Apparently O&A wrote a book that never made it to print?

7  2014-08-22 by [deleted]


Example 2

This refers to it at the bottom:

Audio book version

The fact that it has a specific number of pages, a publisher, and an ISBN number indicates that it was actually written but for whatever reason was never printed. Have they ever addressed this?


If you think either of them actually sat down and wrote that you're nuts. Somebody probably ghost-wrote it, and it needed too much work to polish into something sellable.

I think they've both claimed that it was held back because they wrote shit about Howard in it and weren't allowed to publish it.

I don't buy that excuse. Publishers LOVE stories like that, especially ones attacking a target as big as Howard. That's what sells books. Think about the hundreds and thousands of books that you heard attack someone or reveal something about a known figure.

I assumed it was because SiriusXM were against it, but now that's obviously not an issue for Ant, and considering the company obviously doesn't care about the show, why not just release it?

Because they sign NDAs and can be sued if they break those.

That's why Anthony doesn't talk about insider stuff on his show.

You're a dolt. Clearly publishers love shit like that. They were blocked by Sirius.

Um, not when it opens up them to libel lawsuits. Stories about Dave Dickless, Howard Stern, behind the scenes meetings with management, Ant's divorce, former employees, etc. could all potentially be subject to libel lawsuits.

I'm guessing that they've already said most of what they can say about those subjects on the air - anything more, and it would be defamatory or fabricated.

That sounds right. They referenced that at their Unmasked if I remember correctly.

You're retarded. They didn't write anything, they don't do that kind of work, or any work, without talking about it. They don't hang out (especially to work on non-radio things) after the show. They just didn't write a fucking book, I can guarantee they didn't even write a single chapter. How long have you been listening to them? Jesus christ...

There's clearly a book written that attributes them as authors, that was probably written in 2006 and finished in 2007. Nevermind whether they physically wrote it together or not, used a ghost writer, a compiler, etc. You don't have to physically write something to be the author.

You made zero points in explaining why they didn't write the book. Oh, they don't hang out? Cool point.

These guys can't have a bowel movement without discussing it on air and they wrote a book without telling anyone? I find that hard to believe.

I recall that in an earlier XM show (2006, I think. It was around whenever OJ's book was a thing) Opie mentioned a few times that him and Ant were starting to write some stuff about their careers.

Beyond that I've never heard anything like this.

Opie can't read nor spell, and Ant is a high school drop out. It's safe to say they had a ghost writer, if this is true.

Author: And Anthony, Opie

CRINGE!!!!!!! That should be the new name of the show!!!!!!

Ant wrote a novel though, the great gatsby or something.

Yes, the black version with all of the cgi and rap songs.

Yes, the black version with all of the cgi and rap songs.