Bit the bullet and got a sub to Ant's show.

56  2014-08-29 by ActionBlackson

Glad I did. This is the most level-headed Anthony I have heard in years in terms of race and politics. Maybe he was just stressed the fuck out working in an environment he didn't want to be in anymore? Regardless, if you're on the fence, don't be. The show is great.


You forgot the most important part. There's no Opie. Remember that he sucks.

Second most important part. There's no Sam.

Third, no Roland.


In listening to his show now and it's horrible.

Silence is more entertaining than his show.

I mainly blame it on whookid but yeah. It stinks

Is he telling the same riveting tale of how he fucks bitches and not his wife?

I downvoted you when I thought you were referring to TACS. Then I realized you meant Sam, and couldn't reverse course quick enough.

Yeah I was surprised to see Sam Roberts show when I got in my car earlier. Fucking sucked. Not even sure who the guest or cohost was. Man it's amazing how bad the channel is now.

Those comedians on the show Sam Morril and Joe Machi were funny and are great guests but the show itself stunk. That Jones Town shit was stupid.

Sam is awful on O&J. Even worse is "The Sam Roberts Show".

I might agree with you on the first point, but Sam is realy good with Whooooooo Kid and Nicole.


Yes,you are wrong faggot.

I agree

Whatup gawd! Ma nigga!

Wasn't it just a month or two ago every comment of yours was downvoted into oblivion? I love that you're basically our mascot now.

That's funny, OpieSucks is +36 in my Reddit Enhancement Suite




Writes into diary


Your life is sad

I love how opiesucks went from being one of the most downvoted to one of the most upvoted posters on this sub. Its like realizing the bad guy was actually the good guy all along.

The long con

the long DONG ... im fuckin killin it on readits

Double bold

i dont get it


Now that he is a lot more comfortable, I prefer listening to TACS more than OJ. Anthony is a lot more enjoyable to listen and much more relate able. I hope him and Jimmy do shows together, them together crack me up.

Jim will be on Ant's show Tuesday.

I just listened to that show today. I was pumped to hear it.

You listened to a future show? Ant's studio really is something special.

He's got the latest in guinea time travel technology.

So that's why I've seen him in pictures of Nuremberg.

Archived show... Good try tho

He's talking about an actual in-studio appearance... not Jim calling in briefly.


I was referring to the show where Jim called in and ant asked him to come on. I guess that's too hard for you to comprehend.

youve got me sold. Im subbing.

bit the bullet? it's 7 goddamn dollars!

that's a lot of money :(

oh shit sorry... it is for me too but I mainly chock it up to my drinking problem

I drink away at least double that every day...

thermitepaint, comment?

Thermitepaint - my husband, errr, Opie, is fantastic, creative, hilarious, and deserves no ill will

i figured he was a member of the Philly crew.

She's had a member belonging to the Philly Crew.



They should make an app. I'd buy if I could plug my phone in AUX to and from work and listen.

I already do this. When you sub you get an RSS feed that you can use with any podcast app.

There are instructions on how to listen to archived shows via your iPhones podcast app on his website.

Not everyone has iPhones though so what do others do?

You can use RSS feeds. There should be free RSS feed apps out there. You go to your account page, find the RSS feed link (huge link right in there), and copy it and paste it into the RSS feed app. Let me know if you need help or don't know what I'm talking about. Chrome has an RSS feed plugin that I downloaded and I'm using it right now, so it's universal.

theres lots of podcast app for andriod, i use beyondpod and i heard doggcatcher is good, Podcast Republic is also good and is free, on the tacs facebook page the tech guy specially said Pocket Casts will work

How did you find his show on podcast republic?

hes supposed to give you a rss address on the tacs site like this(, then goto podcast republic, click menu key on the right and add podcast, put the rss link in there

Thanks for the help. Never did this before, appreciate it.

does it even work i dont have tacs sub so i dont know, also pls check out some friends of the show's podcasts


Have information that may be useful to this person? If so, share it. If not, go fuck your fat wife.

I did idiot.

Good. Hope your fat wife enjoyed it.

i dont have credit card so if they make an app with iap subscription it'd be good


the callers suck some pretty deep cock though.

Yea, but it's funny, also he's gonna start screening next week I believe.

I bet they'll get better. If they can work out the delay between the show and the call, people will be more up-to-date on what they can talk about. That seems to be messing things up, but I'm sure they'll figure a way around that issue eventually.

He's also not having to do a show on 3 hours of sleep. I love it. I signed up when Davey Mac was on the show, it's been great.

I'm poor as fuck and I mustered up $60 for a year. shiiitt if you can't afford to support a man who has given you years of entertainment. For $7 a month y'all must be pretty bad.

It wasn't a man who gave me years of entertainment, it was a whole show that gave me years of entertainment. And that show wasn't just Anthony. It was Anthony and Jimmy.

