Nothing worse then Opie

9  2014-08-30 by SeriAce


The evidence is mounting.

Opiesucks gives a smug stare out his window and takes a sip from a glass of scotch, as he tastes the smoke of a fine cuban cigar he had kept in a lockbox for this very occasion. He recalls the events that lead to this. "I told them this day would come..."

But alas, a glance at his laptop screen shows his Mail icon has turned red, indicating a new message. "Must be another convert thanking me for my service to this subreddit". He clicks it.

From : thermitepaint


Message - > "ME : Getting Really tired of your SHIT you fucking HATER. Yeah, the Opester (@OPIERADIO) interrupts people and shit sometimes but THATS THE BIT you fucking DOUCHEBAG. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET DOUCHECHILLS. It's so sad that he has to explain to the DUMMIES what the joke is. All you fucking pathetic haters who only listen to the show to hate on Opie (@OPIERADIO) have fucking ruined this sub. Loves the internet guy is not funny, AND THATS THE BIT you fucking douchebag. It's not supposed to be funny. And you fucking idiots even made up the how to chain your dragon video just to hate on him. It isn't even on his fucking channel douchebag! I'm all in on Opies (@OPIERADIO) future radio ventures. He doesn't need you fucking losers. It doesn't even matter anyway because Opie (@OPIERADIO) can EASILY have a solo show and you fucking LOSERS can go watch the anthony show or whatever while you fucking jerk off DUMMIES. Twitter @OPIERADIO"

Opiesucks smirks to himself. And ignores the message. "The war has already been won. The sympathisers have been converted." He takes another puff of his cigar, and clicks back to the subs front page. To his surprise, the message icon is colored red once again. He clicks on it.

From : thermitepaint


Message : > "I forgot to say that all you fucking DUMMIES are NOT welcome at /r/Opieradio. I'M SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THE HATERS OF THIS FINE RADIO SHOW. Twitter @OPIERADIO"

Don't keep me in suspense! What happens next?!? Do I reply?!

People like you make my day.

Hahahaah jesus, son

Has anyone EVER called him out on that 'that's the bit' cop out? If that's the bit, then why have you never been funny ever, Opie?

I heard that live, it was the most obnoxious fucking shit I've ever heard on the show. Fuck him, should have cancelled as soon as I found out about Anthony.

i gotta say, i'm all in with that story. I think we were all all in.

I envisioned him with a flask and a fedora.

Nothing worse. Then, Opie.

Ah fuck I wasn't copying you I swear.

Great minds think a lot


ah damnit,

nothing worse then me

Nah...Opie's still the worst.

There was nothing worse, then, Opie.

Opie is a million times worse than an innocent typo.

Of all the curse words, this is the one that ironically spellchecker does correct.

"Damnit" is also incorrect.

Even those Blink 182 faggots knew that when they released their first smash single "Dammit".

Blink 182 was a pretty great band. They used to be my favorite back when I was in high school.

Were they?

Yeah. They had songs that were easy to learn on guitar because they are basic chord progressions, a lot of catchy tunes and they were funny. What more could a young boy want?

Linkin Park.

Fawk Yeah! I remember listening to "One Step Closer" and punching a hole in my bedroom wall (and then hanging a poster over the hole) because I was in a fight with my one girlfriend back when I was like 16.

Or it could have meant...

You thought there's nothing worse, then Opie.

Silly, he doesn't work there anymore! ;P

Oh, you!

Leave Than out of this.

I LOVE these soundcloud clips making fun of Opie, please may they never stop.

I have a pet peeve that I always wanted to butch about!

Opie always makes fun of other guys radio nick names, and says well, I'm different. I have been called Opie since I was a kid. I reay didn't have a choice. I hate that name!"

Really? Unless his first Program Director delved into his childhood; he didn't know people called him Opie. So he Obviously told them to call him Opie, when he just as easily could have told them to call him Gregg. So basically, just another thing he lied about!

Yeah, but would the song have worked as well if it was "'Cos Gregorryyyyy's on WBAB".

than (not then)




I mean, to be fair, he did get a genuine reaction from Jim and Sam within this clip.

I don't think Sam has a genuine bone in his body when the microphones are on. He is just in permanent "agree with Opie/laugh at Opie's jokes" mode.

Sam laughs a lot. Opie loves bringing up how Sam sits there with a stone face 99% of the time.

Sam is too busy doing show prep for his Opie fellating ballwashing clip shows so he does not get fired, he is still holding out for that board op position on the mash up...Moving up in the world!!!

Well, ya see, Opie is the only one funny enough to get a guy like Sam to laugh. When he talks about how Sam doesn't laugh he is subtly putting into the listener's head "hey, every time I hear Sam laugh something really funny must be going down!" and then Sam only laughs on mic when it's due to something Opie has said. Now the listener is tricked into thinking that Opie must be funny. It's a god damn conspiracy!

They're both autistic to varying degrees. It explains a lot, really.

Don't listen, faggots.

I don't.

Neither do I. This sub is all of the enjoyment that I need throughout the day.

Shut up Sam. You Flipper sounding fuck.