Maybe this time around SiriusXM is going to not be offering Opie a contract?

0  2014-08-26 by CivilianConsumer

Maybe this is it, and The old OandA channel will stay SiriusXM talk with a constant rotation of Jason Ellis and Jenny McCarthy sprinkled with a touch of Jim's advice show? What do you upstanding gentlemen think will happen October 4th, 2014?


Opie will sign a contract, but it's gonna be with FH Riley's.

He'll receive a bad tip and scream about how he could have been a model.

Hold on, hold on, HOLD ON!!!! Who's this? It's Bobo to fill your water glass.

Why would they? O&A is the brand, not O&J. The only reasons id think they'd be offered anther contract is if 1. They get a show with some built-in fans at a greatly discounted rate or 2. They plan on getting Ant back.

It's an interesting situation. The people at SiriusXM like familiar brands and they fall into a corporate inertia with it. Howard tried to sue them for millions of dollars and they stuck with him because it's still Howard and in the end he was willing to renew.

The and O&A brand's been dismantled, but supposedly a sizeable number of the listeners are still there, and number will remain past October if Opie and Jim renew.

It boils down to if SiriusXM management are willing to take a risk with revamping a whole channel, and I don't think they are. Just look at the channel's title; they have no idea what to do with it. They'll bring back Ron and Fez, Jimmy's advice show will be there, and as long as Opie pretends to have a plan for the direction of the show, they'll keep him.

At least that's how I see it.

They can't even do 5 days with just the 2 of them now. What makes you Guys think they can resign and continue at least another year?

Opie and Jim will re-sign for at least another two years.

I have no idea if you're right, but I upvoted because you wrote "re-sign" instead of "resign."

I was resigned to the fact no one noticed, then your comment came up and I re-signed the fact that there's hope for humanity. Thank for the co-sign. Upvote whenever I see that username (until you resign from reddit) edit: shit I think I'm witty but re-reading this reminded me I'm a fuckhead, someone give me a soundboard I've got a bright future in radio!


resign the OJ show and MAYBE bring ant back

Ant is not coming back. He's making, by his own statements, good money doing 2 hour shows, 4 days a week, waking up at noon and starting at 4 in the afternoon. Who would ever want to go back to waking up at 5 in the morning, doing 2 and a half times the content for comparable pay with bosses that have been hated for years?

And paying an agent. . .

Ant's not coming back because I doubt he's considered re-hirable by Sirius.

I think that bridge is burned, if not nuked.

You're right. It would never be offered, but even if it were offered, Ant has got tons of reasons to turn it down.

If SXM re-signs them, it should be to a 1 year contract.

Jimmy was gonna sign a two year contract but when he found out the T in T-mobile didn't stand for "tranny" he lost interest.

See? It's easy.

From a business standpoint, the last thing Sirius should do with the Opie money is give it to Opie. He's terrible at his job, and they could get so much more for that money.

Sirius should use that money either to bring in some of the bigger podcasts out there, or to create a show featuring Jimmy and another comedian(s).

They should do a month of test shows, rotating different comedians in together, to see who had the best chemistry.

Not only would those shows be infinitely better than the O&J abortion, but they would have an "event" vibe to them.