Hey, remember the time Opie took a shit on the beach and covered it with sand??

7  2014-08-30 by hansel4150

That totally happened.



That story was captivating!! Clasic opster, did you hear the house was a hundred feet away?! What a wild man! He is always getting into wacky adventures, like the time when he went to the movies and was slowly opening a bag of candy to limit noise and an old woman he didnt know got up, grabbed it out of his hands, opened it quickly, gave it back to him and yelled "HERE"! He's crazy!!

His whole life is like an episode of Seinfeld.

LOL...I was gonna post "He's OUR Kramer!"


Opie is Benya

Nah he's a phony like Mike Moffit.


I know! Remember air force?

Or when he bonded with the illiterate black man on jury duty. He made eye contact with the old man and gave him a knowing smile as if to say, "white people be crazy!" And then he totally nailed the lawyer with his quick wit and the judge had to order a retrial.


Just a day in the life of the Opster.

Was that before or after he crumpled up the ticket the cop gave him?

At least Sam said "The whole ticket situation seems highly improbable" and called Opie "Opie Max." That was the closest I've heard somebody calling bullshit on one of his stories in years.

The "I went black twice" bullshit story is on again. "they were very aggressive in bed, I was way out of my league", then a minute later "it was just a dry humping." it's such bullshit you can hear Glaser smiling in disbelief asking him questions.

Fucking edgy, we should all be like him. the only father at his daughters graduation with a colostomy bag.

Then everyone else started clapping, he bowed then did a victory lap of the theatre.

And then he named it Hudson.


ob dot loyig!

Does anybody have that video where this dullard pondered over the ineffable mystery of water for about 15 minutes?

Opie is just a dumb man.

If ya think about it, water is pretty crazy, maaaan!


I remember when Opie came up with Box of Cocks.

I remember when he used to let Jim work his magic during the "Raaaammmone" interviews.

I remember when he did just what he wanted and fuck the bosses.

I choose to forget married, job preservation Opie.

He is a real cock softnah,.



Then remember when Burr, Norton, and Cumia shat all over him for doing so?

Boy did that bit backfire.

was louis CK in studio too? i am looking for the link

No, I heard it on a best of so I'm not really sure how to find it.

Anthony is Kramer for other reasons.

God. How many times did fucktard Opie bring up that story.

A tremendous amount of times. I remember hearing it as it happened and Opie being mocked as Beach-Shitter and Captain Oceanshits and all that. He talked about it for around a month.

The Youtube video is harder to find than a rooster's teeth. I wonder where that gem went?

Captain oceanshits, lol.

Didn't Bob Kelly ask him what he whipped with and he just said he forgot?

There's no need to wipe when it didn't happen.



He forgets about the intricate details a lot. Strange.

He also forgot if he was alone or not when he went to the one black club in his life where he met the black chicks that wanted to fuck him (even though all they did was dry hump him) and when pressed for more information, like "how did you bag them black chicks up?", his response was "ugh, you know, just being me."


My favorite lyric from that Regina Spektor song.

Dude I remember this one time I drank like 4 Coors lites and played a game of scrabble.

Man we were fucking extreme in college.

Oh right, the shit nugget story. That one so badly didn't happen that I'm amazed he would even think that.

"This is a true story, man" = "This is not a true story, MAAAAAHN"

Oh, the one where he took a shit in somebody's house and the shit went down his legs and out the bottom on his pants like some Rube Goldberg device? That one is HEINOUS.

I never understood how it bounced off his toe if it came out of his ass...

Remember that one time Opie lied? Oh, that was every "pumped up" story he ever told? Carry on, then.

Anyone got a link then?

I'll tell you one thing, his FANS sure haven't. Every goddamn picture he posts of a beach, 172 "Hey Opie, did you take a dump out there? LOL" post in the fucking comments section. Because they apparently couldn't scroll up to two comments prior, when some dumb fan just said it.

so what that's fuckin funny

It is SUCH a who gives a care story! It's really irrelevant if it happened or not.

Back off, this ain't your show!