Can Opie do anything to win back the fans?

2  2014-08-27 by snoopkhat

Op will always have a base following of rodenty Twitter followers who are more interested in Retweets than radio.

But can the Opster do anything to win back the radio fans?


Be honest with himself and others

top kek

I don't think so at this point. This is the first vacation break in 8 years where I haven't missed the show. It's just not funny anymore, and the whining gets old. The show is no longer relevant to me, maybe I've changed, maybe it's changed, maybe a bit of both.

Ron and Fez on the other hand...I listen to them more than ever.



Yes. The first episode that he broadcasted live on youtube after Anthony was fired he was very humble. I know that he was playing the "aw shucks, what about us" guy during that broadcast to try and win people who cancelled their subs back but that was the first time I thought "wow, he can be not so annoying." I didn't attribute any sort of amazing talent to him.. it could have been you or me doing what he did that day but that was the first time I felt sorry for him. If he dropped his ego and made fun of himself more he'd have a show.

This is it. The first few shows he was happy to hang back in the pocket and interject, help keep the show moving when needed and be an overall contributor to the show - that was the Opie of several years ago that I liked and enjoyed.

Then he quickly went Fredo "I'm important too" on us. He had to interject himself into every story regardless of factuality. The douchiness of "deep tracks beyond uber Hughes" and "I've been in radio all my adult life and study people me too" guy quickly came back. It quickly became apparent that new Opie was out of his depth and was way out of his depth as the main point of interest in the show. He's unlistenable. Unlistenable. Inchrediblly unlistenable and I want to bite my bicept and want to go check out black juice.

I've not missed a single show since the middle of their WAAF days, but at this point unless the Opester dials things way back I'm pretty much out.

This nails it perfectly. A switch went off in his head after the first show back and it made him unlistenable.

He went full throttle into "This is my show" mode. He is unchecked, sharing humorless content and is stomping over everyone.

The absolute worst is his open combat with the callers who are not looking for a fight.


Caller: Hey guys, love the show. Miss Anthony... About your topic of conversation, I noticed the opposite is actually true. If you look at...

Opie: Is this TODAY'S PROBLEM? Are we doing something wrong again?!


Opie: (Twitter guy voice) Waaaa! You guys used to be funnier when...

He needs to realize that suggestions are not criticisms. And even if there is criticism - to take it like a grown adult and not a petulant child.

When he thinks that someone on a clip is lying and insists that his opinion is gospel:

'You guys don't get it, I study this shit'

'I study people, I know all the tells for lying'

or the very fucking worst

'I'm an amateur sociologist'.

Just fuck off. Unlistenable.

I love when he talks about his "bicept" or the car's "glove department" then spends several minutes attacking sam for his pronunciation of the word "clothes."


Jesus dude, that's that meanest comment I've seen in a long time. In honor of Opie's memory you get an upvote.

There is a way, but he could only do it once.


Get rid of Sam, shut up, board op, listen to what's going on and laugh at Jimmy's random funnies the way Ant did.

I guess he could throw a bunch of poker chips at the CEO of Sirius.

My advice to Opie would be this.

Get control over the programming of the channel.
Be the talent developer that SXM desperately needs.
It will be hard work, but as a guy who knows radio it may be possible to return SiriusXM to the XM programming philosophy.


Walk Away and enjoy your family.

buy a bullet and rent a gun.

Be a little more original wannabe Jim Norton.

The jerk store called...


I asked for a jerk and they gave me two apples, jerky!

Nothing. I tolerated him before but now without Ant it's pointless.

The slightest ounce of show prep would help

microphone stand squeaking "It's Tuesdaaayyy. Uhhhh cough Hey, good morning, Jimmy"

I think I mentioned it before on another thread but - in the old days they could do no prep because everyone could riff and Opie could steer. Now, Jimmy doesn't really riff off Opie like he could Ant, so it's just a notch above dead air most of the time (if you take out the FM "deep track" jockery of late), and I had to tap out. He could have taken this chance to revamp the show, and really do something with it (like many large podcasters have done), but he hasn't. If he's tapping out like that, then so am I.

He could work his way back into our hearts by driving into Long Island and doing a few shows with Ant, poolside.

Better yet, he could keep driving into the sound, or maybe pull a Harry Chapin on the LIE.

Not really, no. If he took a paycut and an interesting 3rd mic came on board, I'd listen. Between podcasts, getting back into Ron and Fez and now The Anthony Cumia Show, I don't know how much time I've got for Beach-Shitter but it seems to be running out.

I was more bummed by ron and fez taking Monday off than O and J being off the air for the 10 days.

I agree, I just slowly stopped listening to O&J and I honestly don't miss it, with the exception of Lil' Yimmy, then again, the good parts of Jimmy on that show have been shut out by Opie.

Do a Fez impression for all of the show.

If he can admit that he's a dope. He created a show that trashes the world but he can't take a trashing. If he realizes that he tries too hard to be funny (and as the great Patrice said, if you have to try that means you're not funny), that he walks all over anyone who's talking, that he has a habit of breaking the flow, that he gives too much of a shit about social media, that he bought twitter followers.

Look, I've never loved Opie really, but I never really hated him either. He has provided laughs in the past from a directorial standpoint. I can think of many bits that were created on the spot. Opie sensed there was something funny there then let the comics have at it. Yes, he'd throw in stinkers sometimes, but for the most part he'd keep clear. I'm talking bits like Patrice and De Rosa smashing Lady Gaga, the animal delicacies, the entire Spinning Wheel of Death show, Louis smashing Paul O's movie...

There've been a lot of good times. All I want for him is to be that guy again. I think that he feels like in losing Ant he has to try harder to make up for the funniness that isn't there anymore and it's just coming off as douchey.

EDIT: Idea number 2, The Opie Roast hosted by Vos because he's the only one I can think of that ever gave Opie shit for going to callers with the "I thought that joke was funny Opie," "Aww thanks man." Fucking douchechills when he did that.

There is only one path to salvation... and it's lookin' PFG to me!!!

The easiest thing he can do is just chill out. Everybody seems to like him more when he's relaxed as opposed to when he's trying to dominate the show. Also, stop trying so hard with the youtube account, I think most fans of the show would appreciate more "behind the scenes"/studio stuff.

I actually never hated Opie that much, the only times he really annoyed me is when he would try to force Bobo/Lady Di into the show. A lot of times it wouldn't feel natural or even appreciated by the other people in the studio.

He could give me $70.00.

Do you know how many tshirts he has to sell to make $70 profit?

I don't think he ever really had any real fans. He had people who were fans of the show and weren't perceptive enough to notice he sucked because the rest of the people on the show carried him. Without Ant he has been exposed for what he is.


hire a cohost, but I doubt we will see that any time soon unless their contract is renewed.

No. He's become even more of an insufferable cunt since Anthony's firing.

Nice try Opie.

I haven't given up completely. But, he needs to up his game a lot, and bring back a lot of stuff. They don't even use the soundboard anymore! If the old clips are too sad because Ant's gone, get new ones! Jimmy said the first or second day he was back, he was getting one. C'mon, car crash is the soul of the show - and Jimmy fucking up on the soundboard will be great entertainment.

Some things, like the inappropriate bell, and the loudspeaker, those are gone. But bring back the soundboard!

Can someone determine how many years ago they last played "Okay, terrific!"

Reminds me of when Patrice was trying the soundboard and panicking

Bring back Ant, quit, let Colin take over his spot on the show?

Opie could get Brother Joe as a replacement.. Radio-Fucking-Gold!

you forgot the /s at your comment.