According to Opie: Ron & Fez are coming back to the channel, he has 3 offers to do a podcast, and he has discussed bringing Artie Lange in to replace Ant.

23  2014-08-24 by [deleted]

He seems to being doing a short Q&A on Twitter.


What the hell does "offers to do podcasts" mean? I could do a podcast tomorrow. Anybody can. His idea of an offer to do a podcast is probably Bob Kelly telling him "dude! you can put your podcast on riotcast!" and things of that nature.

Seriously. What the hell is an offer to do a podcast? His computer talking to him? Giving him offers?

Maybe a Radio Shack salesman tried to sell him a microphone to hook up to his computer and he considered that an offer to do a podcast. That guy sure knows how to make the most banal things sound like "big business opportunities." He's a real mover and a shaker in the industry. Yuck.

I lol'd reading every word of that

It's some scam company in England who provides lot's of pocketmoney for his raw talent.

I seriously LOLed hard at this

Someone laughed at one of my jokes?! Where's the retweet button?!

That is gold!

Maybe he means from a podcast group, like Riotcast, Ace, etc. I wouldn't really consider those as "offers" per se though.

Trying to get some leverage for contract negotiations. He has no leg so stand on.

He was recruited.

Hold on, hold on. You didn't hear RiotCast is going to sign him to a $5M deal to do free podcasts once a week?

Maybe he can whip together a Philly crew podcast

Each week they get 2 hours on Saturday to discuss how they do it.


shit that reminds me the podcast he said he was gonna do and it was about his family

On Sundays they could have The Father Doris Show.

This boring fuck does not have 3 podcast offers. His ego and lies know no bounds.

I'm going to start 3 podcasts via skype in 20 minutes time, do you want to be on them? There, you now have 3 podcast offers too.

ya just as he is "more" than a youtube partner because a "huge" company from the uk recruited him for his online videos. He also has potential offers from mtv because he "caught" banksy in one of his vids.

Yuck. viral spiral isnt a huge company. They are run by a bunch of uni students.

lol that spiral company listed their intern as researchers

Big news Tuesday morning from Rightster, a cloud-based global video distribution and monetisation network: It has bought Viral Spiral for up to £4.1 million (approx. $7 million) and wants to acquire another London-based MCN, Base79, for up to £50 million (approx. $85.6 million).

The value difference is telling. One has potential, one has an audience. Guess which is which

2 of those are Sam and Erock's podcasts.

Oh my god that would be so embarrassing if he wound up working for erock or sam...

I bet it would end up really awkward.

I don't see Artie being co host. He won't even come on as a guest out of "respect" for Howard. Wasn't crazy about him on Stern but it'd be a nice fuck you.

The offer wouldn't have even hit Gregg without it being okay with Stern first. Howard feels a great deal of guilt over how he exploited Artie for years instead of demanding he get help. Howard might allow Artie to do this show. Who knows.

No matter how much guilt Howard feels about Artie, he'd never let him host a show with Opie.

Does Howard even give a fuck? Pretty sure Opie's the only one who has cared about the "Howard vs. O&A" thing for about 10 years now.

I don't think Howard really cares, but I think he cares enough to throw a road block in front of O&A whenever he has the opportunity to, and all he would have to do is let Artie know that he's opposed to him working with Opie and Artie would do it out of respect.

Yea... Cuz they fight like squirrels n cats or sumthin... Tsssk Tsssk

I think Howard DID try to get him help, didn't he? I thought I remembered reading that in his book. I don't think Howard exploited him dude, he gave Artie the gig of a lifetime. The only one that fucked it up was himself.

I'd be curious to see how Artie worked out as 3rd mic with Ope, that might be decent.

Artie and Norton with Opie steering them could be amazing.

plus if he thinks the hate from fans are bad now....

Yeah, if it was "discussed" I can pretty much guarantee that Artie was not part of the discussions. Artie has way too much dumb loyalty (which he shouldn't) for Howard. I call bullshit.

No, he was moving his arms in circles or sumptin

AND he said his dad can beat up our dads so we better shut up.

I do not think Opie can handle Artie.

If he thinks Ant was rich white trash with personality flaws he will love Artie.

Talking out his ass, Howard would place a behind the scenes call to Artie and threaten him with that Jew Voodoo he has at Sirius and other places.

I can only listen to about 30 seconds of Artie's fat guy wheezing before I'd have to bail.

Yeah, what the FUCK happened to that guy's voice? When he talks it sounds like there's a midget standing on his belly.

