Opie speaks on Facebook

2  2014-08-25 by [deleted]

UGH! There's absolutely no bad blood between me and Anthony...I was just talking to him yesterday. He as well as I miss doing the show together but we're both having fun doing something different for now. It's losers that don't have anything better to do that our trying this divide and conquer bullshit. Don't forget today he has our pal Robert Kelly on and it's a free show for everyone. www.anthonycumia.com

What say you? Are you okay with him trying something new? Believe him? Is it bullshit? GO!


These two spend a career training their fans to bitch and complain about everything, and are then surprised when they're the target?

These two spend a career training their fans to bitch

What are you talking about? If you grew up to be a whiny bitch, that's on you.

You know what he means. They shit on everything and everyone, but they get offended when they get the same treatment.

yeah, everyone does.

Not everybody does it on air for 20 years, and most people aren't as sensitive as Opie.

Let's be real, they all do it - Opie, Anthony, and Jimmy. Jimmy gets butthurt on Twitter all the time and engages random people for no good reason. Ant's the best on the three, but he certainly has his horrendous moments in this regard too (the heart attack April Fools joke saga, Lobster Girl, etc.)

They made millions from it, I'm not going to sympathize that they can't take the same criticism they dished out for 20 years.

Remember when Opie used to say that about Howard? He can't take criticism, he's so sensitive blablabla. He's become everything he's railed against.

so what

Well duh. Nobody likes being shit on. exceptJimmy.

this sub doesn't understand that.

It's not that he doesn't have the right, it's that he handles it so poorly.

Whatever he wants to do is fine by me. If it's good it's good, if it's bad, I won't even think about it. There's thousands of hours of great radio in the archives no matter what happens.

Here's the original comment he's replying to

"Go be a guest on one of Anthony's shows would ya please? I can't remember one story or one mention of you ever going to the compound. Feels like there is some sort of bad blood or tension between you's right now. Jimmy goes! I still listen to both shows. (not meant to be in the twitter voice but I'm sure that's how you'd read it)"

Wow, he really can't take even mild criticism/questions well

It was a mild question, but it was also a mild-moderate response really. He didn't go off the rails because of it. The fact that people still haven't wrapped their heads around the situation and dealt with it at this point is just bizarre. I've even found some of the fans infuriating, so I can't imagine how it's been from Opie and Jim's perspective. That grown whiny man who called in the second day they were back who sounded like he was on the verge of tears complaining like it was O&J's fault and the fans were being personally screwed over by them is the perfect example.

It really does seem like they are all taking it one day at a time with no real long-term plan at this point. None of them seem happy to be split up, and I think there's a decent chance they will be back together in one form or another, but whatever that may be at this point isn't readily apparent to any of them. So they'll just keep going with the flow until a realistic solution is found for all of them.

Yet so many idiot fans, like the one who asked that question, seem to want to stir things up or believe there's more to the situation than meets the eye. It's almost creepy...why should this listener care if he's never heard a story of Opie traveling out to Ant's place? What personal satisfaction or fulfillment is he going to get by Opie being a guest on his show?

That is true. There are fucking redditors who have been to the compound!

He's been there, you ninny

Wow he's scary delusional, doesn't even realize this has nothing to do with Ant. There's that divide and conquer line again, except they aren't together anymore....jesus christ. We love something different, just as long as it's even the tiniest bit good.

I imagine Opie stomps around like a toddler who has been told no quite a bit.

There's a shitload of grey area between "bad blood" and being super best friends. It stands to reason that for the most part they were just co-workers and, while they're on friendly enough terms, they're both just trying to focus on their new situations.

Yeah, I agree. Most of the people that comment in any of the boys' social media outlets are as dumb and lacking common sense as the callers. Most people have no grasp on how the entertainment business works, even though much of it seems fairly self explanatory. I think people want to write almost any dumb impulse that comes into their head, just to see if he interacts with them. I actually don't blame Opie on this one, I think he's being genuine, Im sure he and Ant are still friendly, at the least.

Why does this clown still pretend that it's 1998 and he and Ant are BFFs. Anthony wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.

