When did Opie go from being hated to loathed?

15  2014-08-23 by snoopkhat

It was before the split.I'm guessing sometime in 2013 the Op became the loathsome character that he is today.


May 23, 1963


Yup, one for the baby, the other for its ego.

I never hated the guy until the first day back from Anthony's firing. Everyone was pissed at Sirius and Opie had a lot of friggin support from the listeners at that moment. So when they opened the show with RATM's song Killing in the Name "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!" - I was stoked, after years of bitching about Sirius, he was really going to go off on them. Say everything all of us were feeling. But fuck no - within ONE fucking hour he was already making it about himself. He said, "Hey this had nothing to do with me! But some of the listeners are real assholes to me and they forget that."

From all the stories the guy tells about his psycho mom, it seems like he could be talking about himself. It's always about him. It's always about how people are being unfair to him. The guy is 50yrs old and complains like teen girl. That afternoon I canceled my account.

And him talking about how he won't drive to ants house. End of story. I wanted to be behind Opie. I haven't listened since and I was someone who listened to every minute of every show.

I called that shit From the beginning. He would Never do the show From Ants house; because Opie wouldn't be in control!

In Opie's defense, driving ANYWHERE from or to NYC is a bitch, wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.

Agreed, that's a long ass drive (I lived there). However, he could have at least SOUNDED like he would do it in SOME effort to be supportive.

You bring up a good point

Opie has always cared more about saying things for his own benefit than entertaining the listeners. Every howard stern rant, every boring listener that he takes in the middle of good radio so they can compliment him on something he said 30 minutes ago, every time he bitches about how the guys "behind the scenes" aren't doing their job which is always far more detrimental to the show's entertainment value than whatever set him off in the first place.

Every time he did this, Ant and Jim were gods and being able to find humor in it or finding a way to lead into some other conversation, but a lot of the time Opie would just blow right through it like they hadn't said anything and continue his rant. There are entire hours of shows that have gone right down the shitter because the one "steering the ship" couldn't internalize his need to complain for the listener's sake.

Until Ant got fired; Opie was to much if a pussy to call out Stern. He always cried on air about what Howard got that he didn't get. But instead of saying Fuck You; he would say "But I'm Not Mad At Him, I'm Happy For Him. Good For Him If He Can Get That deal".

Even ant has said since that he may of sub consciously wanted to blow up his spot and in turn fucked over Jimmy and Op. What did you want the guy to say, he said many times he didnt agree with the decision did you want him to go shit on the CEO's desk?

I think any hate towards opie simply because of ants firing is terribly terribly misplaced, be mad at ant or sirius. I think ant was being incredibly stupid they talked every day about apologies and people getting fired for things they said on twitter, sure periodically ant would put up a controversial thing or two on twitter but he never went on a tirade like that. Especially after how sirius XM has treated them in the past i dont know what he or any of you expected to happen. On top of that the day of they where joking around about ant taking creep shots and he had his camera on him in studio and he brought up a few scenarios where he had taken creep shots, so standwithant guys who think he wasnt taking a creep shot are being pretty dilusional he brought that on himself with a creep shot there was no other shot under the scaffolding except for that chick if she wasnt there he wouldnt have taken that shot.

She acted like a total dumb "savage" of course, but based on all his knowledge from covering people getting fired for things they said on social media basically every day he should have known better. It makes me think the IQ of the average listener must be very very low if they still dont understand what happened or why it happened or think its totally unreasonable.

I don't think anyone hates Opie because of Ant getting fired. Most hate the guy because he insisted on making himself into the victim. That first day back, the fans had a lot of outrage and anger over SXM's cowardly decision to bow to political correctness and fire Ant. But come'on - go back and listen to that first hour. Despite the awesome song choice to open the show, Opie wasn't really angry. This is a guy who is willing to spend an hour on the show bitching about management's shitty studio decoration decisions... but he can't find the energy to bitch about management's decision to destroy his show?


He was pretty awful in their Free FM, "Spread the Virus" days. I can't believe that people would have liked him back then. The whole, Opie is a crazy psycho persona was completely off-putting. He single handedly ruined their terrestrial run. Jimmy and Ant actually used to try to move things along, and he'd basically overrule everyone and pound something into the ground or do these long diatribes that had dead air in them while he'd pause and no one would say anything. What a fuck. No wonder everyone wanted to split them up, which Opie called a scumbag Divide and Conquer tactic - when in actuality, all along they were just trying to dump the fucknut ruining the show.