I'm really curious why any of you are discussing the Artie thing as if it's anything more than a 100% bold-faced lie. The "podcast offers" could have some basis in truth, but I can guarantee that the Artie thing a complete lie.

deathsquad and riotcast prolly offered

LOL... Artie Lange is not joining Opie.

Opie won't have an exclusive channel after October and a Podcast offer is the equivalent to a "work from home - make $9000 a week!" ad. What are they going to call it, The Opie Channel?? Who the fuck knows who or what an "Opie" is, from a national perspective!!? There is close to little/no name value left in the O and A brand, unfortunately, with the Northern East Coast being a small exception, in my opinion.

O&A shall die a slow, unceremonious death as they go out with barely a whimper. They did deserve better, sucks it all went down like this.

Looks like Opie is left holding nothing but his dick in his hand come October... He better hope for some type of terrestrial deal cause I can't see any way Sirius give him anything close to what he was making.

I'm not so sure. The Opester will probably counter their low-ball offer with more time off or more guaranteed promotion money.

We don't actually know how many people cancelled subs after Anthony. That's probably going to be the only thing that SXM uses to make their decision. If they lost fewer subs than what Anthony cost them, why shouldn't they keep Opie? The show would be just as profitable as it was two years ago.

And I still don't discount that this is all still a work and O and A will be back somehow in October. Opie loves to lie to the listeners- who knows if any of the things he is saying are true?

i totally believed his management trashing and podcast shit, i feel ashamed

when i listened to the old shows i cant believe how many times they were lying, like when they first started xm they were making it sounds like billions ppl were listening, then in the later shows they said it was desperate time for them, only 10k ppl have access to them, and cant spot a car on the road with the xm antena


I think they'll bring in Artie. Steal some of that Stern audience who love Artie and keep a lot of their original audience. That's my theory anyway and they'll take the rest of the year off, launch the new show in January. Plus he's already friends with Jimmy so that would work.

Let's not forget that Artie was let go by the same management team that fired Anthony. He's not coming back. When Opie says its being discussed he's talking about himself talking with one of his sycophants about their options. Why wouldn't they bring in a comedian that is a regular on their show? Florentine, Kelly, Soder, or even Nick Dipaolo. This revelation by Opie is him just grasping at thin air.

That's a good point. I still think with Artie losing the direct TV gig and no more Sabean it's possible, no?

I kind of believe the R&F thing. It'd sort of be putting Ronnie in an asshole of a position to lie about that.

The others, why should anyone take a tweet from this clown seriously.

i didnt think logic existed in this subreddit.

Artie on the show could never happen: Stern's insecurities would never allow it, and he seemingly still has the juice to prevent something like this.

Also, is Artie even allowed in the building?

And the Opie/Artie dynamic would be a strange one.

Artie isn't exactly Mr. Reliable, either. He's good for at least 1-2 "sick days" per month.

The funny thing is, Artie's a good table-setter/ship-steerer; Artie could replace Opie as well as Anthony.

I think an Artie & Jimmy show would be a real hoot, though. Jimmy was great on Artie's show.

But could Opie stand aside and let the hootenanny flow?

Of course not.

Artie has been in the building to do Ron& Fez and unmasked

Why is he "milling" over offers? Shouldn't a man with a communications degree who has been speaking as his job for 30 years know that the word is "mulling?"

Artie is a Howard loyalist to the end and has said he doesn't like the Opie and Anthony show. To top it off, I don't think he's stopped abusing alcohol or heroin. He was clearly drunk and strung out on his t.v. show, for instance. The 12 Step Keeyid ain't gonna put up with Artie taking bourbon and junk naps on air.

Ron and Fez should get out of the Raw Dog ghetto and back on the O and J channel and that is the only one that I could see happening.

I don't see the Artie thing happening and most podcast networks would want to have the Opster on their roster. He comes in with listeners unlike most comedians who start a podcast and have to build the audience from scratch.

yeah always good to hire somebody whos been on their deathbed at least 3 times in the last few years.

I think its fair to say The stern show and O&A can interact as long as Opie and Howard arent involved. Baba Booey and Norton can do interviews, Sam and George Takei, Jim filling in on Artie's show/ doing skits with Gilbert. Ant taking pics with Robin and Fred.

I think Artie would do Ants show before Opies. Him going into S/Xm building during the time Howard's show is going on to do his nemesis' show wouldnt happen. But Artie swinging into the compound with a buddy like Dipaolo, Colin or Norton seems like a much more viable option then him going into S/Xm at 6am and not going into howard's batwing.

