Hey guys, did you hear? Opie smoked pot on the Joe Rogan podcast.

45  2014-08-28 by hansel4150

He's also thinking about maybe getting back into smoking pot again.


Anyone who thinks smoking pot is cool enough to have to brag about is a fucking nerd

The stigma of people who brag about it and put like blacklight pot leaf posters in their room and shit are what kinda ruins the enjoyment of it.

Ha! Yeah, I know what you mean. I don't have anything against smoking pot itself but you get these people who wear it on their sleeve because it's their only claim to fame and it's just incredibly dorky.

420 Blaze it!

Me at 19: Blacklights, pot leaf posters, and Pink Floyd tee shirts everywhere.

Me at 20: A nice painting on the wall, and a baseball cap are fine.

Opie at 50 something: I totally got kinda stoned on Rogan's podcast.




Speaking of stalking, here's you replying to yourself (you idiot) 5 hours ago in a 2 day old thread thinking that I'd see it. You're one of the most pathetic and unintentionally hilarious people I've ever encountered.



I may be away tomorrow so you'll have to fall on your sword by yourself.



Says the guy called out for replying to his own comments.


better slow down on that 420 brah, you're smoking yourself retarded.

"So I got my black light, posters, and I don't give a fawk." Ugghhh...


I bet you never ripped bong hits before school

HE'S THE EXXXXTREEM! Nobody slams Joan Rivers like the Opster!

Absolutely! Take that old and dying lady! Haha

The punch line never touched the ground!

Opie killed Joan Rivers. What a fucking bastard.

He took one hit, then overhyped it for radio.

He wanted to identify with Joe, just being a follower as usual, if his wife was there he woulda passed, as he would have been watching kids while he casts. While Lynsi looks for Johnny Knoxville out in LA.

He took one hit, then overhyped it for radio.

Just a taste - but the stuff was uber strong. Beyond strong. Beyond strong.

These days its super duper strong, one hit is enough to kill you. (Yet studies show it's no different potency than it was in 60s)

Hater....Blocked. ;)

It depends on how many marijuanas you shoot up in one "session."

Is 8 doobies too much? I may be having a "bad trip."

The average potency of all marijuana in the US, according to the UMPMC's Dec. 2008 – Mar. 2009 quarterly report, was 8.52%

For comparison, the national average of marijuana's THC content in 1978 was 1.37%, in 1988 it was 3.59%


What studies are you citing?

How dare you use cited facts against unsubstantiated claim.

The average weed, even in the 1970s and 1980s, was dogshit compared to 2014 average weed. However, there was still stuff like "primo" weed and "sensimilla" weed in the 20s and 30s THC wise, as strong as the top notch stuff today. Old timers in particular will tell you that there was a lot of really good sativa around the 1960s and 1980s, chiefly from Thailand.

Not to mention, people mix budder, wax and other concentrates in joints and bowls.. THC LEVELS CAN REACH 80%.


I have not really studied the research much, but it seems reasonable that pot is much more potent now. I mean, people have learned how to grow it better, gotten mire scientific about it, learned what works and what doesn't...

Its more than just throwing the damn thing in a pot and setting it on your window sill. Plus, with shit like medicinal cookies and vaporizers, rolling up the ol' joint seems silly to me now.

Off the shelf weed here in WA state is much higher than %8.52. They actually put the strain/crop info on the package including the THC and THC-a %. Lowest I've gotten is about a 14.5% Indica. Highest were Blue Dream and Sage sativas, both about 22-23%. The vape pen cartridges have hash oil that's around 37%.

No wonder when I buy blue dream I get so fuckin' zooted. I never care what the names of the weed are but my dealer always tells me. Now I'm glad to know.

Haha, fawk yeah. Yeah, it's nice to know what you are actually smoking -- they break it down to the 100th of a percent. They've had a lot of hybids on the shelves, blueberry/grape ape, white widow, bunch of other shit with goofy names. Way more expensive than street weed (20$/gram) but I don't mind paying a little more for the quality.

Hybrids and great ape what is everyone goin around smoking bongs in their prius or somethin gettin high like a bunch a fuckin monkeys tsss

Viva la Douche

I love when Troy called him out on air after the Live From Cleveland Show a year or two ago, saying they were ALL hanging out smoking pot and Opie wouldn't do it. If I remember correctly, that was at the height of him saying practically once a week that he's "thinking about getting into smoking pot again." And if I also remember correctly, there wasn't word about pot again until he did Rogan's show last summer.

He does this shit to himself. If you're going to do it, do it. Don't talk about it endlessly on the air like you're "edgy party guy," but clearly have zero intention of ever doing it.

He never understood why Ant and Jim made fun of Twister so much.

Finger of God...

I'm a big fan of the show, but this reference is lost on me for some reason. What is this?

Here, let me google that for you. He's saying that Opie is a dork who doesn't know that Twister, the tornado movie, sucks ass.