You're the clown sir. I think despite everything Opie and Anthony have a great deal of respect for one another. Go listen to the unmasked you irrational cunt.

I say Opie still sucks, this galoot is delusional if he thinks he's trying something new. No, I don't believe him. Yes it's bullshit because Opie is annoying, untalented board op. There I answered your questions, can you give me a grade Mr Charmin

I give you five marmalade hats.


All I know is nobody would ever drive all the way out to long is....oh wait

Who cares if he and aAnt get along. It doesn't make his show any better. And isn't that really the issue?

If that's the truth, and they're just trying something new, cool. You've been doing the same shit for 20 years now.

Oh, wait, you're both doing exactly the same thing.

Oh well. Fine with me. Just stop saying "we don't know what this is", you know what it is, it's "something different".

Carry on.

Opie says he doesn't know what the show is.

I know what it is.



Whenever Opie is criticized he has that same "angry typing guy response" he puts on that ridiculous whiny voice and reads the post made by the listener, after which he'll say "listen fuckface, you think you know how to broadcast but you don't have a clue...I'm not even kidding" or something of that nature... always referring to how many years he's been doing it. Think about it: his only "impresssion character" is an angry listener complaining about him/the show. The past weeks have shown him for what he is... the destroyer. Not the funny one. Not the engaging one. Not the talented one..... It's true, after listening for thousands of hours I've laughed over some of his contributions, when he'd hang up on some star, or destroy a gift or some shit. But not nearly as much as the others. While I'd love to 'hang' with the others, Opie seemed a genuine asshole. I've had that from the beginning. In the end he's exposed for what he is. the Destroyer.

That used to be his role on the show, before Sirius de-balled them. He was the one who threw shit, broke stuff, insulted people, back when the show was about attacking their audience, getting the pests to misbehave, and making everyone cringe.

He used to be entertaining. Now he just watches youtube videos with Sam.

Opie is totally lying (again).

I would be completely miserable if one of my closest friends and loyal business partners was no longer working with me. I would do everything in my power to make sure I recaptured that arrangement in the near future.

I would not tell this friend and partner that "I am having fun doing something different now." Unless, of course, this partner was not really a friend or someone I was particularly fond of.

Yeah, but...it all sounds familiar. Then I remembered, Opie said the same damned things in the infamous grape fight, and that was years ago.

The guy needs to try a new approach. All this LOSERS and UGH! stuff just gets people riled up to attack him more. People who are supposed to be some of his fans. No one else gives a shit.

He's a teenage girl.


Anyone who writes "UGH!" as a sentence wants to suck a dick on the "DL". My guess is Roland's.

But...but...the "ugh" is Jimmy's line.

This is Opie's best post-Anthony showing, by far.

He still sucks, though.




He is right. its just people speculating on a situation they know nothing about.

He's right. Both have made a fuck ton of money with a really fun job together. They have no animosity towards each other but the fan boys are acting as if you have to listen to one show or the other.

Who are these "fan boys"? Dopes that bought the "Words Hurt" t-shirt? Who cares what those people say?

There is bad blood. He kept saying Ant is happy doing what he is doing because Opie doesn't want to deal with Ant. They haven't been friends with each other in ages, do nothing with one another and have nothing in common.

This is to my knowledge the only time he's ever plugged TACS and it was only after somebody called him out for never spending time with Ant or promoting TACS.

He's such a phony cocksucker.

He literally said they spoke yesterday. If he were lying about that and there were bad blood, wouldn't Ant call him out? And hasn't Ant also said there's no bad blood?

Maybe they're in a better position to know their relationship than you?

Well, it's also possible that they don't want to shit on the other one because they go so far back, have a brotherly bond, don't want to hurt the fans, and are generally decent to people they've known for a while, but STILL have certain things they don't like about each other. More importantly, things they disagree about or blame each other for.

To me, it really plainly seems that Opie is mad at Ant and really blames him for getting fired and screwing up the show, and Ant is happy to not have to deal with Sirius, the early hours, and talking all the time with Opie.

I think there's a real chance you're right on all counts. From everything I hear Ant seems like he's having fun doing his show, and gut feeling is you're right on Opie having a bit of resentment.