Don't you dare forget Erock army nigga

Coke floats in ma cup

Oh shit you're right. That show was Anthony and Jimmy. And Erock. And the interns.


I thought he was going to post a free show every Friday? Does he have them in MP3/podcast form yet?

Monday's show was free. It's on YouTube, it's linked in the TACS sub

Technically, if you know where to look, they're ALL free. Just a day or two late.

If you can't afford $7 bucks a month your life sucks, kill yourself

Seriously. I pay twice that for Netflix and some months I don't even use the streaming service. Don't even get me started on the mail in thing. I've had the same fucking copy of the Aviator DVD sitting on my shelf since 2010.

You just described Lady Di to a T.

I hope you sit on a thumb tack.

Me too. Sonos sucks a fat fucking dick for not allowing me to manually add RSS feeds through IOS, I must use the desktop application. Well, ever since my computer crashed, I have been without a desktop, because I only ever used it for porn and internet, which work just dandy on the iPad. They should allow every setting to be accessed on every platform, and I will navigate through the fucking menus like a big boy.

The point of this rant is that I can't listen to the Antster on my fucking Sonos, so I have to drag the goddamn iPad everywhere with me in order to listen to him. My fucking life is so difficult and tragic, that I should have to endure such hardships. Lord, why dost thou forsaketh me?!?!?!?!?

Same here. Not even a former Sirius subscriber, just a casual YouTube listener. I like the episodes I've watched so far, and I think the show has the potential to go in some pretty interesting places.

This is the most level-headed Anthony I have heard in years in terms of race and politics.

It's also the most repetitive, and it's making me want to cancel. I want to be entertained, not listen to his dumb views on the latest race baiting news story every single day.

His views are only level headed compared to what he's said in the past. He's too obsessed with it. It would be easier to try and stop Jimmy from talking about how much he loves trannies.

Jimmy got his own show, and he literally put a tranny in it, in case people were unclear about how much he loves trannies.

Jimmy got his own show, and he literally put a tranny in it, in case people were unclear about how much he loves trannies.

Hoo hoo, you can get away with a lot more if you have a minority co-host, Robin.

Why did to subscribe? The show was advertised on the basis that it would be bringing up issues like this. Besides its been really well balanced with guests, tits etc

Because there's a lot more to him than his politics, which was one reason why it was so frustrating to see him get fired.

Unfortunately, I'm sort of with you. People are saying he's changed, but he only strays from race and politics when he has a guest in, or there's some viral video that doesn't involve black people. Outside of that, he still harps on the same stuff for a good 30-40 minute chunk of the show. It's refreshing sometimes, but usually it's just beating a dead horse.

You can tell he's trying to stray from it but he gets heated too easily over anything involving political correctness or race and it becomes a minimum of 20 to 30 mins of angry, loud ranting without any punchlines.

I've only listened to a couple shows so far, but it's really dependent on who the guest is for me.

That Sean Bergin guy fucking stinks. Not an original thought in his head. He's like the local conservative talk radio guy, but on the shittier AM station. I really hope he doesn't become a frequent guest. I'm not even basing this on his politics...I don't agree with Gavin McInnes either, but he was pretty entertaining.

Yeah, I'm not into Bergin. His story was reasonably interesting, but he didn't need to come back. He's just came off as a corny bore on the second show.

Bergin was a great "ONE TIME" guest. His story was very similar to Ant's and he was comfortable on the mic. Not someone I'm interested in hearing from again though. He was ruining the show with Mary Jean. Jimmy would have been 100x times better. It would have been weird if Anthony got lap dances by himself, but Sean didn't positively add to the experience, and arguably detracted from it.

Is it video only or can I download it as an audio file? Or is it a podcast that I can subscribe to?

You can do all 3 with Ant's show.

I can't find a podcast link anywhere

if you subscribe there's directions on the FAQ on the website. It's through an RSS feed that's easy to setup and will come through the podcast feed. Works great on my iphone. Not sure about other phones.

Found it thnx

Check out the TACS subreddit for tips on an android phone. Using Viral Lite and ES file explorer, you can download episodes (paid) and play them in a floating window (yay, multitasking!)

All three. Audio, video, and there's an RSS for podcast managers. I'm listening to it that way right now actually.

This is the most level-headed Anthony I have heard in years in terms of race and politics

Might be worth a shot then.



I tried subscribing on two different devices and it didn't work.


I use Dogg Catcher on Android and it worked.

I've listened to 2 of ants shows and I definitely liked em. I honestly enjoy O&J and TACS pretty equally. I have no time or interest in watching it though. Does ant have an audio only version, and if so how we'll does it work. Perhaps if you are streaming the show on your phone using the 3G/4g while driving, is it reliable?

Yes it does have audio for streaming and podcasts.

