The Sorry State of Apology Culture by Jim Norton

133  2014-08-28 by [deleted]


This is the best piece he's ever written. Bravo Jimmy.

Anthony and Jimmy are in the next phase of their careers. Opie's calling as a stay at home Dad has come.

That or the Opie and Denny Power Hour.

Don't call it a 'piece' you pretentious intellectual cunt

Its an article

Naturally, the edgiest post is by a user with a fucking /pol/ flair. Worst fucking board.

If I was one of those queers who shares opinion pieces on facebook I would totally share this.


So what kind of queer are you?


I only ask because I'm looking for a bear! GRRRRRRRR

Second line ruined it.

wow this guy shur is rightin alot of articals these days... he must have alot of TIME on his hands! tsssss

u shud all upvoat me im HALAREOUS.


How did Jimmy start writing articles for Time? Seems like a great opportunity for Jimmy but seems like an odd pairing. I figure he'd be writing for a site like Vice.

I think he just does the ol' "freelance" writing. He writes an article and then sends it to people and if a website or magazine wants to use the article they post it and give him a little tasssssste.

I heard him say that someone pitched it to Time for him (for the Robin Williams article). Like, they pitched the idea, Time liked it, then Jimmy wrote it.

I KNEW he'd find a way to cover Gene's ass.

I'm kidding.

Kind of.


Yeah that's right, you make that bitch apologize. Yeeeahhh. Deeeeeeply apologize.

These past two articles by jimmy are literally the only two I've been able to read all the way through in years, fucking feels good to read a real voice.

lol you can't read

You read John? Louie Beansch!

That's pathetic.

Wow that was honestly really well written. Great article.

Well done.

Hey thanks man.


a bloodless way to satisfy our bloodlust

This was the perfect way to put this. Nicely done Jimmy.

Fantastic piece.

Ok honestly Jimmy is fucking killing with these. Holy shit.

Our lil' Jimmy is all grown up!

It’s not really about right or wrong. It’s about wanting to throw a rock in the dark and hear something break.

Best line of the article. Evokes the simplicity of the jungle setting we came from, where for all the polite society bullshit there's always just a feces hurling primate underneath it all.

Tsss..tsss He's fawkin' good. He aughta write a couple books er sumpthin' claps double bestsellas.

This is giving me horrible flashbacks to the apology bit.

This is actually excellent. Good shit, young James.

Our sweet sweater boy cutie is becoming quite something of a writer. Look at him go.

Henry Rollins and Norton on the same side of an argument? Worlds Collide!

They need to exhume the body of Andy Rooney, and force Henry Rollins to give back his eyebrows.

Again he nails it!

As much as I don't think he should have to apologize...

Henry Rollins is a gigantic hipster douche.

All four of these men made the critical error of giving opinions on suicide that didn’t fit a polite narrative. Which in 2014 means each of them must bow their heads and apologize—or suffer the witch-hunt consequences of having an unpopular opinion.

Eh, it's more like these four men publicly made four stupid comments, got called on it and apologized. It's literally nothing new. This has been happening forever now. It just seems like it's happening more often because there's a self-feeding 24 hour news cycle.

A rag like TMZ or any type of blog points something out. The news reports on that like it matters. There's some type of resolution (apologizes, firing, etc). And it all happens again the next day.

It's fluff and everybody eats it up. But it's also fluff in the sense that none of it really matters.

Boo hoo, Henry Rollins had to apologize for talking out his ass. Did it blow up his gig? Did it prevent him from doing his art? Or booking more spoken word tour dates? No. The only thing this did was give him more exposure and (if he isn't completely lying) maybe teach his something about depression.

Anthony got fired for ranting about blacks on Twitter. Now he has a bunch of heat, is independently producing better radio than he was at Sirius and is making the same amount of money. What a horrible punishment.

What a terrible situation these celebrities are getting themselves into.

I am sure Michael Richards agrees.

His career has been skyrocketing since he called a heckler a nigger.

Cause his career was really soaring before that moment.

The Michael Richards Show was canceled in 2000 after two months and...nothing of note until the nigger incident in 2006. At least he got to do a voice in the Bee Movie afterwards.

Transylvania 6-5000!!!

This has been happening forever now.


Somebody says something society has deemed wrong and gets publicly shamed for it? That's been happening forever (except in the past, the end result was having your entire life destroyed or getting murdered over it)


the error of his ways


This was actually excellent. However, Jim's stand on the Redskins because of his affiliation with many tribes of Native Americans is still extremely douchy. Fuck him and Tonto.

On the curb of the street... stood Jim Norton, old pervert brave... On the other... side of the curb... stood a lovely tranny maid... Fairly Hung Dove... was a its name... Such a lovely sight to see... But its prices were disagreeable... So their love could never beeeee

I disagree with Jim, but he does justify his feelings well. It's a fucking fact that if black people so much as muttered a complaint about a team name, the owners were burn the stadium.

How were they douchy? I thought he just expressed his opinion

What did I ever do to you?! Bastard!

Oh you're injun? Well surely you'd remember this classic pow wow tune.

Way back when whitey wasn't the devil for using words I do believe.

Half injun. I should also note that "Redskins" doesn't offend me in the least (nor does any other word). I think it's pretty obvious that the team uses the term to convey that they're warriors kind of like the Vikings do.

I just remembered my grandmother was part Fugahwe. Maybe I should do something about it.

it's not bad, but just stick to making jokes. I hate serious Jimmy.

Everyone hates you. It was a smart/well written article. Give the guy a break.

That was the gut impulse I had too. If I didn't hear so much of new Jimmy on the show the last two months, I'd be happier about it. Everyone knows he's a smart guy and can write, it's a good article. I'm just tired of the balance between new Intellectual Jimmy and Old Funnier Jimmy tipped like 80/20.

Put a comic in the room for him to bounce off and Jimmy still slays, he just doesn't have as much fun with Gregg.

Good job, Jim. Reiterate your point four times and sneak in your own suicide story there. You are a funny guy, not a poignant or intelligent one.

On the curb of the street... stood Jim Norton, old pervert brave... On the other... side of the curb... stood a lovely tranny maid... Fairly Hung Dove... was a its name... Such a lovely sight to see... But its prices were disagreeable... So their love could never beeeee

How were they douchy? I thought he just expressed his opinion

What did I ever do to you?! Bastard!

I disagree with Jim, but he does justify his feelings well. It's a fucking fact that if black people so much as muttered a complaint about a team name, the owners were burn the stadium.

Oh you're injun? Well surely you'd remember this classic pow wow tune.

Way back when whitey wasn't the devil for using words I do believe.