We have a new bot in our midst : Opieradeo

24  2014-08-31 by [deleted]

Bring back the Philly Crew Bot too you fuck.

EDIT : Alas, it appears the Opie bot has been banned. Fuck you cunt mods.


Hi, thanks for taking my call. I would like to start off by saying how much I have enjoyed the show over the years. You have given me hours and hours of fun and entertainment. I turn anyone I come across onto the show, and I hope that the exposure helps out. Thank you!

Having said this, I just have some minor ways I think we can improve the show, if you have just a quick moment to listen I would love to respectfully mention them as suggestions. Its nothing major, just a few small changes that could take the show to the moon.

First, Opie, is it possible...


Hahaha that worked perfectly.

Bravo sir. Well done.

If you didn't want it banned, than why would you make a post pointing it out? You fucking dolt.


Every post after the first one hit the spam filter.

You hit the spam filter. BOOM!

No, you.


Just wondering how the Philly Crew does it, Opie?


Opie, can you please stop inturup...


I hate you Gregg


oPpy iS a GuhD raDyO hAhST.

oh no... Edgar




Opie and I are best friends


I do not like Gregg Hughes.




Opie, you suck without.....


Well what did it say?
