Opie Should Join Howard as 3rd Mic...

0  2014-09-01 by NiggaInABuick

So we can officially have the worst show ever: Howard + Opie + Robin.

I would subscribe for purely masochistic reasons.


Howard is funnier and quicker than Opie. Maybe not so much now, but definitely back in his glory days. How much of that is a writer, I don't know. Maybe the Opester should get a writer.

Opie can't read


The horrible delivery would end up being the "Jackie's laugh" for people to know it was written for him. It's not a serious suggestion though.

Worldstar got a nigga! Ribs hurtin' today!


Opie reads jokes off of instant feedback, thats the same as having a writer.

They should have Opie become an intern for a period of time and see if he can earn a job by the end.

Every now and then, Opie has to sit there on the couch while callers call in and bash him for mixing up the coffee orders or doing his job incorrectly. They can catch Opie surfing the web and then bring Opie in, who will say that he was looking stuff up for Gary and then Gary will say it took too long or deny that he asked him to do that, and then they can fill 45 minutes with a back and forth he-said-she-said argument. Someone can take Opie's side and there will be a real controversy!

Wocka wocka.

Provided either of them leave the Hamptons and actually show up to do radio.

I miss good Stern

2 holes, one kike.

Ohhhh Howard, you are so right.

Robin: Haha!!! That is so funny How- Opie: WAIT! Thats really funny and I can relate.

I don't know about 3rd mic, but maybe they can parade him about occasionally dressed as a gimp.


That would be fucking horrific. Anyone ever seen Howard interview Stanhope or Jonah Hill? Howard interrupts people just as much or maybe more than Opie. The entire show would be based around who could get an entire sentence in before the show ends and Howard takes another month off.

Trying to get traction in the same room as Howard's massive ego would destroy him. Howard would never yield for his boring, pointless interjections.

You are getting downvotes, but you speak the truth. This sub has gone to shit

The show is dead. It's cool to pile on Opie now, we get it, but there's a lot of real shit that he should have been smashed for on the show for fucking years man.

So smash him now that the show is dead? Feels like a lynch mob around here nowadays....

He continually earns it dude.

Show's been on vacation, "dude".......

Social media duuuuude!

If you hate Opie so much, why are you still following him?

I'm not, I just post on this sub because I enjoy it. Maybe you'd prefer /r/OpieWithJimShow/