Holy shit! Norton must be in heaven!

72  2014-08-23 by Mass_Hole


But she doesn't have a dick

Our little Jimmy's growing up.

Kenny looks more cardboard than the cardboard Gabriel Iglesias in the background.

Show me your tits, hun

Profile of a doberman falalala.

His head looks like it's fucking photoshopped in.

Why are his eyes so close together? Fuck that's scary. Small lunkhead.

I really need to see a side profile of his face. I'm convinced he literally has no chin.

What a strange looking human being.

He's like the perfect face and voice of what they could base a cartoon version of a ballsack on.


This is why, with all his faults and follies, listeners will always love Jimmy. At his best, he's just the funniest guy off the cuff that I've ever heard.

check out her (?) hand. i don't understand the physics behind this picture.

I think that she didn't wanna touch lil Jimmy w/her hand

Not bad at all, and what a nice smile.

The lady's ok too, I guess.

I hope he's balls deep in that latina sex doll right now.

She's trying so hard not to touch him


Russ is taking the photo

This guarantees another week of Pao talk.

Did a quick search on Jims height (5'6") and didn't know Vos is the same height. They should make out or somefin

Is this how Lady Di started?

Pao! Pao! Pao! Pao! Pao! Pao! Pao! Pao! Pao! Pao!

Didja fock her


New sidebar pic, maybe?

She's sexy, but she looks significantly different with makeup on

She doesn't look worse here, but just like a different person.


She should arch her back more.

-10 points for not having a cock.

I bet she smells so fucking good

jya fuck her?.....

Easily could fuck her. Good job.

A. She's hot as hell. B. She might be tucking one in. C. Jim's shit eating grin. D. See B.



Illegal would mean she got her illegally. She's an immigrant following the laws of the US to make her status permanent. Are you that retarded?


This is the woman they were fawning over and saying "She is so beautiful" and "She's really sexy, man".

No wonder Opie and Jim didn't lose their virginity until age 18. Fawning dorks.

I'd love to see the 3/10 you married.

Even if Pao was a 10, the point is fawning over women is repulsive to them. They aren't attracted to a man who compliments them and shows his effusive admiration. They like assholes who ignore their beauty.

O&A and Jim do this frequently, which reveals why they had such little success with women before their fame. Anthony married a 3.

First of all, Pal isn't wearing any makeup and gets credit points for that. Two, Opie married an 11.

Like I said, they were unsuccessful with women before they were famous. Becoming a multimillionaire helps.

Also, Lynsi isn't even a 10 you fawning beta. 9 and 10 is reserved for model tier women.

This is going great.

I don't care if faggots like you disagree with me. Keep telling every girl she's so hot and beautiful and sexy, and wonder why you were always friendzoned in high school while the assholes got the girls you like.

No skin off my ass faggot

I bet you call your sunglasses "shades" and smoke cigs!...YOU JUST SEEM SO COOOOOOL!

I would love to see a photo of Ant's wife

She is both of those things.

This is why, with all his faults and follies, listeners will always love Jimmy. At his best, he's just the funniest guy off the cuff that I've ever heard.

This is going great.