It might be semantics - but I think they can be friends based on the things you describe in the first paragraph, yet still have some tension with each other - I know with friends of mine it's certainly occurred.


It's not the first time he's plugged TACS, he's done it on the show several times. And if you listen to some clips in the XM/FM days it was clear that there was tension there for a while, but the past few years ther hasn't really been any evidence of that I've heard. I saw them getting drinks together at the Patrice benefit and they seemed like they were getting along great.

That said, some of the shit Opie's done lately has been getting on my nerves. And I don't know what he's talking about saying that they're "both having fun doing something different for now." Anthony is doing something different, Opie is just doing a version of O&A minus the A. And I haven't minded the O&J show for the most part. The viral spiral thing really got to me though. I'm all over the place jesus christ.

They've talked about the tension, too - they're pretty honest about those things. It got referenced after Danny got fired, and they talked about the WNEW tension a few different times recently. Both also went out of their way in the (unforeseen) last months of the show to talk about how well they were getting along.

I get where Opie's coming from in saying he's doing something different - the O&J show is a lot more comic-centric (out of necessity) than it had been recently. I'm with you - I've liked most of the O&J stuff, minus some portions (Viral Spiral, any Roland, etc.)

If you watch both shows (O&J + TACS) then you know Opie is telling the truth.

I was hoping it was a link to a suicide video.

And for the record fucktwat Opie, divide and conquer succeeded the minute you did not quit or even respond to Anthonys firing...

So go fuck your schizo mother in her hepatitus ridden ass flap.


Why should he have quit?

And to what is he a traitor?

He should have quit because his co-host said some stupid shit then got fired. If you worked somewhere and another employee at your job got fired for doing something stupid wouldn't you quit?

He's a race traitor, obviously.

Fuck when I heard about Anthony I didn't just quit my job I took a shit in the break room got fired on the spot! The shit spot! Solidarity. Who's loyal to the show now dickheads!!

I am too . . . and proud of it.

"Divide and conquer will never work on us"

Maybe you are a post merger listener?

Fire one to scare the other...

Yeah, Opie must be terrified that all the race-baiting comments he makes will get him canned.

More entertaining than all the ball washing LOLs at lackluster lines, or pictures of his shirts on fat neckbeards in a trailer to showcase his marketing genius.

You mad because the funny left the show and it is sinking?

He has the twitter of a teenage girl.

No one's disagreeing about the horrendousness of Opie's Twitter.

The issue is whether he should have quit based on something his co-host did.

Fair enough, Just a long time listener here, and there was a time when Opie woulda stuck by Ant a little better, we heard nothing about the incident from Opie, every comedian friend of the show damn near commented, Job preservation Opie didn't.

Maybe quitting outright is wrong, but he offered zero protest on that wreck of a twitter.

Divide and conquer worked,

It just seemed to me Ant was fed to the fishes, and "partner" never crossed Opies mind, He is disloyal as shit, and a fraud. Opie bought his beliefs until it hurt his bank, then he ran, and stayed silent.

I get what you're saying - he could have done more to support Ant via Twitter (from recollection it seemed like Jimmy did more). There may have been hard feelings on Opie's end seeing the show get altered, feeling like he was a victim in what occurred, then having people tweeting about cancelling subs. O&J did spend most of the first show getting their feelings out there, though.

Shitty situation, Fucking social media,

Most us Opie haters want back Poker Chip Opie, with sarcastic straightman Ant keeping the rube in the room/ on the phone, and Jimmy in the next room "Ramoning" the guest.

Until then, none of us would be truly happy.

Love ya miss ya. O and A

Agree completely, man.

That is true. There are fucking redditors who have been to the compound!

Wow, he really can't take even mild criticism/questions well

But...but...the "ugh" is Jimmy's line.

That used to be his role on the show, before Sirius de-balled them. He was the one who threw shit, broke stuff, insulted people, back when the show was about attacking their audience, getting the pests to misbehave, and making everyone cringe.

He used to be entertaining. Now he just watches youtube videos with Sam.

You're the clown sir. I think despite everything Opie and Anthony have a great deal of respect for one another. Go listen to the unmasked you irrational cunt.