy her dinner and drinks to do so. 6 at best, sexy for her ancientness

I don't find her attractive at all. She fucks Rich Vos and maybe that is what is attractive to some of you.

If she married a guy like Vos, imagine the dirty shit she'd do with a schlub like me.


She's 41. You think she's going to scan daguerreotype plates and upload them to iCloud?

Forget the PhillyCrew bot. Someone should make a bot alerting when a word is used for the first time in this sub. I'm sure 'daguerreotype' would have triggered it (if a Colin Quinn quote didn't beat you to it).

So then the bot should be triggered by the words "girlfriend," "exercise," and "neurotypical."

sad but true

"Back-alley daguerreotype knife-fighter"

Sound wop enough to me.

That's a rough 41

Can you upload pics from a Motorola Razor?

Right Here Damn she went spread eagle O_O

Shut up, I got one...if she's leakin', she shood probly call tha plumbah or sumpthin, tss. That was good one.

Leave the Chippin' to the professionals.

i.e Jim Norton

I saw that movie.

That scene was a bitter disappointment.

She's so fucking cute. God damn it.

tsss... if she's leakin' nudes she should probably put a diaper on a'sumpthin.... tss makin' a mess all over the floor a'sumpthin... fuckin cocksuckah piece a garbage rich vos has to clean it up a'sumpthin.. i ain't never touched my peckah to him, not even once... not even once in my house alone at night... tss...

Worst "Chip" ever


as soon as Rich figures out how to work a pager.

I wouldn't mind seeing Amy Schumer nude as well.

Holy fuck. That's perfect.

The most attractive thing about Bonnie is just how low her standards are.

I read this in Patrice's voice.

In her movie, "Women Aren't Funny" there's a little peak at her naked butt and I gotta say DIZZAAAMN!! She's much more milf-worthy than so many other so-called milfs.

Just hack Nathan Fillion's phone and you'll have them.

I'd rather dip my balls in sulfuric acid and stab my eyes with a rusty fishhook than see that frumpy cunt naked. Gross.

Why? Shes ugly.


Idk, but her RUDES leaked long ago