Vos and Bonnie's movie "Women Aren't Funny" is out today

40  2014-08-26 by WhipCityUrchin


Colin gave it a nice plug:

".@bonniemcfarlane movie featuring comedians and @richvos is a great movie about the disintegration of a marriage"

Haha "featuring comedians and Rich Vos"

Thats the bit

Jesus for a platform where the stuff you say has to be so short, you sure can say a lot with so few words. Colin is fantastic.

Opie is ready to hit that Retweet button. He wants his taste/ envelope/ pocket money etc...

I'm pretty sure this is everything he will tweet for the next couple of weeks since he invested in this sinkhole.

He'll get some numbers.

Do O,A&J Really think Bonnie is sooooo hilarious? Or do they just do that for their friend Vos's benefit?

I think Bonnie sucks, and the way she talks makes her sound like a snooty cunt! I'll never forget about 3 years ago; Bonnie was Bombing on O&A. The next break; Amy Schumer joined them. Amy Killed as usual, and Bonnie started acting really catty and insecure to the point it was noticed and brought up. I guess she does that around female comics who are Actually funny.

"Amy killed as usual"...Alrighty then!

Is it me or has anyone else never laughed at Amy on the show or during her stand up?



She's charismatic and a lot of her standup is funny, but she's nowhere near as funny as they all like to make her out to be.

When Bonnie's not trying too hard she's really funny.

I hear her occasionally on the Comedy Central channel or Raw Dog and her punch lines are generic at best. Yes, she's dirty and 'shocking' but that doesn't equate to funny, in my opinion.

Amy Schumer killed on O and A?? ' Bwahahahaha

I take it you jacked to her being fingered by a cabdriver story?

She is a network TV version of Lisa Lampinelli.

Jacked to her cabbie story??? Not that I remember. She did kill the time I Mentioned. I think this was before She blew up into a household name.

I don't think Amy is hot, and I think Bonnie is fucking ugly, and whoever said that Bonnie and Lindsey are friends?; that makes total sense!

Bonnie's funny when she trashes someone. She seems like a person you would hang out with. Amy on the other hand, is a one trick pony who has the same jokes, and is a 3.

Bonnie makes me laugh especially when she's bashing Rich

I freaking love Bonnie and her giving Vos shit. I think she is hilarious

i like Bonnie. Way more than I like Vos, actually.

Yikes... there's a really negative way to take that.

I don't mind her but I get sick of hearing about their fucking relationship. We get it, you're married.

She comes across as very insecure, and seems to feel like she's earned respect. I don't find her all that funny and wish Burr let her have it when she got snippy with him.

Opie seems attracted to her and Jim is probably waiting for her and Vos to set up a good cuckolding.

tl;dr they're hot for the cunt

Opie wants to fuck her so bad it's obvious every time she's in.

I like her and I hate Vos. Her neurotic bitchiness and self-loathing is a lot more interesting than Vos's overconfident low IQ low brow buffoonery. Their combined schitck of being in a bad marriage is boring and hacky and exhausting.

However, I think the main reason why they pump them up and promote their banal shit so much is Opie's wife is very close with Bonnie. That's why he funded the movie, that's why he gave them a show on the channel, etc.

I liked Bonnie until that thing with her and Bill Burr in Montreal. Now I can only think of her as a bitchy cunt.

What happened with Bonnie and Burr? I couldn't handle listening to the Montreal broadcast. I tuned in for 2 seconds and Opie and Jim were jockeying for position in Tom Papas asshole! I will Never understand their obsession with him.

It wasn't on O&J (although they did play the audio a few days later) it was on Rich and Bonnie's podcast.

Bill Burr was the guest and kept siding with Rich in the argument, so Bonnie started getting all defensive and saying shit like "I guess I'll just sit over here in the corner and make sandwiches while you two men talk it over" and Bill absolutely flipped out at her, saying there was nothing sexist about the stuff he was saying, and accusing her of playing the "clam card" when backed into a corner. It was great.

That just proves it. Under all that smarmy cunty attitude; she's still just a Hole with sensitive feelings.

Burr and Bonnie kinda got into it. You can catch it on Rich and Bonnie's podcast.

