Ant Hangs up on Bro Joe.

31  2014-08-31 by snoopkhat


"when are we going shooting?"

Why the fuck did Joe have to call in to Ants SHOW to ask that? He could have asked Anthony any time, texted him and asked him, etc.

What a fucking valueless cunt.

He just wants to inject himself and be part of the show.

Joes an utter useless cunt.

He's a hardy barnacle

This was the turning point for my distaste of brother Joe.

I was always neutral. Now I fucking hate his guts.

He was drunk and wanted to be a part of the showwww

Drunk on Billy Beer, no doubt.

As infuriating as it was that Joe called in and asked that question, Anthony's response was equally as satisfying.

It's clear that Joe ain't gettin' on the show in any meaningful way. Yeah, he'll play his terrible music at the beginning and end of the show, which is actually more than he deserves, but that's it.

Niko, my cousin!

I was so mad when I heard that. Calling the fucking hotline when his brother is working to ask something he could ask in a text, oh that's right, it's not about the shooting, it's about Joe.

And then Joe proceeds to call back and ruin the Chip call cuz the call waiting kept beeping. He didn't listen when Ant said don't call.

He didn't listen when the fans said it either.

Joe is such a worthless coattail rider. "You're a fan of Ant so you're a fan of me".. no, shithead. Just no.

"joe, don't call"

'Someone else, please call.'

Bro Joe was calling at the exact time that a famous, respected Hollywood celebrity was calling. Ant's a professional who knows what's good for business. It's all about the bottom line at the end of the day, am I right fellas?

Yes colin.

It would be great if Brother Joe became the Opie of the AnthonyCumia show.


Jesus, that was a lightning fast response. I love you Opie, I'll always love you bby.


Is this a bot? We haven't had a good one of those in a while.

Looks like it only responds to Opie.

Now we test if it recognizes compliments.

I love Opie

Edit actually it already has. Hmm that's wierd

Ant: Brother Joe on the phone.

Joe: Can I borrow a cup of sugar?

Ant: click Call Opie with that shit, he would drag that shit on for an hour but not me.

How the hell does Ant barely open his mouth when he talks!!!

He's the dummy in a ventriloquist act. Jeff Dunham is elbow deep. Ant is the new funny racist puppet who criticizes the mexican pepper.

"A Beeeeeeeaner on a stiiiiiiiiiiiiick"

Opie would still take a more valueless call.


Is the audio always this shit?

No. The callers quality can be horrible though.

The shows I've heard have had awful audio. It's either so quiet you can't hear what's being said, or it's so loud you have to rip your earbuds out.

I can hear Opie Scorch now, sometimes I borrow from his show sometimes he borrows from ours. We go back and forth

Hello joe! were you on fire or sumthin'?

Who cares?

Not Randy Cool, that's for sure.

Jesus, that was a lightning fast response. I love you Opie, I'll always love you bby.