Yeah I've been loving it. burn through a couple of episodes at a clip

Although I listen to the show. Up until this point I can't say it's great. Some segments are pretty good but the constant dice impression and the no direction guests kind of make me question if I should continue my sub

I've enjoyed the "no direction" guests. Feels like friends shootin the shit which is what I like to listen to.

What I'm usually not a fan of is single host shows and Ant (while being better than almost all others) definitely suffers from single host syndrome as well. Feel he needs a sidekick, not necessarily a second mic, for the shows without a guest. Someone to bounce the humor off of or help transition between segments would be clutch.

Shootin shit with friends would be fine for a free podcast. But I guess I expect a bit more than what everyone else is doing for a fee. I have no issues paying for content but he isn't doing anything above free podcasts from others that are atm equally or slightly more entertaining


Yeah, he's a fuckin' moron, and possibly even a cunt.

He acts like there are a bunch of free podcasts that offer the same, if not an even higher, level of discussion and entertainment, but there aren't.

Notice how he didn't actually name any of these fictional superior podcasts.

I hope he cancels; I don't want him muckin' up the works.

Corolla, Rogan, derosa are on this level. I get its early in cumias solo gig. I just think it's kind of shit. No need to fucking cry. Still paying, entitled to my shitty opinion just like you are. Mannnnngreattttttt

You get nothing.

He's done dice every episode. It's just become hack now. Go back and listen to every episode. Prove me wrong

If you agree with his politics i can see why the show would be interesting. Otherwise its not funny , think about it unless your ballriding ant about his politics when is the last time there was a really good laugh on that show. Thing is ant was probably about 100x funnier on OandA than with this show, him looking awkwardly into the camera after telling the hackiest of jokes or one liners about the video hes playing , its just awful.

Hes not a funny "straight comedian" and you nutriders really need to stop telling him he is, he needs a regular person in there to have a back and forth with. His show doesnt have the same environment as OanA where he feels comfortable breaking guests balls about things they say or do, maybe he needs a cohost there to make him feel more comfortable or to laugh at him breaking balls like jimmy did, but even then, have you listened to the OandA shows when its just him and jimmy, its actually kind of awkward a lot of times or just goes no where. I wish TACS was a highlight of the anthony from the O and A show but the sad truth is, that it isnt and if you dont agree with his politics its actually quite a bore.

This guy (streetkingz) isn't worth paying attention to. Shits on everything ant does, he was also bitching so much about this sub that he pushed an O&J sub. The one time I visited it, he was half the posts, and what a horrid subreddit it was. He also has a name that makes him sound like he's black, so that + the constant giant comments about Ant = most likely very very butthurt about Ant's politics. Don't listen to him try to sound reasonable and say anything against Cumia's great comedy, he's biased and full of hate.

I disagree with literally everything you just wrote. Seriously, you think Nopie shows were awkward in the past? Those were some of the best episodes.

It's precisely because I don't agree with most of his politics that I find his show interesting and refreshing. The adolescent desire to have your own opinions regurgitated back to you is something you should work on.

O and A ceased to be laugh a minute "funny" for me years ago, but I found them to have gotten more and more entertaining as years went by.

You faggots need to upload that shit to youtube.

Maybe one day you can scrounge up the $6.95 from all those hand jobs you're giving under that bridge...

I'm not giving my hard earned hand job money to that rich piece of shit.

It's on a certain bay where pirates frequent...

Yeah, I've been getting it from there. Youtube is more convenient though.

You should upload it then

He's got the latest in guinea time travel technology.

Archived show... Good try tho

i figured he was a member of the Philly crew.

O and A ceased to be laugh a minute "funny" for me years ago, but I found them to have gotten more and more entertaining as years went by.

if you subscribe there's directions on the FAQ on the website. It's through an RSS feed that's easy to setup and will come through the podcast feed. Works great on my iphone. Not sure about other phones.

Yes,you are wrong faggot.

I disagree with literally everything you just wrote. Seriously, you think Nopie shows were awkward in the past? Those were some of the best episodes.

This guy (streetkingz) isn't worth paying attention to. Shits on everything ant does, he was also bitching so much about this sub that he pushed an O&J sub. The one time I visited it, he was half the posts, and what a horrid subreddit it was. He also has a name that makes him sound like he's black, so that + the constant giant comments about Ant = most likely very very butthurt about Ant's politics. Don't listen to him try to sound reasonable and say anything against Cumia's great comedy, he's biased and full of hate.

It's precisely because I don't agree with most of his politics that I find his show interesting and refreshing. The adolescent desire to have your own opinions regurgitated back to you is something you should work on.

Yeah, he's a fuckin' moron, and possibly even a cunt.

He acts like there are a bunch of free podcasts that offer the same, if not an even higher, level of discussion and entertainment, but there aren't.

Notice how he didn't actually name any of these fictional superior podcasts.

I hope he cancels; I don't want him muckin' up the works.

He's done dice every episode. It's just become hack now. Go back and listen to every episode. Prove me wrong