Are you fuckers really going after Opie's wife and kids?

56  2014-08-24 by EskimoEscrow

Sure, you can hate him for what he does on the radio, but when you gossipy fruits start chatting about his wife, that shit is creepy.
There's plenty to make fun of outside of his home life.


I gotta tell ya man, still though at the end of the day, making fun of a guy's wife and kids, that's just NAAAHT FUNNY! Bam Margera's cum splatters all over this guys wife, and you people wanna make jokes about it, but it's NAAAHT FUNNY! Stansbury, maybe you can laugh at these jokes and feel okay about it, but I got a wife and kids at home pal, that stuff just AIN'T FUNNY!


Talking about the Bam story is fair game, because the only reason we know about it is it was discussed on the show.

I've never posted about his kids, and never will.

You did not mention Opie was in the corner holding the camera with one hand, making himself a skater bois cuck with the other, His kids are blameless, but his wife is a famewhore.

Im way late... but that comment made my day hahaha

Haha the good old days. How did you end up in such an old thread?

Because i went from researching the old lobster girl controversy, trying to recover the audio from like 1998 from old cache/trace files, and without much luck i moved on and that got me to a video of O&A fighting, not the more commonly known one, opie was being a lil overreacting bitch about the alleged sex tape with his wife and bam margera. so i started researching that and got here. then i saw your comment and laughed thinking about the ol' days when louis ck would come on be fucking hysterical

you fucker you owe me a new phone cover for the water i spit on mine reading this

No you didn't.


says the guy who hounds ant's brother on twitter?

oooooh shit


And please, send me a link of that. I have no idea what you're talking about. Mr. 10 days on Reddit.

You deny it then defend yourself right after?

Just showing the difference between Ant's brother and Opie's wife/kids - he accused me and made a shitty point, I responded to both.

Haha what a sanctimonious hypocrite.

Right, because Opie's wife has her own podcast, and his kid plugs his U2 cover band on the show.

stop talking about his wife and kids, you creep

O&A go after Stern's fucked up daughter but that's ok, we just hope that Lyndsi and Bam reunite so he can finally meet his kids and we're evil creeps?

And they've insulted his wife's appearance and called her a gold digger.

But I'm sure Opie's wife being 25 years younger than him is true love.

I heard a clip of O&J I think last week and Opie insinuated that Beth checks him out whenever she sees him.

Of course she does. With that neck, her children would be so long and slender.

I actually didn't think of this and retract my request that you guys not go after his family. Fuck em. Go nuts.


Ok.. then all the times they've said shit about people's kids on Twitter. Sometimes even babies.

Stern's daughter was 16 and so drunk she had to go to the ER. That's adult behavior by an adult at that point.

Opie's kids are 4 and 2 for fucks sake.

Which is why people are focusing on Lynsi's love of skater cock. Out of respect for young Hudson.

Sterns daughter is in the news though and has her own blog. Opies kids are still children. Howards daughter is an adult. There's a difference. Also just because Opie and Anthony did something doesn't mean you should go behind them and do something similar.

They open themselves up to this shit with their own doing; they constantly critique the appearance of people then get pissy get fans focus on Jimmy's shitty hair, they point out the flaws in regular radio shows then call fans haters when their flaws are pointed out.. etc.

It's like encouraging a gang member to kill for some fucked up reason then being shocked when he tries to kill you for some fucked up reason, they encourage fans to be complete assholes for an entire month then wonder why their fans are complete assholes for the other 11 months.

Opie is not innocent in this, fans are pissed and they're reacting the way they know how.

Talking shit about someone on a radio show is a little different than personally messaging someone on Twitter and doing it sir. Why would they want to read that shit? Just like I'm sure the people they shit on don't want to hear it either. And those people? Are probably shitting on someone too.

So no-one got "personally messaged" during a Jocktober attack to the delight of the hosts? I do believe a gentleman by the name of Ty Bentley could disagree with you on that, as would many, many others. But it's only bad now because it's come around to bite them. I can drop counter points all fucking day.

No-one is doing anything that hasn't brought laughter to the hosts when done to others. Stop pretending people are doxing Opie's family, giving out what school his kid goes to and every business Lynsi spends XM money in.

Big man and his counter points. Watch out guys.

Nice retort, cunt. Glad you folded so easy.

Sorry I'm not looking to argue like a couple hens over a radio show.


They're going after his livelihood.

Maybe that is too far...not each other's livelihoods.

I didn't see anyone saying anything about his kids. I did see people (as well as join in with them) talking about his wife banging Bam Margera which is fair game since he brought that to the show.

Yeah well commenting on his spouse's prior couplings is very distasteful. Frankly, I'm outraged by it.


Ohhhh, from your lips to Gods ears, I tell ya

3:10 to?



Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

No one is going after his kids. But his cunt gold-diggin' starfucker wife is all fair game though.