Rich has a cult following from the O&A crowd, and I think Bonnie feels like she can just inherit all Vis's fans because they're married. I don't think she has earned shit. Her credits include a horrific HBO Comedy Special, And being married to Vos!

bill is my favorite comic but you gotta give it to her for not cowering to bill like anyone would in that moment because he is huge now, plus a great arguer.

Why would she have to "cower" from Bill, SHE fucking started the whole thing. Bill tried to move on and that obnoxious twat kept bringing out the knives.

Oh god are you kidding me? The whole appeal of that podcast is that both Bonnie and Rich can take a beating. Bonnie clearly gets offended by some shit that Bill says even though he's just participating good-naturedly in the theme of the podcast, and we're supposed to "give it to her" for not cowering to Bill? Sorry, no. And you're wrong saying "anyone would in that moment". Any respectable comedian would be finished if they actually "cowered" in that moment. And to clarify, her "not cowering" is essentially her not standing up to Bill at all and not arguing her points at all. She just gets completely passive-aggressive and says things like Bill is "filled with anger", and sarcastically apologizes (when she genuinely should've beeen sorry for not being able to take a joke).

I've never had a problem with Bonnie and actually sort of liked her, but hearing that Montreal show just made it so clear that she's not as tough as she pretends to be on O&A when no one's really willing to attack her. Fuck her.

I can't stand her. Did they actually describe this as "the most important documentary of this generation" in the fucking itunes description? I don't need to watch this, I can tell you because Im a (crappy) comic and in comedy clubs every single week: women (generally) aren't funny. Sorry, it's genetic.

I'm pretty sure that "most important documentary" thing is a joke.

Not at all ironic that a "comic" missed that.

Hence the "crappy" qualifier.

No, you're an idiot. Read the description again; it's a totally dead-serious "professional" description. There is not a single joke or tongue in cheek ref in it. They want this to be taken seriously, they're trying to sell it. I garuntee you that is in there with no irony. Hyperbole yes, irony/humor, no.


For Vos' benefit. Do you see how nice they are to Opie? They also seem to have a big thing against saying anything negative about anyone's girl.

Bonnie is funny, and Rich has been loyal to the show like no other. Bobby, Louie and Dice have all abandoned the show but Vos hangs in there.

Give that lunkhead some support.

What other show would want Vos? Louie just won an Emmy. Dice is sort of a walking trope/90s flashback and D-lister in his own right. Bobby thinks he is some sort of podcast lord and important person. Where does Rich Vos fit in among those 3?

It's not a competition, I just appreciate the fact that Vos has been loyal to the show. For God's sake, everyone else died, moved away or blew up.

It's 2014 I'll take whatever comedian I can get. Anything is better than the dreck they call a show now.

Yeah, Bobby did blow up: his career is still the same size though.


Is it on pirate bay yet?

No. Just checked. I may have paid $5, but most certainly not paying $10.

paid $8 for the SD version... was worth it but I'm a fan

That looks super low budget.

My guess is that they had to film a lot of it on the road, and bought a cheapo camera instead of renting a decent professional one.

It's Rich Vos, what do you expect?

Id be willing to bet he pocketed the investment money Opie gave him, then used a camera phone to shoot it.

durr hurr look at his username.

But yeah I wouldn't doubt he skimped on the camera funds.

Are you kidding? He still owes his DAUGHTER money, he's (alright, we got it)

Cheapo cameras but they managed to get the sound right and that's the important thing.

Got an old super8 on ebay, it wash a shteal

He filmed it with a camera he purchased out of the trunk of a Rolls Royce filled with sauerkraut.

Co-starring Danny Ross!

I didn't think a film about comedians would need a fluffer?

I guess this is the sequel to "Balding Midgets Aren't Funny"


What's the story behind this? Patrice is interviewed in it, it was screened in 2012, a trailer was released Jan 2013, and it just came out today?

Someone will correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure but I believe it was a funding issue. They needed more of it to present it the way they wanted to. I only know this because there was a period of time where Opie wouldn't shut up about how he was a 'producer' and basically prodded Vos to thank him on-air over and over again.

Don't forget Producer Lynsi Smigo Hughes!

The spelling of her name makes me want to kill her mother

I'm sure Bonnie mentioned that it was done and dusted, then they managed to get Joan Rivers involved and decided to re-edit the entire thing as she is pretty much the quintessential female comic. Somehow this added like a year onto the release date.