I'll tell you why it's total and complete bullshit. Artie has gone on the record saying that he thinks the o&a show sucks and is a joke... He would never do it in a million years... Opie is so fucking full of shit!

He's gone on record? Source?

Yeah, Ive heard a few people say this. Any audio? I know they're all friends behind the scenes, I'd be surprised if Artie actually said that.

I never listened to Stern with Artie, but to be honest, I only thought the guy was funny in Dirty Work and The Norm Show, and that was mainly because of his proximity to Norm Macdonald, the funniest man who ever lived.

Artie would never join up with Opie. He's friends with Jimmy but sees O&A as just Howard Stern rip-offs. More Opie trying to create hype bullshit.

Jesus! I can't imagine what an Opie Podcast would consist of? He doesn't know Sports, except Hockey, which nobody gives a fuck. He's to stupid to know Politics. He's usually a week behind in News. And nobody cares about the weather where Brother Wease is from.

He doesn't even know hockey. I'm a huge hockey fan and I cringe whenever he brings it up because he has no idea about anything. Bill Burr knows hockey, you can tel he actually watches, although when he talked about the plastic guards on his skates to protect his feet I almost crashed laughing. That's the biggest duster move ever. If he wasnt famous he'd get chirped off the rink.

He doesn't have offers. I can't see Artie joining the show, and I think it'd be awkward if he did. Good for Ron & Fez I guess.

As far as the Artie thing goes, "it has been discussed" could easily mean "it has been discussed...and we've decided not to". But even if that's not the case, that answer doesn't sound to me like it's been seriously discussed. Sounds more like paying lip service to the guy's idea.

I kind of wish R&F would stay where they are, there is more security on Raw Dog than "Sirius Talk" I think

Hiring Artie without verifying he's clean would be the stupidest thing Opie could do. I don't see Sirius allowing that kind of liability in the studio after the bridges Artie burned with Stern.

His podcast offers are probably Kevin Smith's network, Rogan's network, or Mohr's. Why he can't do one with Ant says it all. Opie is the one who's being a bitch and refusing to work with Ant.

Ron and Fez is the only reasonable thing on the list, it needs to happen, Sabean fucked them hard with the move to Raw Dog.

So, Opie's trying to keep the channel afloat. Good luck with that. Hiring a known junky, real smart Opie. What a genius. How long do you think Jimmy is going to stick around if Artie is nodding off next to him? Jimmy's a recovered addict, stupid. You don't bring a junky in to work with him.

I'm sure Howard would love to accuse you of killing Artie Lang, Opie. Go on, hire him. See what happens. If he doesn't blow up your career by dying once he has a steady paycheck for smack again, he'll fuck you up somehow. That's why nobody wants to touch him. He's a bomb waiting to go off. He already tried to kill himself once, you want your name attached to that if he tries it again?

You're fucking up, Opie. Badly. Wise up. You're making desperate moves. You should be kissing Attell's ass to come off the road for a year and be 2nd mike, not that loser Artie Lang.

Better yet, why don't you swallow some of your fucking ego, call Ant, and work something out the three of you can do, in the city. You don't need Ant's studio to get started.

Opie wants a studio in the city to do a "professional" show.

Anthony is happy doing his own thing with his basement studio.

Both have refused to travel to do a podcast.


This is so stupid it unbelievable. Do you think Artie "needs a check for smack". Hes been one of the most successful touring acts for years (built in audience state-to-state) Had his own radio/DirectTV show, made millions per year at Howard, with 2 bestselling books.

Yeah, and do you know how fast junkies go through money? Go fuck yourself, go suck Lang's junky taint somewhere else.

Yes I do. Smack is one of the cheapest drugs in the world. Do u know how much one makes from selling out theaters? He doesnt NEED a paycheck like that.

You said like 5 things that make u sound like a fuktwat.

Yeah jims a recovering addict, but his foolish childhood vice was drinking, and yet he still works bars and nightclubs almost 7 days a week. Is that a problem? Like Howard or no, Artie does good radio. Im sure jim or opie would feel great having him on board.

If Opie were to podcast for anyone itd prob be : Bob Kelly and riotcast. I just say that tho, im not "in the know" like you so i wont throw out names like some jackass

Why would dave attell ever sign on to do a full time radio gig weekday mornings. Once again im sure you have a viable source, so ill just stop here.

And you talking about someones attempted suicide like that (not fitting in a joke, just trying to be mean) comes off really fanboy-ish and very very douchey.

But i guess i cant like funny people like Artie, Norton, Ronnie B, Howard because i have to pick a millionaires side who ill never meet and lick taint right?

