ICYMI: Jim Jefferies - Bare special. Now streaming on Netflix (link inside)

3  2014-08-30 by aftershave

It was one of the best hours he's done, maybe the best comedy special this year. Laughed my ass off. Such ballsy comedy. The 2nd Amendment stuff was hilarious. American comics won't touch this one but Jim simply doesn't give a fuck.



I'm starting it now. It better be good or I'm going to fuck you up.

Half done... It's really good.

It was good but IMO Attell's Road Work is the special of the year or even the last couple years.

Well if Jim "simply doesn't give a fuck" I sure as heck don't either. Unsubscribed

American comics won't touch this one

Oh really? Every left wing comic in America has 5 minutes on this you kraut fuck. Jim didn't even say anything new. It was borderline hack. That said, it was a great special.

Enlighten me. Who are these mainstream comics? The only people with something to lose and brave enough to dedicate a quarter of their special to the gun control issue were Hicks, Carlin, and maybe Stanhope. Jon Stewart and Louis Black might touch on it briefly but they are political comedians. It's their thing to talk into a liberal echo chamber.

Not sure how much of his show it took but Colin had some good 2nd Amendment material in his Unconstitutional show.

Chris Rock has a very famous bit on gun control where he says we should have bullet control - bullets should cost 5000 dollars. That's just off the top of my head. It's not "brave" to say these things in America as you seem to presume. It's common.