They spent literally hours on the various "Day" bits. Going to caller after caller who would do a rock scream, cat sounds, the beeping of their door being ajar, etc. It was not surprising at all when they were dropped from every terrestrial station one by one due to low ratings. Who would want to hear that shit when they're driving to work?

(Meekly raises hand) I actually liked that era, and their stupid "days of the week" goof. It's one of the rare "That's the BIT, you stupid fuck's" that was real. Far Away Phone Call Thursday, Rock Scream Tuesday, and if we didn't have Fun Fact Friday, we never would have had the great Andrew From Brooklyn, or "Space Shu'l Endeavorrrr." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m4JuuTOUhY They started all those to make fun of all the other dumb stations doing it.

Looking back I kind of liked the Free FM/XM Split. It was a nice mix up, they had the walk over and the studio audience. They had Stunt Brain. I kind of liked it. It was just before Obama and Twitter ruined the show, before Crazy Joe decided to take on a boss and start a war. It was when I met the world. "I was saying boo-uurrrns..."

Maybe it's just me but I just listen to the show and enjoyed it for what it was, why do people expect these people to make radio show specifically tailored to them. I was happy I found something to listen to that wasn't compete and utter shit. These people are spending their time raging at opie for things that Anthony and jimmy contributed to. Like when they dropped from free fm, anthony was right there with shitting on the cities that dropped them. They pretty much agree with him about everything and kept the show going for years with that cohesiveness. Idk I feel like this sub is filled to the brim with the most vocal faggots in the world that maybe should stop complaining for 2 seconds. But what do I know, I just wake up get my coffee and go to work.

I really only have a problem with the Opie of the last couple years. Going back and listening to old episodes from the satellite years is still enjoyable to me. It's what made me love the show and the reason i stayed a loyal listener for the last 9 years.

I did like Phone Call Friday

My favorite was "Talk like Tim Thursday" Ohhh Nooooooo

I get what they were going for, but the fact that they were intentionally doing bad radio didn't make those bits not boring to listen to, especially because they didn't just do them once. It was all the time.

Rock Scream Tuesday

are you really oblivious to how utterly lame that sounds?

"It's the BIT, you stupid FUCK"

its still lame

And arguing with pests and messageboard people on the air, bringing incoherent homeless people in studio. Bringing dorky talentless interns on the air. Oh no dork A was arguing with dork B about a production bit that never made the air! Let's do a 30 minute rap on it. 2007 might be their worst year.

2007 might be their worst year.

I can't agree with this after listening all through 2013 and the first half of 2014.

They also did endless soundboard bits back then. Every piece of audio they played they'd throw in the same sound clips every single day, then laugh hysterically at them like they were brand new. And let's not forget when the flow of the show would be interrupted all the time for a "midget sighting." It had to have been Opie who came up with that hacky shock jock nonsense.


I loved rock scream Tuesday :(

I did give us Terri Schiavo Rock Scream, which is one of the most horrifying and insensitive things they ever did. Loved this moment...



When social media became a thing, listening to shows back in 2009 the whole Twitter hater thing really got into full swing and I believe was the start of his downfall

I haven't heard a single broadcaster or podcaster complain this much about Twitter, in any capacity. They might mention "shitheads on Twitter" on a podcast or something of that nature, but the O+A show obsession with Twitter would make me turn off the show a lot of times. It was pre-teen girl worthy conversation.

When Ant got fired. I never hated Opie before Ant's firing. He had some duds but he was generally okay, set up Ant a lot, moved the show along, etc. Now that Ant is gone he is over compensating, making up poor lies to create content, and desperately trying to have some presence in a show that he is stuffing full of comedians just to keep afloat.

The black girls lie did it for me. Does he think we don't remember him saying he Wanted one One Day??

For me it was a YT clip with Patrice on and that woman who wrote a book on relationships (or whatever). Patrice and Ant were having a real debate and discussion with her and the callers, and Opie was just injecting with "show us your boobies" and other random hack horseshit. Everyone in the room had extreme douchechills and paid no mind to everything he was blithering and interrupting with. Was so fucking embarrassing and insulting as a fan of the show, you can sense the humiliation from everyone in the room, so fucking bad.

"We gotta move on!" Thanks, that's what I listened for 9 years for.

i loved opie for awhile and still would have if he didnt turn into a defensive idiot, i hate people who cant take criticism, especially since they shit on everyone, its lame.

He's the luckiest mother fucker in the world to be as successful as he is. He doesn't deserve to complain about another thing in his life.

hya hya hya hya hya hya hya hya HYUCK

When the dead weight of Greg Hughes was lifted from the shoulders of Anthony Cumia, leaving Greg no time to do sudoku while the show is on the air.

