TACS>Than OandJ. Anyone care to dispute?

0  2014-08-21 by [deleted]

If/when Jim shows up, it will be complete...


Horribly written title, but no dispute here.


Really enjoying Ant's show and looking forward to how it grows and evolves.

Is anyone even listening to the Opie show anymore?? It's nothing personal towards him, it's simply just bad radio. All that "steering the ship" horseshit has finally been exposed for the BS it always was.

Up until a few years ago, Opie really did "steer the ship". Listen to the XM shows, and it's like a completely different guy. He wasn't as funny as Ant, but he still had some good lines. He had a good energy too. Opie gave the show a great vibe by keeping the conversations moving and giving usable material to Ant and Jim.

Little by little he started becoming a speed bump to all the funny. Whether it was becoming a family man or what, I don't know, but it's like the show isn't a priority in Opie's life anymore. Listening to 2004 & 2005 XM shows, you can't understand how they are even the same people

I don't think it was always BS. I remember a couple of early XM shows where Opie left early and it was just Ant, Jim, and some guests. It was usually an absolute trainwreck except for that one time when a music dude started telling a story about trying to fuck an ostrich.

Dude's a 20 year veteran now though. He needs help steering the ship like I need help finishing my beer.

Definitely not. ESD and Dice sold it for me. Quinn was just a bonus.

TACS was 10/10 today. That poor Indian kid with the giant hands.

I believe his name was Handsy Bighands.

Has he released a free best of yet? I'm open to the idea of subscribing for at least a month, but I want to hear one first. The test broadcasts don't count.

Also, how does it translate strictly through audio? There is zero chance I'm going to be able to watch it with my schedule.

I've read on here that he is going to do a Friday best of. I listened to just the audio and it was like listening to the old show. Although the video makes it ten times funnier. http://i.imgur.com/ADMSZ5P.jpg http://i.imgur.com/VDEUfOu.jpg

The shows aren't really competing, so I'm not sure why one has to be better than the other.

But don't you see? In the racism addled minds of Ant's Stormfront Faithful, everything is a competition!

I hope Anthony has more than 1 comic/guest on at the same time soon and regularly. My favourite thing about O&A was when they would have 2 or more comedians/guests on at the same time and just shoot the shit, bash each other etc. Having Colin on is great, and the Dice interview was tremendous, but it's a different atmosphere than when 2 or more comics are on at the same time.

Hopefully Anthony incorporates that into a regular part of his show.

I have professional experience in this kind of thing and I can tell you that it's going to be nearly impossible for him to pull that off - he'd be better off in like Indianapolis in terms of booking guests. Getting to his place and back from NYC is a two hour (at least) proposition and for anyone in town on a touring schedule it just isn't going to happen.

Totally agree. The show is alright but Ant doing Dice impressions to Dice's face with nobody else there was pretty awkward. Ant excels in making Jimmy and other comics laugh, and that's what I want to hear more of. That and ESD. Lots of ESD.


The show this week was solid, it got better and better and this week really hit its stride. TACS and the rich vos interview on the Joe Rogan show really filled the O&A void for me this week.

Can't you just contribute to one of the 1, 054 threads on this subject already?

No, but you're a total cunt. Anyone want to dispute that?

Neither of them is getting my money.

I don't care. I really really don't. I get O&J through Sirius in my car without any extra work and I enjoy it.

Keep your TACS, I don't care if its better or worse. This whole comparison thing is a bore.


I'm not talking shit. This is dumb. I don't care about Anthony's show. If I did, I would care about it in Anthony's subreddit.

Hating on O&J is nothing but a big circlejerk. I wish we had a little moderation in this subreddit to remove this garbage from it.

I wish we had a little moderation in this subreddit to remove this garbage from it.

You realize you're not being forced to open the negative threads, right? Plus, I think it's fair to say the mods might dislike Opie as well, so they may not mind it.

oandj? I believe that sub is at /r/opieandjimmyshow or sumptin. Feel free to make your voice heard there.

I wish we had a little moderation in this subreddit to remove this garbage from it.

Why dont you remove yourself? What gave you the idea that Opie fans get to take over the opie and anthony sub now?

Why dont you remove yourself? What gave you the idea that Opie fans get to take over the opie and anthony sub now?

Hello little child. I thought you were trying to recruit new members to your new little subreddit. Remember how happy you all were when you saw a spike in membership? Remember how you said that you didn't want to annoy anyone here with your spam? What happened to that? You changed your tune really quickly, didn't you? This isn't going to get you any new friends.

This subreddit is about the Opie and Anthony show which was renamed to Opie with Jimmy after Anthony got fired.

This happened back in early July if you forgot.

fuck off. Who renamed it? it was sxm. So go start /r/siriusxmtalk if you are so inclined

Some of the /r/theanthonycumiashow creeps are feeling the loneliness and boredom of their sub and are trying to drag more people over there from here. Unfortunately for them, most of the people here who are going to subscribe the Anthony's show already have, so they wind up posting useless off-topic spam here. They are trying to milk a cow that's gone dry, and then blame the cow.

/u/ricardo_von_nicht is especially guilty of this:


especially guilty of this

haha holy shit. settledown princess. You are taking all this too serious


You are such a goddamn cunt.

Two things:

  1. How would most people be able to compare them unless they watch pirated copies?
  2. "Only problem is that its a fine line between posting the link on the OandA sub often, and it becoming annoying. I really dont want to turn anybody off of the show before they had a chance to check it out." Admit it man, you're lonely in /r/theanthonycumiashow. But that's because Anthony thinks his content is worth so much that he can charge a subscription fee for it. Most people don't want to get roped into an automatic monthly charge, no matter how little it is. Get used to the fact that he will never have a large audience, that almost everyone who wants to pay for it has already signed up, and that you will always be lonely.

lol. Nobody posted the link to that sub. I especially wont because people are free to choose. BUT as a fan of the old show, and now a fan of the new show, its fun to compare. Stop stirring shit.

