Good Road Trip segments?

0  2014-08-28 by Chippersonn

Can Anybody recommend any classic funny longer (60+min) segments for me that are on Youtube? I'm a new(er) fan only been listening for about two years, enjoy the classic stuff Stevey and Jason post. Any really classic shows with Bill Burr, Colin, Patrice, Louis CK, Vos(esp bashings), bob kelly, Rogan, Florentine Attell (def missed a bunch) all the regular comedians are awesome esp when there just hanging out telling stories, The LONGER THE BETTER. I have looked and found some myself but obviously You guys know better then me all the classic breaks and bits that were hilarious over the years. Thanks

TLDR: Anybody got any good classic long 60min+ O&A segments on youtube to recommend to a newer fan for-da road trip I'm taking tomorrow?

So whaddya say? Anybody got anything for me for-da Roadtrip? (Bobo voice)


This is one of my favorite shows ever, Vos and Bob Kelly in studio and it's just a brutal trashing of everyone the whole time.

haha thanks man just listened to the first min.. bobby blew a guy for a steak sounds like a jem already

how's seven hours of the david and bobo saga sound?

sounds like ill end up driving off a fucking cliff

It's actually pretty funny, definitely an epic saga though

yea i just started listeing to it i take that back.. thanks

she'll get it in the fart box

David might be a walking jewish stereotype but goddamn if he don't have the funniness too. Him just going after Bobo was fantastic

tequila and donut day, one of the most epic and inadvertently funny shows they ever did.

I think i might have listen to the highlights where erocks saying opie doesnt like him but ill def have to listen to the whole thing.. Thanks Guys please keep em coming this is sweet

it's worth listening through, mainly because you get to experience sober erock quickly morphing into his final form: drunken slobbo.

There is also a merry-go-round of guests and this is also the show that happens to introduce the wonderful self-sucking pisslord Dennis Falcone

Doesn't he say Ant doesn't like him? - 3 hours of Colin smashing Jim, and that's only part 1

A classic bit from the early xm years you may not have heard is the Ramone interviews. opie and anthony would conduct an interview with someone and stay professional, then eventually jimmy comes on as caller for the show where he would "ramone" the interview. (short video of him doing it)

plenty more.

sweet cause i never really got that bit whenever it came up hah .. i was always wondering who ramone was hahah

its based on promo productionwork by steve c their former producer (died 2010), it was a series of weird promos from 2004 that jim tuirned into abit.

(audio from 2004 with the promos and discussion)

the explanation by steve c is hilarious