Didn't she date another celebrity before Opie? I'm not talking about Bam. I think it was Pauly Shore Maybe?

I think that ugly cunt Melissa Stetton dated Bobcat Goldwaith. Gross!

Pauly shore to Opie? Is that a lateral move?

Melissa dated Pauly Shore before Ant and Will Sasso after him. She's gross.

All these comedians get so much pussy, god damn it. I start doing stand up, and it literally repels women. Like "Tsh, I dont date actors or comedians or people in the entertainment industry." God damn it I hate everyone in Los Angeles. (That was born here)

Comedians with successful tv and film offers get pussy. LA is full of gold digging vapid shells of women. Hard working PAs such as yourself who hit open mics, or use your connections to get a few more minutes, don't exactly moisten the promised land. Before you defend yourself, I'm in the same position, so I know.

I have nothing to defend. You're totally right.

How pissed and worried would Opie be if his boy starts riding a skateboard? 4 years old, doing a 50/50 Grind down the stairs!

I found a baby picture of Opie's boy.

holy shit, fucking brilliant

He wants to see the jackass movie

"I got a CHAUNCEY HAYDEN on my house!"

Only if he landed on his face and was left comatose, I would sockpuppet like that video to death.

There is your viral vid you asswipe.

Yea guys there's a line, you know. Why would you go for the really funny stuff that cuts deep? That's just creepy and you all are clearly doing it because you're obsessed with his family and not because it's hilarious and gets him and others up in arms.

Remember when we used to just traumatize numerous groups of people with pictures of shit, anal rape, racism, and also mock other hacky DJ's mentally handicapped children, fat relatives, livelihoods, and just their being in general? What happened to the good ol' days when no one had to work blue...

He has had no problem going after other people's families.

Everything people are saying about his family is something he brought to the show himself and made public. It IS what he does on the radio.

Opie has kids? I was under the impression that those were Bam's kids since Opie is firing dust at this point.


Hop on a ice-slab and float the fuck outta here, Nanook.

Just don't eat the yellow snow on your way out, or somethin


Even though he brings up his kids on the show; I still won't talk about them. I feel bad for Them. They're going to have their 92 year old dad at their high school Graduation!

I still have a modicum of sympathy for Gregg. HOWEVER, he's the millionaire in control of the image he presents to the world and quite frankly I think he's doing his children a disservice by leaving them his hacky birthright; the utter crap he produces, and the reactions to it herein and on Twitter will stink up the memory of "Gregg 'Opie' Hughes" now, and long after his eventual suicide. His children, and (god forbid) his children's children will have his embarrassments around their necks for life.

Fuck him. He encourages fans to fuck with people and their lives. He deserves it.

Sidebar pic nomination.

Opie couldn't be breaking down this rapidly and this thoroughly if Lynsi wasn't a total cunt. A good woman stops the bleeding, takes the gun out of her man's mouth, etc.

If anything, she seems to be hastening his downfall.

She's probably dreaming of getting back to the half-pipe.



and when you loose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown. and as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone. and it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around. so have a good drown, as you go down, all alone, dragged down by the stone

Pendulum swingin' back the other way?


Wish Ant Was Here?

Erocks(Three Different Ones)

Loose control?


It's all in jest. I don't care about Opie's son, I'll make jokes about him though because it's funny.

Yeah, and we're goin after the man's livelihood, too!

This is the Willard Scenario long prophesied. The Pests Eat Their Hosts.

Except it can't happen.

You're delusional if you think the pests can do more than annoy anybody who lets themselves be annoyed.

Is he? Pretty sure there were many people who got more than "annoyed" from the jocktober abuse. Many people have really taken online abuse hard, especially when it's overwhelming (i.e. opie with the bum cake video). You clearly aren't aware of the atrocities that have ruined people's lives countless times from 4Chan (more in the past than now).

He's not delusional, you're ignorant. Also he's quoting the show by mentioning the word "livelihood" not directly saying everyone's going after any attempt of Opie's to making money, another example of your ignorance.


Also the Social Justice Warrior faggots.


Opie is the king of letting words get to him so I think we'll do just fine

Whatever happened to that radio show that ripped off WOW a few months back (and according to Opie would hear from the pests for a long time for it "trust me"). Are there still pests (or knuckleheads) out there now doing anything? Sounds like there might be a mutiny happening.

I think the show got canceled and the station flipped formats (or just completely re-branded itself) like 2 weeks later.

Ty "Loves NY" Bentli is no more.

Ty Bentli.

He got shitcanned.

Maybe he is availible to bail Opie out?


He married a fan of the show who may have been in a sex tape. I think she's fair game. Haven't seen anything about his kids on here, but that would be wrong...if it happened.

shit like this... might make me actually listen again. It's that final decline of society that I might as well listen to so I can tell kids once the world ends how it happened.