Go shit in your hat

Are you still crying over a junky?

I'll be honest, I'd definitely listen to Attell.

Also, Opie's ego got crushed when Rock Scream Tuesday, Cat Noise Wednesday and Midget Sightings didn't set the FM world on fire. There is no WAY he's gonna try to do his own podcast as Show Number 11 on a "podcast network." He's not even working with his past co-worker in a million dollar studio. The guy would sooner put a bullet in his head than turn down a SXM offer to be on a "podcast network."

If he is now deciding to bring Ron and Fez back on the channel, does that mean it was his decision to take RnF off the channel? Thats not how the original story went.

It does sound that way. But I think the original decision was Sabean's. With him gone, Opie probably has more say in things. Maybe that was part of his post-Anthony deal with SXM: give Opie the keys to the store for the last few months and let him try to build something that works.

Opie stepping up could be magnificent or unmitigated disaster.

Look, we all understand Opie isn't funny. But we do know he would tell lies on twitter. so stop this.


Artie Lange being discusssed goes like this: Somebody: Hey what about Artie Lange? Opie: That would be interesting but it would never happen. The end.

The Obese and Ain't-Funny Show hyuck hyuck

Great! With opie's incessant need to invent stories that make him seem like he's got some interesting, dark past on par with whoever he's talking to we'll finally get to hear him talk about the years he was shooting up.

All three seem unlikely, Artie Lange joining the show full time more so than the rest.

They should move O&A(rtie) to afternoon and Ron & Fez to evenings.

If Artie Lange becomes full-time third mic then I'm done listening to the show.

Artie is an outside long shot at best. IMO, Someone fresh is required for actual success.

Cut the dead weight of Fez and make it the Ronnie B and Opie show. Resign for 2 years and call it done. Ronnie does great interviews compared to others that have tried and in my opinion failed and a bump in pay would be well deserved. With all the traffic they get at Sirus and Jimmy in his star struck world, I think it would be a workable combo. Ronnie is the only one that can keep Opie in his lane because of the respect Opie has for Ron. Having Fez join Ant that would be a fun combo to watch. If any show could get Fez laid (male or female) or out of his shell / mental state it would be TACS.


This. It's their best shot at getting a listenable show again.

but fez is milking off sxm with his big medical bill

severance package, paid for medial for 1 year... now GTFO!

The artie lange thing would actually be amazing

I know Opie is always full of shit and now desperate to keep interest in the new show but any chance this Artie talk is a sign that Howard is finally gonna retire? I can't imagine Artie even considering doing this under any other circumstances.

Opie is the new Scorch.

A crossover would be nice. Bringing back Davey Mac would be nice. A co-host for Opie is needed the most.

Ant is looking to hire ESD according to the end of TACS thursdays show!

Someone to do all the fucking work for him and carry the show is needed. The guy contributes absolutely nothing on any level whatsoever. He's a fucking black hole.



Actually I've heard he has huge offers for his 'Deep Cuts with Opie ™' show. Can't wait for him to get DEEEEEEEP

I thought Artie Lange died?

As much as I'd love to see Artie step into Ant's place it's highly unlikely given his loyalty to Stern. Even when Mike Bocchetti appeared on O&A he thought it was disloyal, it would be a complete flip flop if he suddenly showed up as a member of the show.

Yes, exactly: This clip is from this year, during all of the "supershows" (notice Bochetti never came back in after this until arties show got cancelled)

Artie says "Hi" to Opie and Opie reacts like the douche he is:

"blah blah blah"

Uh, I think Artie was just busting Bocchetti's balls there.


Why not?

"Opie & Artie"? Holy shit. I'm excited about the prospect but how will Opie's ego deal with being second to Artie. What kind of passive-aggressive behaviors will Opie display when Artie calls in or falls asleep.

when Artie calls in or falls asleep

That sounds like Ant.

Opie wants a studio in the city to do a "professional" show.

Anthony is happy doing his own thing with his basement studio.

Both have refused to travel to do a podcast.

This is so stupid it unbelievable. Do you think Artie "needs a check for smack". Hes been one of the most successful touring acts for years (built in audience state-to-state) Had his own radio/DirectTV show, made millions per year at Howard, with 2 bestselling books.


Yea... Cuz they fight like squirrels n cats or sumthin... Tsssk Tsssk

Does Howard even give a fuck? Pretty sure Opie's the only one who has cared about the "Howard vs. O&A" thing for about 10 years now.

I'll be honest, I'd definitely listen to Attell.