0  2014-08-23 by ZVCDGRHGRH

look like a row of buildings after a high level eartquake. SHITS JACKED UP


Great post. I've noticed how Opie's bottom teeth have effected the quality of the show.

it directly effects his retard talking, the voice waves cant makt it over the twin towers hes got there on the bottom

I like this. Opie criticisms are going in a new, weird direction.


He could've been a model!

Is that a selfie?

It's from one of his early "viral" videos.

jesus they're fucked up

This is from the vid where he challenged someone to find a marked dollar bill right? So that would be ~5years ago. He was well into decent cash by then. Why wouldnt he get them fixed? Fucking gypsy.

Yeah, good idea ...


Its something he has been made fun of behind the scenes for years

what else?

This place has hit the bottom if we're picking on people's looks. What do you all look like?

Have you listened to the show? Have you heard Opie's take on Lorde?

I could have been a model

I think he could have been a model, bro.