His wife and kids ruined the fucking show, turned him from evil genius, to lying overhyping, caring about my Numbahhhhhhhs, philly crew, fuckshit corny assed cunt steak that he has become.

He attacked Emily Stern with impunity, so he cannot get fucking red assed when we attack his show wrecker wife, the faggot assed Philly crew, and his who gives a shit kids we constantly hear about. Or Opies daddy Opinions with Bawby and Vos.

Opie is dead. what you hear on the radio past few years is Gregg Smigo.

No wonder Ant wants no part of him.

Whiteknight faggot.

You looking for a fucking retweet, just say "x" line had me howling, he will retweet you.

Maybe this subreddit passed you by, this is the shit on Opie and Sam reddit.

There are a lot of dumb fucks in here. I don't see a reason to talk about them, but I also don't want this place to become like Wackbag, where you couldn't even mention the fact that Melinda was Lobster girl.

I'm just glad that people aren't posting the publicly viewable image gallery of Opie's wedding pictures.

I do find it odd that it has never been posted before.

edit: guess they realised it was publicly visible and nuked it

Hudson Hughes sounds like a coked up Russian who frequents night clubs and offers people his business cards.


I'm still trying to figure out why the Opie haters still listen to the show now that Ant's gone. Bunch of internet faggots who think it's up to them to "punish" him because they don't like him...entitled twats. They don't realize they're just being their own version of the sjw's they say they hate so much.

I don't think "loves there internet guy" is funny either...but I'm not gonna waste my time crying about it on reddit.

Maybe you should read some of this subreddit and see the responses others have given to that incredibly overdone statement the thousands of times it's been said before ("idk y listen if u h8, like wat?")

That's because it's the question that makes sense. People sat around bitching about hating opie and loving Ant. The guy they liked left and has his own show now...but they're still acting like if they're cunty enough, they can turn Opie into somebody they'll like.

You're not entitled to force the show to be what you want.

It's been answered, dummy. People like to listen to Jimmy and hate on Opie, and a lot of us don't really listen anymore. This subreddit has never been more entertaining to be honest, that's why I keep coming back. Yes, we're entitled to do whatever we please as long as it's legal, sorry...

I think it's a fucking bore.

And you're missing my point about the entitled thing...but I'm not gonna try to explain.

They miss the days of women getting wiffle ball bats shoved up their cuntz. That was brilliant!

As you're not entitled to force /r/opieandanthony to be what you want, dingus.

How do you manage to hit the keys through all that irony?!?

No, you waste your time crying about the people who goof on it on reddit, which is about 10x worse.

There's fun to be had goofing on Opie's Sisyphean douchebaggery. If you can't see it, or don't want to partake, that's fine, but trying to stop it is futile, and only makes you look like a douchebag.

We are simply trying to heal Opie, to bring him back to us.

In the process we may wash some of you ballwashing sycophants out from here.

Just tweet him your gut in a slobbo shirt. Like all his tweets, and soap his balls properly.


Yeah that's fucking stupid. Don't go after his wife and kids. Don't even go after him. What the fuck is wrong with you?

The Hello Kitty forum called, they want their court jester back.

Nice one Chip.

Yea im sick of it, /r/OpieWithJimshow if your actually listening to the current show on sirius xm. This reddit has turned into a cesspool and should be ideally talking about classic O and A bits from the golden age.

Shut the fuck up Opie.

This is how it is now. We're all split up seems like.

If only people here on this sub were pests instead of trying to be pests

Ok, I'll bite. So you must be the Original Pest right? The one we should all look up to?

No, i've listened to the show since 2012. What i'm saying is you and a handful here, are massive tools. If that clears things up.

Cool bro, interesting contribution.


you're killin it tonight look at you, let it be known.

I appreciate it man


Speaking of a Tool; you are trying to start shit on the Internet!! Let that sink in for a minute.

Yeah, you're right. Lets rub The heads of our weiners together!

Don't be such a drama queen


Excellent final post. Have a great life.

If you can't control yourself, just message the mods and we'll ban you if you want. Takes like 2 seconds.

I'm not defending Opie, I've shit on him probably more than anybody. But yeah. There's enough to go after him for without going after his wife and kids.

I'm not even saying that to be nice. I just don't want the unfunny weasel to have an angle to play the victim. Don't give him one.

I made a comment claiming to attack Opie's son but in a playful twist I actually worded it towards the thread poster. I was summarily downvoted. Lesson learned, harmoniously insult the real enemy.

oooooh shit

Right, because Opie's wife has her own podcast, and his kid plugs his U2 cover band on the show.

And please, send me a link of that. I have no idea what you're talking about. Mr. 10 days on Reddit.

You deny it then defend yourself right after?


Talking shit about someone on a radio show is a little different than personally messaging someone on Twitter and doing it sir. Why would they want to read that shit? Just like I'm sure the people they shit on don't want to hear it either. And those people? Are probably shitting on someone too.

I have nothing to defend. You're totally right.