I'm totally not going to help you out here, but Rich talked a lot about it during the Joe Rogan podcast he was on last week. Maybe like half way through? I remember it took Joe 2 whole hours before he had to start bashing Rich. It was before that. That's crazy, though. They both went a really long time without Rich getting bashed.

releasing a movie is incredibly complicated, especially if you are a small production.

Hitch would like to have a word with them.

They actually address that in the movie. Bonnie tries to interview him and gets blown off twice, then he dies.

He is right though, but a lot of people don't listen to what he actually says, he doesn't affirm that no women ever are funny just that they don't "Biologically" need to.

He says Dykes, Jews or Butch tend to be funny, which is hilarious.

I love that guy. That shit is spot on. Women that actually are funny are a fluke, and the exception to the rule.

How can I watch it outside the US? It's not available on Norwegian iTunes.

I would have thought better of Norwegian iTunes.

Move to a real country




Oh wait, it's just Margaret Cho's face.

Yeah, it's actually a nice ass

Is this worth watching?

I really enjoyed it.

Do you have any incentive to say so? Basically, is this just a paid ad?

My incentive is that you asked, so I answered.


Chill out. I was literally just asking why. Didn't know if you worked for their marketing, so yeah. Go fuck yourself.


Because he's a cynical, lonely shithead.

Am I? I asked a simple question. Gonna leave work in my BMW in 25 minutes to go eat dinner that my girl will cook. Suck my dick.


Danny pls

It's time to let go.

Lookout everyone, this guy has a BMW, a girlfriend, and won't hesitate to give you the business!

Yup. You don't. Suck my dick you fucking loser.

I drive a Volkswagen and have a fat pig of a wife that boils me hot dogs and rims my asshole every night. I'm not a faggot that argues with other faggots on the internet because someone enjoyed some shitty movie. Go shove your car key in your dick hole.

Yet you're doing exactly that: arguing in an Internet forum. Enjoy your fat wife and VW.

You forgot "with a faggot"

Go fuck yourself. It's a legit question. People advertise, period. Was asking a harmless question you fucking faggot.


True. Was being an angry nig yesterday. Work stress...

if you are a vos / bonnie / comedy fan yes. If not then no. I thought this was better than the Aristocrats doc from years ago.

I'm watching it now. I love how Ant is portrayed as "the hole" who breaks up the merriment with his line about how women aren't funny, getting his own reality show style awkward pause and closeup.

Surprised to see Jimmy Carr show up. Didn't think he was known outside the UK.

Pretty sure Jimmy used to have a game show on Comedy Central a few years back.

Bonnie and Vos are at their best when they unite against some third party.

The fighting between them can be amusing, but gets old fast. When they go after someone else together, it's great.

I so want to buy this but I HATE Apple and iTunes...is there any other place to get this legally?


Amazon and Xbox Video have it. (I got it on the latter.....tss tss what did I have to climb it or sumpthing? tss tss)

Yuck. Just more leeching

I like the first review: "Bonnie is a very lucky lady! He can't live forever and she will be young enough to move on."

I really did enjoy it, definitely was 'comedy documentary' quality but the actual interviews were quite good.

the question on everybody's mind: are women funny, or not?

I did two open mic spots last night, probably saw 30 comedians. I think 6 or 7 were girls. Of them, ONE was decent. She had well written & outside of the box jokes, good stage presence, did well, and was attractive. The rest were fucking terrible, did all the same jokes: My mom, my cat/dog, "creepy" guys/guys are weird stories, observations about things they saw on television. Women are not wired to be "funny." Some are, and it's a fluke.

I enjoyed it and it also made me even more sure of the fact that Vos and Bonnie need to do either a "My Wife Hates Me" show or at least a documentary/movie. Vos being annoying as the best part. And Bonnie showing her ass.

I know da shtruggle

Support this movie to support the Opester!

dont let this discourage you guys rich and bonny said they need to sell 1m copies on itunes b4 they can make money off this

Welp, looks like they won't be making any money off this.

That would be ten million dollars...

I'd rather he fund things like this then go 'all in' with the viral spiral shit.

Haha "featuring comedians and Rich Vos"

Yikes... there's a really negative way to take that.

Jesus for a platform where the stuff you say has to be so short, you sure can say a lot with so few words. Colin is fantastic.