And that, possibly, The Opester empathizes with the cool and hip characters portrayed in this classic film.

Whats a monumental bomb?

silverware clangs on plates

.....the finger of Opie...

Imminent rue-age

He once talked about how when he was young he would brag at work that he got drunk everyday, and looking back he made fun of himself for being so lame, but he's still that guy who thinks drinking/getting high is "cool" at age 50.

Any guest who smokes pot he has to try to fit in with them like "I just took a baby hit. Just a baby hit, but hey, that's still pretty cool, right?"

He called beer "road sodas." That mother fucker was corny as a teenager, and he's corny now.

He tried to drop "road sodas" into conversations for a while like it was hip and showed that he knew how to party growing up. So douchey.

He also brought up"Molly" all the time for a while after they played a rap song that said it and Sam explained what it meant. A few days later a guest was talking about visiting Tokyo or some shit and Opie tried to steer it toward "Molly" which had absolutely nothing to do with the conversation and made no sense, but he needed them to see that he was cool and knew what molly is. He's so un-hip that he thinks Sam Roberts is hip.


You meant "CORNBALL", right?

Not to mention he does this and will in the next breath shame drinkers to fit in with the AA comedians and try to have something over Ant.


Just a little taste, I heard.

Make sure to repeat "Just a taste, a taste" in a tone of smug satisfaction.

People still listening to this shit? Nice. Everyone needs a hobby.

Smoking weed is about as edgy (and as interesting) as working on Wall Street now.

anyone that talks about weed is a fucking douche, and i smoke everyday.

I 100% agree. People who base their whole personality around pot are annoying as shit.

Dated a girl like that. She was hot, but nothing to say that wasn't weed related. Boring dolt.

I've been there for sure. I'm like, WE GET IT already.


Whoa there, I can't even talk about it? Lets not lump all pot enthusiasts in with the Opester. I like to at least have conversations about pot. I've had some really interesting and funny experiences while high. I'm not letting that cocksucker ruin it for the rest of us.

DOUCHE! (see what I did there?)

Smoking weed is common to most his ex/listeners.

He made himself look like a boob the first day he said it, then when he repeats it to belong in a guests presence, it makes me cringe.

But that's the bit, DOPE!


Since when isn't it interesting?

Since about 1947

The 80's were cool ever saw American Psycho?

I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. - Opie

That movie has ruined my life. Told my girl recently "Do not wear that outfit again. Wear a dress, a skirt, or something." Needless to say, she didn't understand the humor/reference.

It is safer than booze and even seems to be more socially acceptable. Smoking a joint at breakfast is seen as much less disagreeable and socially taboo than 2 shoots of whiskey at breakfast.

yeah man, everyone knows that.

check the empties maaaaaahhn

Opie is like that kid in high school thats in your face about getting stoned and wasted when no one gives a flying fuck. He's aiding in giving smokers a bad name.

ya kiddin? I don't believe it.


check out the empties maaaan


Opie is that full of shit douche bag in High School that tells everyone that he dropped Acid over the weekend and saw Purple Elephants.

Maybe just a little taste? Wow. Dopie may take on a different meaning if the Opester keeps going down this interesting and different path.

He's been talking about smoking pot again since they started on XM. Finally!

Easy, the Opester was a bookie in high school. He'll have all your thumbs broke.

I don't know how Opie hasn't killed himself yet? He tweeted about Vos's stilupid movie, and for some reason he made Linsey Producer. Someone replied

"Why Is Your Stupid Wife A Producer? We All Know She Has No Talent, And She Doesn't Work. Why Can't She Take Care Of Your Stupid Kids"!!

That is fucking Brutal! (And Funny, And True). I don't know how he hasn't deleted his twitter page at the very least?

Did he really? I hope he turns into the hack comic that has 45 minutes of drug material for an hour special.

he took a baby hit


Yaaaawwwwwnnnn....... zzzzzzzzzz......


Why are any of these commenter's in here? If you hate opie or hate the opie with jim show just stop listening to it. I don't understand how in /r/opieandanthony there's so much opie hate. Just unsubscribe if this show doesn't entertain you. It's mind boggling.

You JUST. DON'T. Get. IT... You DUMMY!!!

Fuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhcking haters.


How about YOU just don't read any posts with more than zero-points?

Let's just cancel this sub. It's a giant bitch fest

Welcome to the fest, bitch!

I haven't tuned in since Anthony left for a reason, I know the show sucks. I don't get why people listen to something they hate

They get very offended when you say this to them. Get ready for the "responses"! lol

Welcome to the fest, bitch!

He blazes for the first time in a long time with joe rogan in Cali. That's a legit thing to talk about and bring up. Bashing him For this is lame and unwarranted. Are you that fat, conspiracy theorist, psychopath, that is obsessed with Howard?

Imminent rue-age

Hybrids and great ape what is everyone goin around smoking bongs in their prius or somethin gettin high like a bunch a fuckin monkeys tsss