Hey Opie haters...

0  2014-08-24 by jamieblake

Can you guys take a few seconds and create your own subreddit? This way you guys can converse with other grown men who live in their mothers basement and have never seen a vagina in person. I think it would be helpful for the rest of is here. Thanks a lot and make sure you cover his Twitter feed, ego, hairline, and a story he exaggerated for the radio show. Keep up the good work guys!


Joke's on you, cocksmoker, I live in the garage!

Nah, I think they're good here.

Is that the hooves of a white horse I hear? Is there, perhaps, a knight atop? Relax, pal. You can still post here as well. Just don't read the shit you don't wanna read. That's what I do.

So this subreddit will be filled exclusively with awesome posts like this, right?

About how much do you think you weigh sir?

480 lbs why?


I feel as if I'm at a party and I've been trapped in conversation with the weird retarded kid nobody talks to.

Youre a vagina person
