Why Jimmy Will Never Be A Great Stand-Up

0  2014-08-25 by NiggaInABuick

The great stand-up comedians (Carlin, Pryor, Patrice, Colin, etc.) are true alpha guys that do not let others control their behavior.

Watching Jimmy's stand-up, his neediness and desperation is obvious, and it kills his comedy. The fact that he spends his life trying to take photos with celebrities is the ultimate example of why he can't be a great stand-up -- instead of viewing himself as great, he is always looking for validation from "celebrities" that are "above" him.

Jimmy's hilarious, and he's at his funniest on radio and on stage when he's not taking himself too seriously. His desire to be a serious social commenter like Carlin has hindered his comedy. If he could be comfortable with the silly and odd person he is, he could be a comedy great, but his desire to impress others limits his ability to ever be comfortable with himself.


I would say it is because he doesn't go out of his comfort zone and will only play to a crowd that he has developed over the past 10 years or so.

His adamant refusal to do European gigs is a great example of how this attitude is stifling him.

I still love that aging lesbian, though. Pride never dies!

Did you just list Colin as one of the great stand-ups next to Carlin and Pryor?

Yes. He's in my top 5 of all time.

The only problem with his standup career is that, by the time he releases his latest special, the material is already outdated and played out.

I thought it was that bugeyed face he makes after every single joke, like: "Huh, whaddaya think guys, that's good right? No?". It's also impossible to watch Colin without being distracted by his awkward hand movements.