Getting fired and getting free of Opie must have been the happiest day of Ant's life. I notice he speaks very highly of Jim, but rarely says anything about Opie.

I didn't mind him up until he posted video of the Boston Bomber in the boat on YouTube, such an obvious attempt for views. He became loathed when he started his current 'haters' shit and everyone else is the problem.

When he started doing the thing where he talks and smiles - not laughs, just smiles - at the same time. His voice was already ear cancer but that makes it a hundred thousand times worse. I can't describe what it sounds like, but it put me over the edge. And it's a new thing, last year or two.

For me it was when evil Opie disappeared because he started doing yoga.

After WNEW when he became angry, interrupting, opinionated guy. He used to be the straight man opposite Ant's funny guy.

This was a nice nail in the coffin, I would say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01zXo6g7l-o Maybe not the hating-loathing point, but the loathing-dead to us point.

"...if you need to REElee know."

When the 1st edition of the "OpieRadio-FunnyMofos Daily" was released

He became more in the forefront and began to talk more I'm guessing? Honestly the hate for Opie I'm not fully feeling since I mainly listen to the Patrice and Louis appearances(where he's mostly keeping it quiet) and sometimes to funny interviews and bits on youtube. I don't have xm radio in my car so I haven't been listening to any new shit. With the exception of the first O&J shows on july 17 somewhere.

But when you listen to the same dude over and over I would get annoyed too. Especially since nobody can be funny everyday. My guess is also that since he settled down he became a little tamer and not so much the destroyer lol I'm such a faggot I know. He once hung up on Kristen Bell which I thought was pretty funny. To give you my two cents; I don't hate the guy. But I don't love him either. I'm just rambling now so I'll just shut up.

The only accurate thing in your post is "I'm a faggot."

Damn, how dare you have a different opinion!! kill yourself with aids!

Because this sub is full of cancer. Why do you listen?

lol u mad

When it became cool and got you massive upvotes?

massive upvotes

60 upvotes is amazing


Shut up Sam , nobody likes you either.

Sam doesn't talk like that. This guy isn't being nearly hurr hurr sarcastic enough, and I don't sense any undeserved sense of accomplishment or belonging either. Not Sayum

I enjoy the middle ground of not listening and still laughing at what faggots Opie and Sam are. I didn't even pay for XM when they were good. I sure as fucking shit wouldn't pay for it now.

2007 might be their worst year.

I can't agree with this after listening all through 2013 and the first half of 2014.

You bring up a good point

Opie has always cared more about saying things for his own benefit than entertaining the listeners. Every howard stern rant, every boring listener that he takes in the middle of good radio so they can compliment him on something he said 30 minutes ago, every time he bitches about how the guys "behind the scenes" aren't doing their job which is always far more detrimental to the show's entertainment value than whatever set him off in the first place.

Every time he did this, Ant and Jim were gods and being able to find humor in it or finding a way to lead into some other conversation, but a lot of the time Opie would just blow right through it like they hadn't said anything and continue his rant. There are entire hours of shows that have gone right down the shitter because the one "steering the ship" couldn't internalize his need to complain for the listener's sake.

And him talking about how he won't drive to ants house. End of story. I wanted to be behind Opie. I haven't listened since and I was someone who listened to every minute of every show.

Even ant has said since that he may of sub consciously wanted to blow up his spot and in turn fucked over Jimmy and Op. What did you want the guy to say, he said many times he didnt agree with the decision did you want him to go shit on the CEO's desk?

I think any hate towards opie simply because of ants firing is terribly terribly misplaced, be mad at ant or sirius. I think ant was being incredibly stupid they talked every day about apologies and people getting fired for things they said on twitter, sure periodically ant would put up a controversial thing or two on twitter but he never went on a tirade like that. Especially after how sirius XM has treated them in the past i dont know what he or any of you expected to happen. On top of that the day of they where joking around about ant taking creep shots and he had his camera on him in studio and he brought up a few scenarios where he had taken creep shots, so standwithant guys who think he wasnt taking a creep shot are being pretty dilusional he brought that on himself with a creep shot there was no other shot under the scaffolding except for that chick if she wasnt there he wouldnt have taken that shot.

She acted like a total dumb "savage" of course, but based on all his knowledge from covering people getting fired for things they said on social media basically every day he should have known better. It makes me think the IQ of the average listener must be very very low if they still dont understand what happened or why it happened or think its totally unreasonable.