Edit: and pirate copies if you can find them. no one is stopping you. You are just a dick for doing it.

Nobody posted the link to that sub.

You've been doing nothing but spamming this place for the past week. The mods here had to delete your posts with all that skank's titty pics that you repeatedly tried to post here. You think I forgot about that? I was offered a mod position here several months ago, which I turned down. If I had taken that position I'd have deleted your shit posts too.

Today you were plotting how much you could get away with before we got annoyed by you. Now here you are talking shit.

As long as it still says Anthony in this bitter grief hole of a subreddit's title, this guy can post whatever Ant stuff he fucking wants.

Change it to Spuds Buckley & Norton, until then you can sit down and shut the fuck up. "Two things", look at the cunt making lists.

If anyone seriously considered putting you in a position of authority, they need their fucking heads examined. After this fucking petulant outburst, whoever offered it you, now sees they dodged a bullet. You fucking stink.

Oh, technically you can do such-and-such! Well thank goodness you're around to explain the rules to me Rupert. Nice internet law degree you got there buddy. Do you have a clip-on tie that you wear when you post bullshit like that? If you think I'm an ass for agreeing with the mods then I'd say the problem rests with you.

And speaking of petulant cunts, maybe you can explain to me (since you're so eager to) why OP would at first tell /r/theanthonycuniashow that he was concerned about annoying people here and then turn around and post a childish "we're better than you" type of troll here (not to mention his other spam). Is he mentally ill? Does he represent ACS fans? You know damn well what I said about him is true. Rather than telling me about your take on the technicalities of who can post what here like an ass, why don't you keep an eye on your children and scold them when they try to stir shit and spam this place?

That's easily the worst fucking reply I've seen posted here. You should be fucking embarrassed.

A snivelling beta weakling trying way, way too hard to hide it. And failing badly. Bystanders don't know where to look to hide their discomfort.

It doesn't flow. It reads exactly as artificial and labored as it is. Unnatural. Awkward. We can see the moving parts, the wafer-thin pretence of you trying to sound confident and tough. You are not, you're a fucking mile out of your depth.

An obsequious timid snivelling cunt with a fetish for authority. Obsessed with mods for two successive posts cos you want a daddy figure. A small weak-chinned zero who has to believe in badges and uniforms, cos without them he is rightly ignored.

You were bullied as a child for good reason. What you just posted shows why. You deal with it in private, don't inflict your tedious neurosis on us. Cunt.

You're completely out of your mind. You haven't rebutted a thing I said, and it sure took you a lot of words to not do it. Do you write just in order to admire it yourself?

And who is this "us" that you refer to? This post has been downvoted into oblivion. Why do you refuse to take a hint from that? So rather than invoke your imaginary friends or sling wild ad hominems, why don't you address my accusations?

Stop crying mod-boy.

You are bought and paid for. I own you now.

Have you gotten your free cock-sucking bib with the Cumia show logo on it yet? You've earned it.

More weak phrasing that continues to out you as the timid actor you are.

You can't help yourself.

You really are nuts. But go ahead and have the last word. I know how much you want it.

Where'd that list-making, angry mod-wannabe go ... the guy with the cool lines like "clip-on tie"?

What a fucking joke. This back and forth has been one tedious disappointment after another. Story of your life?

Last word ... weakling.


Confirming what was already apparent. A guy so weak, he can't even play the "last word routine" properly.

If you try that routine, and get called, the strong move is to take it ... the weak move is to answer back and completely undo what you were feebly attempting in the first place.

D'you now see what I mean about all the moving parts being so obvious, inauthentic and predictable. You're aping how you've seen other people talk, but don't know how to do it properly, or how to make it work. Or look convincing.

It's a facade for a weak boy to hide behind. You need toughening up.


So when you tried the last word routine, you thought that would what? Expose weakness? Last word freak as insult.

And now you find yourself stuck, can't back down now, doing the last word thing.

That's a two-time fucking loser. Can't spring the trap on his opponent, and then fucking steps in it himself. What a fucking disgrace. You need to be ashamed of yourself mod-boy. Bullied.

As I said, bought and paid for, owned ... now you're actually reduced to scrolling thru posting histories. The signature move for only the weakest, the most pathetic. Do you not know how bad that makes you look, the imagery, you defeated, looking for something, anything. All out of ideas.

Do you see how easily I moved you off that last word thing. How utterly effortless it was to push and pull you around. You're on a fucking string.

It keeps piling on for you. You can't help yourself. Given any free choice you unfailingly do the wrong move. Beta zero, pushed around for fun and clearly can't get out from under it.

That weak fake inauthentic tone of voice, that snivelling sneaking around behaviour, that submissive appeal to authority: bully fodder, and rightly so.


Yes you did.

See, this is what happens to fakes ... they always run out of gas. They make a show of it for two replies, then after that, the wheels fall off and badly. Your lack of performance here today has been a fucking disgrace.

Nothing you try works. So now you have to pretend you didn't read it so don't have to respond. Because you can't.

Every fucking move from you has been telegraphed an hour in advance and they've all been basic and weak. First reply in, I called it, you stink. You just keep proving it. Fuck off fake.


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Nobody posted the link to that sub.

You've been doing nothing but spamming this place for the past week. The mods here had to delete your posts with all that skank's titty pics that you repeatedly tried to post here. You think I forgot about that? I was offered a mod position here several months ago, which I turned down. If I had taken that position I'd have deleted your shit posts too.

Today you were plotting how much you could get away with before we got annoyed by you. Now here you are talking shit.